MINUTES commops

Meeting started by at 14:03:40 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: (1) Intros, welcomes, hellos (, 14:04:14)
  2. INFO: (6) Open floor (, 14:04:14)
  3. INFO: (5) Ticket-driven discussion (, 14:04:14)
  4. INFO: (4) Follow-ups from last meeting (, 14:04:14)
  5. INFO: (3) Initiative Co-Leads updates to the team (, 14:04:14)
  6. TOPIC:Agenda (, 14:04:14)
    1. INFO: (2) Team announcements & news (, 14:04:14)
  7. TOPIC:Intros, welcomes, hellos (, 14:04:21)
    1. INFO: Present: @jflory7, @rwright, @bt0dotninja (, 14:06:08)
    2. INFO: Present: +@jonatoni (, 14:06:38)
    3. INFO: Present: +@roseline-bassey (, 14:07:44)
  8. TOPIC:Team announcements & news (, 14:07:47)
    1. LINK: (, 14:08:24)
    2. INFO: Registration is now open for Flock 2024! If you will attend in-person, please register a ticket ASAP. Registration for the Sunday day trip also closes soon. (, 14:08:24)
    3. INFO: "Fedora Week of Diversity 2024 in Numbers": A recap of Fedora Week of Diversity last month, including some data insights and feedback from attendees. Compiled by tosin_doreen. (, 14:09:31)
    4. LINK: (, 14:09:31)
    5. INFO: Present: +@tosindoreen (, 14:10:38)
    6. LINK: (, 14:11:11)
    7. INFO: "Introducing the Fedora Community Operations Initiative": We’re excited to unveil the Fedora Community Operations initiative, an endeavor to boost community engagement, support everyone with more events and contribution points, and build on our amazing culture. (, 14:11:11)
    8. LINK: (, 14:12:57)
    9. INFO: docs: Initialize Community Ops 2.0 docs (, 14:12:57)
  9. TOPIC:Initiative Co-Leads updates to the team (, 14:17:11)
    1. INFO: Join us for another Hacking Hour this week on Thursday, July 25th at 15:30 UTC in BigBlueButton. (, 14:18:17)
    2. LINK: (, 14:18:48)
  10. TOPIC:Follow-ups from last meeting (, 14:19:02)
    1. LINK: (, 14:19:33)
    2. INFO: === Robert Wright (he/him) to make sure Gwmngilfen has edit to the GitLab repos and figure out why or why not community can contribute === (, 14:19:57)
    3. ACTION: @rwright Work with @Gwmngilfen to confirm GitLab access to the CommOps repos (, 14:21:49)
    4. INFO: [COMPLETE] === Robert Wright (he/him) to make sure FedoCal has the [hackfest] invite and to send out Invite info to main room once he finds the GMeet info === (, 14:22:15)
    5. INFO: [COMPLETE] === Robert Wright (he/him) to help Adrian Edwards merge into CommOps/Home with approvals === (, 14:22:33)
    6. INFO: === Robert Wright (he/him) to add a Community Plz Test ticket for Parquet === (, 14:22:49)
    7. ACTION: @rwright Add a Community Plz Test ticket for Parquet (, 14:23:38)
    8. INFO: Present: +@moralcode (, 14:24:00)
  11. TOPIC:Ticket-driven discussion (, 14:24:14)
    1. LINK: (, 14:24:24)
  12. TOPIC:#28: "2024 Initiative Output - Community Social Analytics: Dashboard Solution" (, 14:25:30)
    1. LINK: (, 14:25:34)
    2. LINK: (, 14:27:17)
    3. INFO: Robert is exploring other tools that could fit into our CommOps metrics toolbox. He found a Django SQL Explorer module which could easily fit into the existing Fedora Infra environment and also matches up with the Python experience we already have in the community. (, 14:28:25)
    4. ACTION: @rwright Present a demo of Django SQL Explorer in Thursday CommOps hacking hour (, 14:28:43)
    5. HALP: Still exploring how to do OIDC with FAS groups, but progress is happening. More to come in Thursday's demo. (, 14:29:54)
    6. LINK: (, 14:32:07)
  13. TOPIC:#45: "Count # of unique FAS usernames that appeared in the message bus from 2023-08-08 to 2024-04-23" (, 14:32:07)
    1. HALP: This involves digging into the Fedora message bus stack. I don't know if this can be done with Datagrepper alone. We want to run a query that looks at all the message bus activities from 2023-08-08 to 2024-04-23 and counts the number of unique FAS usernames that appear on the bus in that date range. (, 14:33:08)
    2. INFO: Adrian Edwards could spend time on this after Flock if someone else does not volunteer for this task before then. (, 14:44:17)
    3. LINK: (, 14:45:18)
  14. TOPIC:#47: "Fix warnings in Antora docs build logs" (, 14:45:18)
    1. LINK: (, 14:45:49)
    2. HALP: This is a great task for a new contributor to work on. (, 14:50:47)
  15. TOPIC:Open floor (, 14:50:52)
    1. INFO: Adrian Edwards is working on an updated version of the Flock website. It is making its way to staging now. Feedback will be welcome once it is published in staging! (, 14:52:10)

Meeting ended at 14:56:46 UTC

Action items

  1. @rwright Work with @Gwmngilfen to confirm GitLab access to the CommOps repos
  2. @rwright Add a Community Plz Test ticket for Parquet
  3. @rwright Present a demo of Django SQL Explorer in Thursday CommOps hacking hour

People present (lines said)

  1. (163)
  2. (28)
  3. (18)
  4. (11)
  5. (10)
  6. (3)
  7. (2)
  8. (1)
  9. (1)