
#gluster-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by hagarth at 12:01:09 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (hagarth, 12:01:22)
    1. agenda - (hagarth, 12:02:43)

  2. Action items from last meeting (hagarth, 12:02:59)
    1. (raghu, 12:03:38)
    2. ACTION: JustinCl1ft to hold a discussion on alternate weekly meeting times in Barcelona (hagarth, 12:12:14)
    3. ACTION: tigert will announce and include the rss urls too (ndevos, 12:20:33)
    4. has our documentation linked now btw (tigert, 12:21:10)

  3. Gluster 3.7 (hagarth, 12:24:28)
    1. lists *many* bugs still in POST :-/ (ndevos, 12:28:45)

  4. Gluster 3.6 (hagarth, 12:47:06)
    1. ACTION: raghu to release 3.6.4beta1 this week (hagarth, 12:49:11)

  5. Gluster 3.5 (hagarth, 12:49:22)
  6. Gluster 4.0 (hagarth, 12:51:01)
  7. Open Floor (hagarth, 12:54:42)
    1. (hchiramm, 13:03:20)
    2. (spot, 13:04:57)

Meeting ended at 13:27:40 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. JustinCl1ft to hold a discussion on alternate weekly meeting times in Barcelona
  2. tigert will announce and include the rss urls too
  3. raghu to release 3.6.4beta1 this week

Action items, by person

  1. JustinCl1ft
    1. JustinCl1ft to hold a discussion on alternate weekly meeting times in Barcelona
  2. raghu
    1. raghu to release 3.6.4beta1 this week
  3. tigert
    1. tigert will announce and include the rss urls too

People present (lines said)

  1. hagarth (185)
  2. JustinCl1ft (82)
  3. ndevos (64)
  4. jdarcy (31)
  5. kshlm (27)
  6. kkeithley (22)
  7. krishnan_p (17)
  8. hchiramm (12)
  9. bene2 (10)
  10. raghu (8)
  11. tigert (8)
  12. spot (7)
  13. overclk (5)
  14. soumya (5)
  15. msvbhat (3)
  16. zodbot (2)
  17. Nagaprasad (2)
  18. Joe_f (2)
  19. kkeithley1 (1)
  20. partner (1)
  21. jimjag (1)
  22. aravindavk (1)

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