
#rdo: RDO meeting (2016-02-03)

Meeting started by jpena at 15:00:38 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (jpena, 15:01:04)
  2. Packaging Delorean (jpena, 15:04:08)
    1. AGREED: The first Delorean release will be 0.1 (jpena, 15:06:33)
    2. ACTION: jpena to make sure python-sh is bumped to 1.11 and it includes Derek's patch (jpena, 15:13:25)
    3. Derek's sh patch == https://github.com/amoffat/sh/pull/237 (apevec, 15:13:55)

  3. Migrate the f22 Delorean worker to f23 (jpena, 15:22:06)
    1. (jpena, 15:22:50)

  4. Cleanup trello (jpena, 15:44:41)
    1. ACTION: apevec to join RDO trello pruning (apevec, 15:46:36)

  5. kilo 2015.1.3 rebase (jpena, 15:49:52)
    1. ACTION: apevec send call-for-testing 2015.1.3 on rdo-list (apevec, 15:50:55)

  6. open floor (apevec, 15:59:06)

Meeting ended at 16:02:25 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jpena to make sure python-sh is bumped to 1.11 and it includes Derek's patch
  2. apevec to join RDO trello pruning
  3. apevec send call-for-testing 2015.1.3 on rdo-list

Action items, by person

  1. apevec
    1. apevec to join RDO trello pruning
    2. apevec send call-for-testing 2015.1.3 on rdo-list
  2. jpena
    1. jpena to make sure python-sh is bumped to 1.11 and it includes Derek's patch

People present (lines said)

  1. apevec (108)
  2. jpena (56)
  3. flepied (15)
  4. trown (14)
  5. mrunge (12)
  6. zodbot (12)
  7. number80 (10)
  8. EmilienM (9)
  9. chandankumar (5)
  10. dmsimard (2)
  11. cdearborn (1)
  12. elmiko (1)
  13. imcsk8 (1)
  14. NelsonPR (1)
  15. jschlueter (1)
  16. mflobo (1)

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