MINUTES Community Blog editor roundtable

Meeting started by at 12:32:06 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. TOPIC:Agenda (, 12:32:27)
    1. INFO: Review pending queue of Community Blog articles and assign pending posts to an editor. (, 12:33:07)
    2. INFO: Determine a weekly publishing schedule. (, 12:33:09)
    3. INFO: Q&A for authors about their post. (, 12:33:12)
    4. INFO: Administrative decisions to content, organization, and strategy. (, 12:33:14)
    5. INFO: Guidance on becoming a Community Blog editor. (, 12:33:17)
  2. TOPIC:Review pending queue of Community Blog articles and assign pending posts to an editor. (, 12:34:38)
    1. LINK: (, 12:35:03)
    2. LINK: (, 12:35:56)
    3. LINK: (, 12:38:18)
    4. AGREED: CPE Summary 2023: Publish and schedule today on Tue, 27 February (, 12:43:08)
    5. AGREED: Infra & Releng Summary 2023: Publish and schedule on Thu, 29 February (, 12:43:22)
    6. ACTION: Create featured image for the Infra & Releng Summary 2023 post (, 12:43:41)
    7. LINK: (, 12:44:01)
    8. AGREED: Proposal idea is good and the editors would support a draft for publishing on the Community Blog (, 12:45:54)
    9. ACTION: Follow up with msuchy on Fedora Discussion post for SPDX article (, 12:46:21)
    10. LINK: (, 12:46:34)
    11. LINK: (, 12:46:51)
    12. AGREED: Article is a great topic and we want to publish. Some remaining questions for expanding the article with questions about Communishift environment and points of contact for questions (, 12:53:01)
  3. TOPIC:Determine a weekly publishing schedule. (, 12:53:24)
    1. AGREED: Tue, 27 Feb: CPE Summary 2023. Thu, 29 Feb: Infra & Releng Summary 2023. Tue, 5 Mar: Flock 2024 pointer post to Magazine article. Thu, 7 Mar: Communishift is available. (, 12:55:39)

Meeting ended at 12:56:59 UTC

Action items

  1. Create featured image for the Infra & Releng Summary 2023 post
  2. Follow up with msuchy on Fedora Discussion post for SPDX article

People present (lines said)

  1. (82)
  2. (23)
  3. (2)
  4. (1)