
#meeting:fedoraproject.org: Fedora Council

Meeting started by @jflory7:fedora.im at 14:01:30 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: Council quorum: @amoloney, @jflory7, @t0xic0der, @ffmancera, @rwright, @mattdm (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:05:07)
  2. TOPIC:Announcements (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:08:59)
    1. INFO: Flock CFP is open until 21 April. Don't delay, submit today! (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:09:08)
    2. LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-2023-cfp-open-now-until-20-june/ (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:09:29)
    3. HALP: We need to propose a Council town hall session. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:09:45)
    4. INFO: We applied to Google Season of Docs! They will announce the accepted organizations today 18:00 UTC (@ffmancera:fedora.im, 14:10:25)
    5. INFO: Strategy 2028 overview post is posted https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-strategy-2028-april-2024-update/112411/ (@mattdm:fedora.im, 14:11:00)
    6. INFO: Our writing outputs are slowly rolling out on the Community Blog. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:11:09)
    7. LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/tag/council-hackfest-2024/ (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:11:11)
  3. TOPIC:Git Forge Evaluation check in (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:13:41)
    1. INFO: (approx summary) The council have published their discussion and decision to not support Pagure as the projects git forge and will be investigating two possible replacements via the Community Platform Engineering teams investigative team and the wider fedora community (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:14:19)
    2. INFO: Next steps (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:14:37)
    3. LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/a-vote-in-favor-of-forgejo/112059/1 (@t0xic0der:fedora.im, 14:16:04)
    4. ACTION: @amoloney to add top-level requirements set to both the ticket in the tracker and reply to the discussion post with a split or side topic (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:24:31)
    5. ACTION: Council members please review and ack the requirements set in the ticket before Friday, 12th April 2024 (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:25:14)
  4. TOPIC:Fedora Strategy and Logic Model check in (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:26:18)
    1. INFO: the updated version of the Fedora Strategy is scheduled to be published this week and there are lines in the logic model that still require council input (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:26:57)
    2. LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/strategy-2028-april-2024-update/ (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:28:12)
    3. ACTION: @amoloney to send out a when is good thing to council members and schedule a working call based off majority results (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:34:53)
    4. ACTION: @amoloney to schedule the call with prepared agenda and objectives in advance (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:35:34)
    5. INFO: Summary of Fedora Strategy & Logic Model: The Fedora Strategy update has now been published to the community blog. A working call with the entire council is now required to finalise the logic model, collapsing grouped areas together and identifying executive sponsors or drivers of each area, and flesh out initial action items or next steps for each to engage the wider community. This working call is expected to be scheduled before the end of April (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:38:28)
  5. TOPIC:Bugdet (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:38:37)
    1. LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-council-tickets-ticket-487-budget-request-price-increase-for-hosted-matrix-chat-fp-o-by-element-matrix-services-ems/111759 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:39:59)
    2. ACTION: @mattdm Add thoughts on Fedora becoming a Matrix Foundation Silver member into the #487 Discussion topic (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:51:55)
    3. AGREED: Pay the ~$3k today to get us 700 users (from 500) from EMS until August 2024. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:53:01)
    4. AGREED: Start a conversation with Red Hat OSPO and Red Hat CPE about the prospect of hosting the Fedora Matrix homeserver. Investigate the people capacity needed to run and reliably host it. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:53:08)
    5. AGREED: Continue offering hosted Matrix accounts in the self-hosted option. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:53:14)
    6. AGREED: Cancel our EMS contract in August. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:53:16)
  6. TOPIC:Open Floor (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:53:41)

Meeting ended at 14:58:23 UTC

Action items

  1. @amoloney to add top-level requirements set to both the ticket in the tracker and reply to the discussion post with a split or side topic
  2. Council members please review and ack the requirements set in the ticket before Friday, 12th April 2024
  3. @amoloney to send out a when is good thing to council members and schedule a working call based off majority results
  4. @amoloney to schedule the call with prepared agenda and objectives in advance
  5. @mattdm Add thoughts on Fedora becoming a Matrix Foundation Silver member into the #487 Discussion topic

People present (lines said)

  1. @jflory7:fedora.im (102)
  2. @amoloney:fedora.im (58)
  3. @mattdm:fedora.im (47)
  4. @t0xic0der:fedora.im (21)
  5. @zodbot:fedora.im (15)
  6. @ffmancera:fedora.im (11)
  7. @meetbot:fedora.im (2)
  8. @conan_kudo:matrix.org (1)
  9. @brian:tiuxo.com (1)
  10. @jonatoni:fedora.im (1)
  11. @farribeiro:matrix.org (1)
  12. @rwright:fedora.im (1)