ACTION: Emmanuel Seyman will post on redit forum, Fedora general user on Discussion, Fedora Devel on Discussion and the corresponding mailing lists about the next 2 weeks to participate (, 18:29:10)
AGREED: mowest akes over the conduct and organization of the data analysis. Support from Gwmngilfen, Emmanuel, pboy. and anyone who is interested (, 18:31:48)
ACTION: pboy will ping Abbra and the freeIPA / localKDC people to advice and help us to integrate the right thing into Fedora Server. (, 18:51:17)
Meeting ended at 19:22:20 UTC
Action items
Emmanuel Seyman will post on redit forum, Fedora general user on Discussion, Fedora Devel on Discussion and the corresponding mailing lists about the next 2 weeks to participate
pboy will ping Abbra and the freeIPA / localKDC people to advice and help us to integrate the right thing into Fedora Server.