
#meeting-2:fedoraproject.org: fedora-ai-ml

Meeting started by @tflink:fedora.im at 17:31:59 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: today's agenda (living document): https://board.net/p/fedora-aiml-sig-meeting-agenda (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:33:12)
  2. TOPIC:F42 Planning (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:33:44)
    1. INFO: F42 mass rebuild starts on 2025-01-15 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:35:58)
    2. INFO: F42 branch is 2025-02-04 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:36:07)
    3. INFO: ROCm 6.3 is planned for F42 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:37:16)
    4. INFO: F42 pytorch release is as of yet unknown (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:40:58)
    5. INFO: ollama is possible for F42 but not yet sure if that work will be finished in time (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:45:54)
    6. INFO: trix will be writing up the F42 change proposal for ROCm (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:51:54)
  3. TOPIC:rocm and llvm18 (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:53:42)
    1. ACTION: tflink to submit ticket to FESCo about bundling llvm for ROCm (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:02:46)
  4. TOPIC:HW Testing (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:05:48)
    1. INFO: there is a proposal to start using testing farm for Fedora ai-ml testing (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:22:49)
    2. INFO: due to lack of time in this meeting, we will discuss solutions in another venue and leave the discussion to what is needed in this meeting (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:25:41)
  5. TOPIC:ai-ml HW testing needs (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:25:54)
    1. INFO: there is a huge gap between what we're currently building and what sees regular testing (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:26:15)
    2. INFO: the level of manual testing we currently have is not sustainable and should be automated if at all possible (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:26:48)
    3. ACTION: tflink to start conversation on discourse about testing desires and requirements (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:36:14)
  6. TOPIC:open floor (@tflink:fedora.im, 18:37:14)

Meeting ended at 18:38:35 UTC

Action items

  1. tflink to submit ticket to FESCo about bundling llvm for ROCm
  2. tflink to start conversation on discourse about testing desires and requirements

People present (lines said)

  1. @tflink:fedora.im (94)
  2. @man2dev:fedora.im (51)
  3. @trix:fedora.im (50)
  4. @mystro256:fedora.im (14)
  5. @zodbot:fedora.im (3)
  6. @meetbot:fedora.im (2)