
#meeting:fedoraproject.org: fesco

Meeting started by @zbyszek:fedora.im at 19:01:45 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. TOPIC:Init Process (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:02:23)
  2. TOPIC:#3203 Change: Replace Redis with Valkey (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:07:14)
    1. AGREED: approved (+8, 0, 0) (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:13:40)
  3. TOPIC:Next week's chair (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:15:13)
    1. ACTION: zbyszek will chair next meeting (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:16:57)
    2. ACTION: jednorozec will chair the next meeting (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:17:18)
    3. ACTION: Josh Stone will chair the meeting after that (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:17:33)
  4. TOPIC:Open Floor (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:17:48)
    1. ACTION: $somebody to do another whenisgood poll for the meeting time (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:19:59)
    2. ACTION: Conan Kudo to do another whenisgood poll for meeting time (@zbyszek:fedora.im, 19:20:36)

Meeting ended at 19:20:48 UTC

Action items

  1. zbyszek will chair next meeting
  2. jednorozec will chair the next meeting
  3. Josh Stone will chair the meeting after that
  4. $somebody to do another whenisgood poll for the meeting time
  5. Conan Kudo to do another whenisgood poll for meeting time

People present (lines said)

  1. @zbyszek:fedora.im (34)
  2. @zodbot:fedora.im (15)
  3. @jonathanspw:fedora.im (9)
  4. @conan_kudo:matrix.org (8)
  5. @salimma:fedora.im (7)
  6. @jistone:fedora.im (4)
  7. @nirik:matrix.scrye.com (3)
  8. @meetbot:fedora.im (3)
  9. @linux_mclinuxface:matrix.org (3)
  10. @humaton:fedora.im (3)
  11. @dcantrell:fedora.im (3)
  12. @reconditerose:matrix.org (1)
  13. @tstellar:fedora.im (1)
  14. @blackwell:fedora.im (1)