ACTION: Robert Wright (he/him) to draft cfp themes by end of week & send to Justin & cc Aoife (, 15:58:03)
ACTION: JWF (he/him) to sign off on Flock 2025 themes (, 15:58:31)
ACTION: @amoloney to try to get the cfp stuff updated in pretalx, and JWF (he/him) will help when, not if, she gets stuck ;p (, 15:59:06)
INFO: ffmancera has investigated the timeline of events on behalf of the council. The council needs to meet again to discuss this in more detail (, 16:00:43)
ACTION: dcantrell will follow up with FESCo on behalf of the council to request their report be sent to the counci; (, 16:03:51)
Meeting ended at 16:10:21 UTC
Action items
@amoloney to send an initial draft of council f2f to council members by end of the week
Robert Wright (he/him) to draft cfp themes by end of week & send to Justin & cc Aoife
JWF (he/him) to sign off on Flock 2025 themes
@amoloney to try to get the cfp stuff updated in pretalx, and JWF (he/him) will help when, not if, she gets stuck ;p
dcantrell will follow up with FESCo on behalf of the council to request their report be sent to the counci;