15:00:45 <kkeithley> #startmeeting Gluster community weekly meeting 15:00:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 12 15:00:45 2017 UTC. The chair is kkeithley. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'gluster_community_weekly_meeting' 15:00:45 <kshlm> Cool! 15:01:08 <kkeithley> I was scheduled to run it two weeks ago, but nobody showed up :-( 15:01:19 <kkeithley> #topic roll call 15:01:27 <kkeithley> who's here? 15:01:34 * kshlm here o/ 15:02:23 * ndevos is here for ~30 minutes 15:03:53 * kkeithley wonders if the later time is the reason for the low turnout 15:04:10 <kshlm> It's the same time here. 15:04:26 <kkeithley> meeting used to be at 12:00 UTC 15:04:28 <ndevos> its 1 hour later for me with DST 15:04:50 <ndevos> yes, 12:00 UTC might fit people in India better 15:04:53 <kkeithley> yes, it's an hour later for me as well. But it's 10:30pm in BLR 15:05:07 <kshlm> 8.30 actually. 15:05:16 * shyam is here 15:05:33 <kkeithley> well, we'll start with what we have, maybe more will join 15:05:59 <kkeithley> #topic next meeting's host 15:06:52 <kshlm> I'll take it up. 15:07:00 <kkeithley> thanks 15:07:07 <JoeJulian> o/ 15:07:21 <kkeithley> #info kshlm will host in two weeks 15:07:26 <kkeithley> hi JoeJulian 15:07:45 <JoeJulian> A little late, but just got on the bus. :D 15:07:56 <kkeithley> #topic old pending reviews 15:08:08 <kkeithley> nigelb might be lurking 15:08:31 <kkeithley> I haven't seen any action on this. Anyone know? 15:09:01 <ndevos> not sure, but misc replied on irc the ohter week that he still needs time to correct some of his reviews 15:09:13 <ndevos> iirc this was about coverity fixes 15:09:49 <kkeithley> yes, he and nigelb have been dabbling in coverity fixes lately, but I don't think even their patches are 90+ days old 15:09:51 <ndevos> oh, maybe not, mybe it wa about reviews age > 90days? 15:10:08 <JoeJulian> +1 15:10:10 <kkeithley> this was more about abandoning some of the really old fixes 15:10:40 <kkeithley> old fixes piling up in gerrit 15:11:00 <shyam> +1 from me, responded as such to the mail as well 15:11:05 <ndevos> could be, add an AI for nigel? 15:11:14 <kkeithley> ;-) since he's not here 15:11:16 <ndevos> shyam: link? 15:11:36 <kkeithley> #action nigelb to start deleting old patches in gerrit 15:12:18 <kkeithley> #topic snapshot on btrfs 15:13:09 <kkeithley> I saw some posts from major in #gluster-dev on this. Sounds like progress is happening, but since he's not here..... 15:13:18 <JoeJulian> He's got it working. 15:13:36 <ndevos> there is a github issue about it too 15:13:48 <kkeithley> right 15:13:48 <kkeithley> right 15:13:49 <kkeithley> right 15:14:08 * ndevos his internet is wonky, github does not resolve?! 15:14:20 <shyam> ndevos: my response, http://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2017-March/052432.html 15:14:22 <kkeithley> ah, laggy connection 15:14:30 <shyam> ndevos: nigelb mail, http://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2017-March/052336.html 15:15:08 <kkeithley> Anyone know, is he going to post any patches? 15:15:27 <JoeJulian> I can ask him about that tonight. He's coming to my meetup. 15:15:40 <kkeithley> excellent 15:16:00 <kkeithley> #info JoeJulian will check with major on status of snapshot-on-btrfs 15:16:21 <kkeithley> moving along 15:16:28 <kkeithley> #topic AIs from last meeting 15:16:33 <ndevos> part of it was discussed in https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues/145 15:17:06 <kkeithley> #topic jdarcy and nigelb to make reverts easier 15:17:18 <kkeithley> leaving open for next meeting 15:17:29 <kkeithley> #topic nigelb will document packaging 15:19:24 <JoeJulian> Will that include the launchpad ppa? (I hope) 15:19:55 <kshlm> It's basically what ever kkeithley does, so yes. 15:20:10 <kshlm> Launchpad will be included. 15:20:22 <JoeJulian> excellent 15:20:33 <ndevos> any idea about the CentOS Storage SIG? I dont think I spoke to nigel about that... 15:20:52 <ndevos> or, at least *very* little was brought up 15:21:54 <kshlm> ndevos, That would be included too. 15:22:07 <ndevos> nice! 15:22:30 <kshlm> I had added this AI the week that kkeithley was on vacation and no one was around to build the pacakges. So kkeithley's name was mentioned specifically. 15:23:13 <ndevos> sure, I guess we'll wait until nigel posts a link to his documents 15:23:45 <kshlm> kkeithley, Has this actually happened? 15:24:21 <ndevos> I would expect communication on the packaging@gluster.org list, and I do not remember seeing anything about it 15:24:27 <JoeJulian> I wonder if his laggy connection has resolved into a lack of connection. 15:24:35 <kkeithley> my internet is being flaky 15:24:54 <kkeithley> yes, that will include Launchpad PPA 15:26:13 <kkeithley> more than documenting, it's about taking over and automating it. 15:27:48 * kkeithley wonders if anyone is receiving my posts 15:27:58 <kkeithley> let's move on 15:28:04 * shyam is all ears ;) 15:28:06 <ndevos> 17:26 <@kkeithley> more than documenting... 15:28:21 <ndevos> ^ was the last we (or I) got from you 15:29:10 <ndevos> the botbot.me channel logging isnt active here :-/ 15:29:25 <kkeithley> #topic shyam backport whine job and feetback 15:29:29 <kkeithley> feedback 15:29:49 <shyam> Done: master: https://review.gluster.org/17004 3.10: https://review.gluster.org/17030 3.8 merge pending 15:30:04 <kkeithley> that was easy 15:30:07 <shyam> Hopefully the nag is not too irritating ;) 15:30:32 <kkeithley> nigelb's part done too? 15:30:45 <shyam> nope, that is pending on nigelb 15:30:58 <kkeithley> okay 15:31:10 <shyam> But the path is clear, and the bug is raised etc... so I guess we can remove that as an AI (unless...) 15:31:27 <kkeithley> #topic amye and vbellur to work on revised maintainers' draft? 15:31:45 <kkeithley> Is amye lurking? 15:31:48 <amye> I am 15:31:50 <ndevos> I did not see an email about that yet? 15:31:52 <amye> I'm only on like 3 calls 15:32:01 <amye> There's an email in maintainers and -devel but I need to update it 15:32:12 <amye> I think the conversation is that we'll implement this with 3.12 15:32:26 <kkeithley> shall I remove the AI then? 15:32:31 <amye> Watch for updated draft today. 15:32:34 <shyam> yes ^^^ 3.12 is when we implement, possibly roll out early May in preparation for that 15:32:39 <amye> Yep, it's underway. 15:32:47 <kkeithley> good 15:32:51 <kkeithley> last AI 15:33:13 <kkeithley> #topic rafi will start discussion of abandoning old reviews in gerrit 15:33:22 <JoeJulian> ndevos: I've requested botbot.me to this channel. 15:33:25 <kkeithley> anyone see that happen? 15:33:34 <shyam> The last action sounds very silimar to nigelb mail, http://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2017-March/052336.html 15:33:35 <ndevos> JoeJulian++ thanks 15:33:38 <zodbot> ndevos: Karma for jjulian changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:33:40 <shyam> not sure what is different 15:33:50 <ndevos> its nigelb vs rafi 15:34:12 <shyam> :) yup, so that is then done! 15:34:24 <kkeithley> and I can remove that as well then 15:34:31 <shyam> I think so 15:34:46 <JoeJulian> My assumption would be that nigelb would be systems process where rafi would be developer process. 15:35:01 <kkeithley> I think that brings us to the end of the normal topics. Is there anything we should discuss about releases? 15:35:30 <shyam> 3.11 feature nag to go out today :) 15:35:47 <shyam> 3.12 and 4.0 scope and dates to be out by end of the week 15:35:49 <kkeithley> #info shyam will send a 3.11 feature nag 15:36:03 <kkeithley> #info 3.12 and 4.0 scope and dates to be out by end of the week 15:36:14 <shyam> scope as in, desired scope :) just sayin! 15:36:17 <JoeJulian> Everyone post to social media about my Software Defined Storage meetup tomorrow: https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Storage-Meetup/events/238684916/ 15:36:36 <kkeithley> #info Software Defined Storage meetup tomorrow: https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Storage-Meetup/events/238684916/ 15:37:01 <kkeithley> Sounds like something for the twitter feed 15:37:52 <kkeithley> amye: ^^^ 15:38:13 <ndevos> JoeJulian: https://twitter.com/nixpanic/status/852183992963039232 :D 15:38:18 <kkeithley> Put (even minor) interesting topics/updates on https://bit.ly/gluster-community-meetings 15:39:27 <amye> This also went out in the community newsletter. ;) 15:39:42 <JoeJulian> +1 15:39:52 <JoeJulian> amye++ 15:39:52 <zodbot> JoeJulian: Karma for amye changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:40:15 <kkeithley> Any Infra/Samba/Ganesha/Container/Testing updates? I don't see any of the usual suspects (excepting me) here 15:40:29 <kkeithley> and nothing of interest to report on Ganesha 15:40:41 <kkeithley> I'll presume not 15:40:48 <JoeJulian> I need to get involved with the Container stuff. 15:40:55 <JoeJulian> I'm working on K8S now. 15:41:03 <ndevos> arthy might start adding tests for Gluster with NFS-Ganesha in the CentOS CI 15:41:03 <kkeithley> Kubernetes 15:41:15 <JoeJulian> Well, ancillary projects to it anyway. 15:41:49 <kkeithley> cool 15:42:06 <JoeJulian> Who should I ping? 15:42:20 <kkeithley> Humble I think 15:42:28 <JoeJulian> ok 15:42:54 <kkeithley> #topic Open Floor 15:42:57 <kkeithley> anything else? 15:43:22 <kkeithley> no? 15:43:30 <kkeithley> motion to adjourn? 15:43:39 <ndevos> +1 15:43:43 <kkeithley> did I miss anything? 15:43:59 <kkeithley> going once 15:44:05 <JoeJulian> Only a stable internet connection. :D 15:44:11 <kkeithley> lol 15:44:14 <kkeithley> going twice 15:44:27 <kkeithley> three times 15:44:30 <kkeithley> #endmeeting