11:59:37 <kkeithley_> #startmeeting
11:59:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 18 11:59:37 2015 UTC.  The chair is kkeithley_. Information about MeetBot at
11:59:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:00:17 <kkeithley_> #info meeting agenda at
12:01:07 <kkeithley_> we'll wait a couple minutes for people to join
12:01:14 <kkeithley_> meeting agenda at
12:02:01 <kkeithley_> okay, let's get started
12:02:07 <kkeithley_> #topic Roll Call
12:02:09 <kkeithley_> who is here?
12:02:13 * tigert is here
12:02:14 * jimjag is here
12:03:03 <kkeithley_> hmmm
12:03:22 <tigert> a bit quiet today
12:03:24 <jimjag> wow
12:03:27 <kkeithley_> indeed.
12:03:32 <jimjag> *this* will be fast
12:03:38 <kkeithley_> hagarth is in another meeting, joining later
12:03:48 * raghu is here
12:03:54 <kkeithley_> ndevos is off getting his visa
12:04:16 <kkeithley_> jdarcy, hchirram, lalatenduM, anyone else?
12:04:45 <kkeithley_> okay, well, let's move along. We'll circle back if anyone else joins
12:04:55 <kkeithley_> #topic Action Items
12:05:07 <kkeithley_> tigert, blog post dupes?
12:05:09 * spot is here
12:05:52 <kkeithley_> apologies if these are dupes from last weeks meeting.
12:06:00 <kkeithley_> tigert?
12:06:36 <kkeithley_> okay, we'll come back to that
12:06:55 <tigert> yes?
12:07:00 <tigert> oh yeah
12:07:03 <kkeithley_> blog post dupes?
12:07:23 <tigert> have not really any more clue, didnt have time to look into it further
12:07:39 <tigert> and scared to touch it since its wired to post stuff on facebook/twitter automatically
12:07:42 <jdarcy> Ditto.
12:08:10 <kkeithley_> okay
12:08:39 <kkeithley_> if hchiramm didn't join we don't know about the outcome of packaging
12:09:08 <hchiramm> kkeithley_, some more wider audience is in loop on this discussion
12:09:16 <hchiramm> however there is no final conclusion
12:09:48 <kkeithley_> okay
12:10:24 <kkeithley_> hagarth and pranithk to write feature page for oVirt hyper-convergence.  Has pranithk joined?
12:10:46 <kkeithley_> guess not
12:11:04 <kkeithley_> spot and jimjag, community web site messaging
12:11:39 <jimjag> spot has been traveling so I did not have time to follow up w/ him regarding his status
12:11:58 <jimjag> he and JustinClift have a meeting in ~50 mins about some community stuff
12:12:08 <jimjag> and I'll sync w/ both of them later today
12:12:14 <spot> kkeithley_: can you be a bit more specific there as to what you're referring to?
12:13:09 <kkeithley_> action item form last week: spot to reach out to community about website messaging
12:13:23 * kkeithley_ curses at etherpad
12:13:41 <spot> maybe that is a status report on the website work?
12:13:46 * spot isn't entirely sure
12:14:05 <kkeithley_> maybe. I wasn't in the meeting last week, so I'm flying without a net
12:14:23 <tigert> the item has been there for a while
12:14:29 <jimjag> Looks like the action item was 1st added Jan 28th
12:14:36 <spot> i'll try to figure out what that actually means. :)
12:14:39 <jimjag> not sure if that helps ring a bell or not
12:14:43 <tigert> my view on this is that we should get a plan to connect the community with the website
12:14:54 <tigert> ie what should we have in the site
12:15:13 <tigert> how does the community work? we have this meeting, mailing lists and stuff, but what else is happening?
12:15:19 <kkeithley_> agenda is at  Feel free to annotate with more helpful comments. ;-)
12:15:21 <tigert> and how should that show up in the website?
12:16:10 <tigert> ie, what is happening in the community
12:17:06 <kkeithley_> okay, ready to move on?
12:17:16 <spot> sure.
12:17:24 <kkeithley_> hagarth isn't here to tell us about automated builds
12:17:51 <kkeithley_> ndevos or hchiramm send a reminder about maintainer responsibilities
12:18:25 <kkeithley_> hchiramm?
12:18:37 <kkeithley_> I think it's "not yet"
12:18:42 <hchiramm> kkeithley_, its not yet
12:19:06 <hchiramm> ndevos,is trying to  send it later today ,
12:19:20 <kkeithley_> dropping gluster qemu support in Debian for now
12:20:01 <kkeithley_> JustinClift, jimjag, johnmark: to work on board engagement.  Any status on this?
12:20:38 <jimjag> I have not rec'd the email list yet, but I am working on the board engagement... I am planning to org a f2f before the May timeframe
12:21:39 <jimjag> end-o-status
12:21:40 <kkeithley_> hagarth not here to tell about overlay xlator details
12:21:50 <kkeithley_> jimjag: thaks
12:21:52 <kkeithley_> thanks
12:22:03 <jimjag> :)
12:22:17 <kkeithley_> firemanxbr tgo submit a patch for 3.6.3?  A patch for what?
12:22:51 <kkeithley_> I guess we don't knwo
12:22:53 <kkeithley_> know
12:23:03 <firemanxbr> kkeithley_, I wish create one patch for task: change ip in glusterfs
12:23:38 <kkeithley_> any progress? BZ number?
12:23:46 <jimjag> kkeithley_: "delayed due to Jenkins regression test issues and el5 distro breakage"
12:23:59 <jimjag> ?
12:24:16 <kkeithley_> okay
12:24:25 <firemanxbr> kkeithley_, I don't create :( I don't freetime, my focus in this moment is new Gerrit
12:24:41 <kkeithley_> looks like jdarcy wrote his blog post on server-side replication.
12:24:44 <kkeithley_> firemanxbr: okay
12:24:49 <firemanxbr> kkeithley_, work+university+gluster-infra :)
12:24:55 <jdarcy> Posted the patch, too.
12:24:56 <kkeithley_> understood
12:25:13 <firemanxbr> kkeithley_, I wish post in other new version, thankz for question.
12:25:23 <kkeithley_> kewl
12:25:38 <kkeithley_> tigert new Gluster web presence?
12:25:47 <tigert> so
12:27:11 <tigert> I think the web should reflect what's going in the community
12:27:23 <tigert> and currently I am having a bit hard time to get a grasp of that
12:27:34 <tigert> thus we should really get together in infra list to define this stuff a bit more
12:27:38 <tigert> I cannot really do it alone
12:27:53 <tigert> I tried to write up some ideas on the list but got very little responses
12:28:42 <kkeithley_> Yes, the push to get 3.7 done has got a lot of people tied up.
12:28:47 <tigert> yeah
12:29:19 <tigert> I guess part of the problem is also that we're all working on our stuff fulltime and the community is an extra thing
12:29:32 <tigert> but it would really need to be part of the actual stuff people are doing
12:30:04 <tigert> and not an extra thing, for it to work better, and then we could get together to define the website as well
12:30:24 <tigert> otherwise I can figure out something, but it will not really be a doorway to our community
12:30:39 <tigert> since there is no back-end the site will hook to, so to speak
12:32:08 <kkeithley_> back end as in what, exactly. What do other projects have as a back end?
12:32:31 <tigert> the people who organize things etc
12:32:56 <tigert> people who write docs, organize events, talk with newbies on irc etc
12:33:02 <tigert> would be good to have ideas from them
12:33:26 <kkeithley_> I see. Yes, those would be good to have.
12:33:58 <kkeithley_> Let's circle back at the end. I want to get through the rest of the agenda.
12:34:14 <tigert> yeah
12:34:21 <tigert> agreed
12:34:42 <kkeithley_> dlambrig and JustinClift fixing spurious regression failures?
12:35:21 <kkeithley_> not here?
12:35:27 <kkeithley_> #topic 3.6
12:36:03 <raghu> I have merged some afr patches. And I am planning to make a beta2 by the end of this week
12:36:20 <raghu> there are still some patches which are failing regression tests.
12:37:19 <kkeithley_> What is the el5 distro breakage?
12:38:17 <kkeithley_> ???
12:38:21 <raghu> kkeithley_: not sure. niels had better idea about it. Infact he had told me to wait for sometime before making beta2 so that the breakage is fixed. But dont know whether it has been fixed or not
12:38:35 <kkeithley_> okay, I'll check with ndevos
12:38:42 <kkeithley_> #topic 3.5
12:38:49 <raghu> I can wait still more before making beta2 if needed
12:39:02 <kkeithley_> ndevos not here, but he has mentioned doing 3.5.4beta1 soon
12:39:40 <kkeithley_> and....
12:39:43 <kkeithley_> #topic 3.4
12:40:26 <kkeithley_> we did 3.4.7beta2 last week, RPMs on earlier this week.  Needs testing
12:40:48 <kkeithley_> tentatively planning to GA before the end of the month
12:40:49 * jimjag needs to leave early due to a car-dropoff-to-dealer action
12:41:21 <kkeithley_> and....
12:41:28 <kkeithley_> #topic Gluster Next
12:42:22 <kkeithley_> Anyone have anything for Gluster Next?
12:42:30 <kkeithley_> jdarcy. ^^^
12:42:46 <jdarcy> Not all that much, other than the server-side-AFR patches.
12:43:13 <kkeithley_> okay
12:43:20 <jdarcy> Everyone else is heads-down on 3.7 stuff.
12:43:29 <kkeithley_> indeed
12:43:39 <kkeithley_> #topic Other Agenda Items
12:43:43 <JustinClift> Heh
12:43:57 <jdarcy> Anything interesting from Vault?
12:44:35 <JustinClift> btw - I'll ping johnmark again re list for jimjag
12:44:35 <spot> jdarcy: looks like facebook is going to try to attend the gluster summit
12:44:47 <jdarcy> We had a BoF.  It went like most of our BoFs do, which is to say attendance and interest were mild.
12:44:47 <JustinClift> spot: That's good news
12:45:04 <jdarcy> spot: Awesome.  When/where is that likely to be?
12:45:11 <bene2> I was talking to the facebook people, what kind of scalability do they get and how do they get it?
12:45:28 <spot> jdarcy: Barcelona, second week in may (two days in that week)
12:45:39 * spot is working double time to nail that down
12:45:44 <kkeithley_> which reminds me, I should sign up
12:45:48 <jdarcy> That will be so cool.
12:46:01 <kkeithley_> and hope I can get travel
12:47:34 <kkeithley_> anything else about Vault?
12:47:34 <tigert> should we plan some web / community planning there?
12:47:47 <kkeithley_> yes, I think we should
12:48:01 <tigert> because we should really brainstorm
12:48:12 <kkeithley_> Anything else about Gluster Summit
12:48:42 <spot> Not yet. Need to nail down venue and hotel logistics first, then I'll make a lot more noise.
12:50:03 <kkeithley_> wrt to spurious regression test failures. I'd like to propose that after 3.7 is branched (and maybe sooner) we devote serious time to get these spurious failures fixed
12:50:23 <JustinClift> kkeithley_: +1000
12:50:49 <JustinClift> Reasonably often they've turned out to be actual code problems, not test problems.
12:51:22 <JustinClift> So, getting them down to 0 spurious failures would be a massive reliability improvement for GlusterFS in general I reckon.
12:52:03 <kkeithley_> Hearing now objections, resolved, ...    (Okay, just kidding, I'll stop my Al Haig impression now)
12:52:19 <kkeithley_> anything else need to be said about it?
12:52:36 * JustinClift shakes head
12:53:08 <kkeithley_> docs:  I'm told we have extensive docs written by an intern that are "fermenting" in a private wiki.
12:53:14 <kkeithley_> hchiramm: ^^^
12:53:35 <kkeithley_> I'm prepared to post a substantial bounty to get those onto our public wiki.
12:53:36 <hchiramm> kkeithley_, thats true..
12:53:56 <hchiramm> kkeithley_, yeah, soon it will be moved to a public place for review ..
12:54:42 <kkeithley_> Soon please.
12:54:54 <hchiramm> :)
12:55:22 <kkeithley_> I'm serious about the bounty
12:55:46 <tigert> kkeithley_: shaunm should be made aware of those too
12:56:10 <tigert> he is looking at gluster docs (I should poke him to get into these meetings but theres a conflicting one right now he's on)
12:56:13 <kkeithley_> Okay, we have about five minutes remaining. Brainstorming about Awesum Web Presence may commence
12:57:37 <kkeithley_> okay, well, this is underwhelming
12:57:47 <tigert> we should perhaps approach it from the community side
12:58:25 <tigert> what does the gluster community do? its easy to do the marketing + docs (well, docs is just a lot of work to do and maintain, but its pretty straightforward stuff)
12:58:34 <tigert> ie, what is gluster + how to use it
12:58:44 <tigert> but the rest, is more like what do we do as a community?
12:58:58 <tigert> do we have events nowadays?
12:59:11 <tigert> the eventbrite and meetup etc things are empty
12:59:23 * spot has to jump to another meeting
12:59:48 <tigert> I think we should meet f2d in summit if that is possible
13:00:05 <tigert> and reserve a day for this because we seem to always be too busy with things :)
13:00:42 <kkeithley_> that's one place where we fall down.  Our BOF at Vault, DevConf, FOSDEM, should have been in there. Upcoming summit in Barcelona should be there too.
13:00:56 <tigert> yeah
13:01:30 <kkeithley_> dlambrig, ndevos, and myself are going to an event in Goa in three weeks, along with a couple others from the BLR office. Those should be inthere
13:01:39 <tigert> heh
13:02:34 <kkeithley_> okay, well, I hate to cut you off, but we're at the end. Please continue on gluster-infra mailing list.  Hopefully things get better as people wrap up their 3.7 work
13:02:49 <tigert> yeah
13:02:55 <kkeithley_> thanks for coming everyone. See you next week
13:02:56 <tigert> reply to my mail if you have time
13:02:59 <tigert> thanks!
13:03:04 <tigert> see you :)
13:03:10 <kkeithley_> #endmeeting