00:00:02 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fudcon Latam meeting
00:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 21 00:00:02 2016 UTC.  The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
00:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
00:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fudcon_latam_meeting'
00:00:13 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call
00:00:15 <mayorga> .hello mayorga
00:00:16 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorga 'Eduardo Augusto Mayorga' <e@mayorgalinux.com>
00:00:18 * mayorga Nicaragua
00:00:20 <echevemaster> .hello echevemaster
00:00:21 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com>
00:00:22 <athos> .hello ribeiro
00:00:24 <zodbot> athos: ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com>
00:00:30 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia
00:00:37 * athos Brazil
00:00:52 <echevemaster> #chair TonetJallo potty
00:00:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: TonetJallo echevemaster potty
00:01:00 <TonetJallo> hi guys
00:01:03 <TonetJallo> .fas tonet666p
00:01:04 <zodbot> TonetJallo: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com>
00:01:08 * TonetJallo from Perú
00:01:36 <potty> I will not be able to attend properly the meeting but I have to make an announcement.
00:01:44 <potty> .hello potty
00:01:44 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com>
00:01:48 * potty Panama
00:02:15 <echevemaster> #chair tonet666p
00:02:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: TonetJallo echevemaster potty tonet666p
00:02:48 <tonet666p> ty echevemaster
00:03:01 <echevemaster> tonet666p: can you tell us how much money we have?
00:03:13 <tonet666p> i'm searching the file
00:04:47 <tonet666p> we have 783 USD
00:05:11 <echevemaster> and what happened with the hotel?
00:05:31 <echevemaster> I saw on the list, that we had more money, I'm right or not
00:05:32 <echevemaster> ?
00:05:33 <tonet666p> we still waiting the sancarlos university repply
00:06:04 <echevemaster> ok, last week we was discussing about the blackfile ticket.
00:06:14 <echevemaster> right potty ?
00:06:21 <tonet666p> the director traveled out of Puno and returns at the month end
00:07:53 * itamarjp_ here, on 3g
00:07:54 <echevemaster> ok, looking for at the last meeting, yes. Blackfile was our last ticket the last week
00:08:05 <echevemaster> so, I will open the ticket again
00:08:23 <echevemaster> #topic Funding request for Luis Segundo - [Blackfile] Fudcon Puno 2016
00:08:47 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/670
00:09:07 <athos> would someone share the sheet link with all the links and the queue for voting again?
00:09:25 <echevemaster> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KHbwEDdSeuR12fthCb5lU1_i8DXL4wYjACEE2MSoucY/edit?ts=5786d614#gid=0
00:09:43 <itamarjp_> I think for fudcon and fedora it will be better that we have someone from another country in fudcon
00:10:00 <itamarjp_> -1
00:10:26 <itamarjp_> ya temos 4 panamenos, we already have 4 panamenos
00:10:29 <athos> echevemaster++
00:10:29 <zodbot> athos: Karma for echevemaster changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
00:10:40 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a
00:10:41 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com>
00:11:01 * alyaj2a from Peru
00:11:09 <echevemaster> please vote guys.
00:12:09 <echevemaster> Someone can tell me if I'm online?
00:12:30 <athos> you are echevemaster
00:12:43 <echevemaster> ok, what
00:12:49 <echevemaster> is your vote athos ?
00:13:15 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky
00:13:16 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com>
00:13:26 <athos> I am reviewing the ticket and re-reading logs form discussions on this ticket from last week, give me 1 minute :)
00:13:36 <itamarjp_> .fas itamarjp
00:13:36 <athos> also, is he present today?
00:13:36 <zodbot> itamarjp_: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br>
00:13:45 * itamarjp_ Brazil
00:13:47 <mayorga> Mine remains -1.
00:13:48 <echevemaster> ok is early yet. 5 minutes people.
00:15:49 <athos> is blackfile present?
00:16:07 <kovalevsky> it's not
00:16:11 <kovalevsky> he's not
00:16:51 <athos> I will maintain a -1 then. Haven't seen him on latam meetings at all and he is also not present here today.
00:18:08 <echevemaster> I consider that we have to keep the votes of the people that voted the last week-
00:18:15 <kovalevsky> Guys, I'll have to eat, so I'll come back in 40 minutes.
00:18:33 <kovalevsky> I'll try to come back soon.
00:18:35 <echevemaster> some of them are not here right now.
00:18:44 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: your vote was +1
00:18:51 <echevemaster> you will remain it?
00:19:29 <kovalevsky> Yes.
00:19:33 <kovalevsky> +1
00:19:38 <athos> I really believe they should be here though... I mean, unless the absence is somehow justified
00:19:39 <echevemaster> potty: your vote was +1, you will keep it?
00:21:27 <kovalevsky> ping itamarjp_
00:21:27 <itamarjp_> how about people not present here that voted last week ???
00:21:38 <itamarjp_> mine -1
00:21:54 <itamarjp_> too much panamenian in fudcon
00:22:33 <echevemaster> ok itamarjp_  but the last week we had 5 positive votes and 5 negative votes.
00:23:06 <echevemaster> so we have to be righteous.
00:23:15 <itamarjp_> lets consider then only votes of people present  tonight
00:23:35 <itamarjp_> dalmine
00:23:43 <itamarjp_> anamativi
00:23:53 <echevemaster> <mayorga> -1
00:23:55 <echevemaster> 01:37:34 <athos> -1
00:23:57 <echevemaster> 01:37:36 <tonet666p> we have a lot of panam??? guys, is only my idea
00:23:59 <echevemaster> 01:37:52 <potty> tonet666p: yes
00:24:01 <echevemaster> 01:37:54 <athos> I agree with mayorga
00:24:03 <echevemaster> 01:38:02 <wolnei> -1
00:24:05 <echevemaster> 01:38:08 <aeperezt3> Mayorga he has design for more than a year all arts needed in fedora panama
00:24:07 <echevemaster> 01:38:14 <tonet666p> but you decide, is only my idea
00:24:09 <echevemaster> 01:38:23 <aeperezt3> Your metrics cannot mesure his contributions
00:24:11 <echevemaster> 01:38:31 <aeperezt3> +1
00:24:13 <echevemaster> 01:38:36 * AndChat|622356 -1
00:24:15 <echevemaster> 01:38:39 <echevemaster_> sorry I was deisconnected
00:24:17 <echevemaster> 01:38:58 <AndChat|349076> Me too, disconnected
00:24:19 <echevemaster> 01:39:03 <potty> +1 aeperezt3
00:24:21 <echevemaster> 01:39:08 <kovalevsky> +1
00:24:23 <echevemaster> 01:39:10 <echevemaster_> please give me the points
00:24:25 <echevemaster> 01:39:15 <athos> -4 +2
00:24:27 <echevemaster> 01:39:20 <Kohane> +1
00:24:29 <echevemaster> 01:39:38 <yosef7> +1
00:24:31 <echevemaster> 01:39:44 <potty> +1
00:24:33 <echevemaster> 01:40:00 <athos> +5 -4
00:24:35 <echevemaster> 01:40:19 <potty> BTW, if we are "by the book"... mayorga your exception is not listed on the link you shared before...
00:24:37 <echevemaster> 01:40:59 <alexove> -1
00:24:39 <echevemaster> 01:40:59 <athos> anyone else?
00:24:41 <echevemaster> 01:41:10 <athos> 5.5y
00:24:43 <echevemaster> ok, there is a person here that not vote the last week ?
00:25:01 <potty> +1
00:25:04 <echevemaster> that person can tiebreaker
00:25:17 <athos> Actually, I believe ppl not present show lack of interest in their OWN ticket (unless they justifeid absence) and should be moved to the end of the line (voting)
00:25:33 <mayorga> athos: Agreed.
00:25:37 <itamarjp_> athos++
00:25:38 <echevemaster> alyaj2a: anamativi please
00:25:43 <mayorga> athos++
00:25:43 <zodbot> mayorga: Karma for ribeiro changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
00:26:14 <echevemaster> athos: We don't now the cause of their absence
00:26:29 <athos> exactly!
00:26:45 <echevemaster> so the salomonic solution is a tiebreaker
00:27:11 <echevemaster> anamativi: alyaj2a please vote, yes or no
00:27:11 <mayorga> He should be here to answer questions.
00:27:40 <alyaj2a> mmmm
00:27:48 <potty> He is attentive
00:27:55 <potty> But he is working
00:28:00 <tonet666p> echevemaster: alyaj2a is an organizer too
00:28:08 <tonet666p> we decided for dont vote
00:28:19 <alyaj2a> nosotros no votaremos
00:28:22 <tonet666p> anamativi is the tiebreaker
00:28:25 <echevemaster> tonet666p: in this case we need
00:28:29 <echevemaster> anamativi:
00:28:34 <anamativi> omg, one sec
00:28:50 <echevemaster> ok, please read the document, and take the decision.
00:28:51 <echevemaster> please.
00:29:00 <athos> apparently you are the tie breaker anamativi :)
00:29:54 <mayorga> I'd expect any real contribution to the wider Fedora community from him. FUDCon is too expensive to sponsor just anyone.
00:31:16 <potty> what do you mean by anyone?
00:31:24 <potty> is that even got a definition?
00:31:29 <echevemaster> ok, people we have to decide right now. please anamativi I don't want to be stressfull but take a decision
00:31:52 <itamarjp_> give time to her
00:32:07 <itamarjp_> are you online anamativi ?
00:32:10 <anamativi> yeah I'm thinking
00:32:17 <anamativi> It's an awful position to be
00:32:38 <echevemaster> mayorga: already you gave your vote, please take it easy.
00:32:49 <athos> yeah, but it's not just you deciding, either way, 10 other ppl voted on this matter anamativi
00:34:12 <echevemaster> I'd like to have emojis in IRC.
00:34:30 <echevemaster> :::await-face:::
00:34:52 <tonet666p> echevemaster: slack
00:35:01 <tonet666p> guys, i
00:35:02 <echevemaster> ??\_(???)_/
00:35:21 <itamarjp_> suspense ?
00:35:33 <itamarjp_> mejor que game of thrones
00:35:53 <echevemaster> anamativi:?
00:35:54 <itamarjp_> drama?
00:35:59 <tonet666p> guys, i will play drums
00:36:01 <echevemaster> please give your vote
00:36:06 <anamativi> Sorry, it's a -1 for the following reason
00:36:51 <anamativi> the budget is limited and I think it would be nice to have ppl from different countries
00:37:02 <echevemaster> thanks anamativi
00:37:48 <echevemaster> #agreed Luis Segundo - [Blackfile] is not approved to going to Fudcon
00:37:57 <echevemaster> next topic
00:38:27 <echevemaster> tonet666p: $USD 780 right?
00:38:30 <athos> sry, how much do we still have?
00:38:34 <tonet666p> echevemaster: yes
00:39:15 <echevemaster> #topic Funding request for Adrian "Chino" Soliard (Asoliard) for FUDCon Puno 2016
00:39:36 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/691
00:39:56 <alyaj2a> Amount avaible	783.73
00:40:48 <tonet666p> i need to go out, give me a second
00:40:48 <echevemaster> he is asking also for partial sponsorship if apply
00:40:50 <echevemaster> U$S 690
00:41:03 <echevemaster> complete U$S 760
00:41:42 <villadalmine83> .fas villadalmine
00:41:43 <zodbot> villadalmine83: villadalmine 'Rino Rondan' <villadalmine@gmail.com>
00:41:51 * villadalmine83 argentina
00:41:56 <villadalmine83> termino?
00:42:04 <alyaj2a> seguimos aqui
00:42:05 <itamarjp_> no
00:42:40 <echevemaster> yes villadalmine83 we are.
00:42:49 <athos> +1 simply based on the other guys on the line: asoliard is the most active on meeting and the in the project overall
00:43:04 <villadalmine83> can i vote?
00:43:14 <echevemaster> villadalmine83: sure.
00:43:15 <itamarjp_> athos, send me badge link
00:43:17 <potty> !
00:43:23 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead
00:43:23 <villadalmine83> Ticket please
00:43:25 <potty> how much partial is asking?
00:43:45 <echevemaster> If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No??)
00:43:47 <echevemaster> Yes, airflare + hotel
00:43:49 <echevemaster> If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate your attendance.
00:43:51 <echevemaster> U$S 690
00:44:14 <itamarjp_> +1 partial
00:44:38 <athos> 760-690 = 70. I would like to change my +1 to a +1 PARTIAL. This way we can also take one of the 2 guys from Peru
00:44:39 <echevemaster> itamarjp_: first we have to define, partial or complete.
00:44:52 <athos> itamarjp_: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/user/asoliard
00:44:53 <echevemaster> ok athos
00:45:07 <villadalmine83> !
00:45:10 <echevemaster> Richzendy: https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/691
00:45:18 <echevemaster> we are voting fot this guy.
00:45:25 <echevemaster> villadalmine83: go ahead
00:45:40 * R1chy looking the ticket
00:45:57 <villadalmine83> Are we voting first ticket, and if we can do in partial?
00:46:14 <echevemaster> until now (+2, 0, 0)
00:46:32 <itamarjp_> echevemaster, tell us how we should vote
00:46:38 <mayorga> +1 for partial subsidy.
00:46:51 <villadalmine83> How many people are still pending??
00:47:03 <echevemaster> itamarjp_: seems all the people is voting partial, so. partial
00:47:13 <echevemaster> (+3, 0, 0)
00:47:16 <athos> I am really sorry for this guys, but I will change one last time, from partial to fully, is that ok echevemaster? The reason is: he deserves it more than the 2 guys from peru in the line anyways (I just checked all the tickets)
00:47:29 <potty> that partial is not a real "partial"
00:47:36 <anamativi> +1 for me
00:47:37 <villadalmine83> +1 full
00:47:46 <kovalevsky> +1 for full
00:47:47 <echevemaster> correct. always potty
00:47:54 <potty> +1 if the rest is used on peru guys
00:47:58 <R1chy> +1 for full
00:48:10 <potty> +1 partial if the $70 is used on one extra peruvian
00:48:31 <R1chy> .fas Richzendy
00:48:31 <echevemaster> 3 partial
00:48:31 <zodbot> R1chy: richzendy 'Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto' <richzendy@gmail.com>
00:48:54 <echevemaster> 3 full
00:49:06 <echevemaster> I'm right?
00:49:41 <echevemaster> potty partial
00:49:49 <echevemaster> itamarjp_: partial
00:49:56 <echevemaster> mayorga: partial
00:50:09 <echevemaster> villadalmine83: full
00:50:18 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: full
00:50:22 <echevemaster> Richzendy: full
00:50:32 <villadalmine83> Attos
00:50:34 <villadalmine83> ?
00:50:37 <echevemaster> athos: full
00:50:47 <echevemaster> 4 vs 3
00:50:48 <itamarjp_> anamativi full ?
00:50:50 <echevemaster> so it is full
00:50:56 <echevemaster> anamativi:
00:50:57 <echevemaster> yes
00:51:00 <echevemaster> full or not.
00:51:04 <anamativi> yes full
00:51:12 <echevemaster> 5
00:51:15 <echevemaster> full
00:51:49 <echevemaster> #agreed Adrian "Chino" Soliard (Asoliard) will going to  FUDCon Puno 2016
00:52:04 <echevemaster> people, already finished the voting
00:52:39 <echevemaster> once time university gave an answer to tonet666p or alyaj2a we can decide if we can sponsor another people.
00:52:56 <echevemaster> right tonet666p?
00:53:03 <tonet666p> echevemaster you are right
00:53:15 <potty> !
00:53:21 <echevemaster> go ahead potty
00:53:27 <tonet666p> if i a positive answer we will have 1k more
00:53:29 <itamarjp_> any chance to save money buying flights in advance ?
00:53:47 <potty> I will not be able to attend FUDCon.
00:53:53 <echevemaster> itamarjp_: that depends of Redhat responsible.
00:54:03 <potty> So you got my budget for any other contributor able to attend.
00:54:35 <potty> I got a guy from Panama that uses Flatpak and would be a great candidate for going (he is new) but it is up to the organizers and you deciders.
00:54:36 <tonet666p> potty :(
00:54:48 <mayorga> potty: :-(
00:54:56 <potty> BTW, I wrote my thoughts on how this FUDCon should be.
00:54:56 <itamarjp_> potty, why you didnt tell us before ?
00:55:01 <alyaj2a> potty, Y_Y
00:55:02 <athos> :(
00:55:08 <potty> I would send them on the mailing list.
00:55:14 <tonet666p> potty, if you say it, sent these guy here
00:55:15 <villadalmine83> just lets vote follow the order
00:55:28 <potty> I know it is a shame but I am sure you guys would do a great job!
00:55:29 <tonet666p> s/sent/send
00:55:38 <potty> continue the voting
00:55:39 <potty> EOF
00:55:47 <potty> (in the proper order)
00:56:06 <mayorga> Other than Peruvian people, there is no one left who could be fully funded.
00:56:16 <echevemaster> who is the guy?
00:56:18 <echevemaster> potty:
00:56:27 <echevemaster> ticket I mean
00:57:22 <athos> mayorga: with potty funds available, we can fund most of them
00:58:05 <echevemaster> ok. tonet666p how much money we have?
00:58:52 <alexove> .fas alexove
00:58:53 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com>
00:58:56 * alexove = Peru
01:00:05 <echevemaster> tonet666p:
01:00:15 <echevemaster> I need the number
01:00:28 <alyaj2a> echevemaster, restaremos el ticket de potty
01:00:29 <alyaj2a> ?
01:00:59 <echevemaster> alyaj2a: tienes que sumarlo a lo que tienes ahora
01:01:32 <itamarjp> el budget es el valor de ticket de potty
01:01:40 <echevemaster> ok
01:02:02 <echevemaster> 656.95
01:02:38 <echevemaster> lkf we can vote for him because exceeds the budget
01:02:39 <alyaj2a> Amount avaible	680.68
01:02:55 <echevemaster> lkf Nicaragua 869.42
01:02:55 <alyaj2a> en total el monto disponible seria 680.68
01:03:24 <echevemaster> ausil  we can't  vote for him because exceeds the budget
01:03:42 <echevemaster> ausil EUA 2000
01:04:21 <AndChat|247025> lets postpone and talk again next week
01:04:40 <echevemaster> AndChat|247025: tonet?
01:04:45 <AndChat|247025> itamarjp
01:05:02 <echevemaster> the decision have to be taken fot tonet
01:05:03 <AndChat|247025> bad 3g, sorry
01:05:29 <echevemaster> tonet peruvian guys or the panamenian
01:05:38 <echevemaster> you or alyaj2a decide
01:06:14 <alyaj2a> Dejemoslo para la siguiente semana, please
01:06:19 <echevemaster> ok
01:06:25 <echevemaster> next week
01:06:32 <echevemaster> thanks for attend
01:06:36 <athos> thank you guys
01:06:38 <alexove> +1, creo que hay prender la vela al santo para que haya más $$
01:06:43 <villadalmine83> Thanks   bytes
01:06:48 <echevemaster> #endmeeting