03:04:19 <yn1v> #startmeeting fudcon-planning 2014-09-13
03:04:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Sun Sep 14 03:04:19 2014 UTC.  The chair is yn1v. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
03:04:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
03:04:19 <potty> yes
03:04:22 <TonetJallo> lorddemon: aun no se inicio el meeting
03:04:26 <TonetJallo> lorddemon: ahora si
03:04:28 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster
03:04:29 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com>
03:04:34 <TonetJallo> .fas tonet666p
03:04:35 <zodbot> TonetJallo: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com>
03:04:36 <lorddemon> .fas lorddemon
03:04:38 <zodbot> lorddemon: lorddemon 'Gonzalo Nina Mamani' <g.nina.m@gmail.com>
03:04:39 <danielbruno> .fas dbruno
03:04:39 <yn1v> #chair echevemaster danielbruno
03:04:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: danielbruno echevemaster yn1v
03:04:40 <zodbot> danielbruno: dbruno 'Daniel Bruno' <danielbrunos@gmail.com>
03:04:44 <potty> .fas potty
03:04:45 <zodbot> potty: radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> - potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com>
03:04:48 * lorddemon Bolivia
03:04:48 * echevemaster el gordo dela camisa azul (la de fedora)
03:04:49 <yn1v> .fas yn1v
03:04:52 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com>
03:04:53 * potty Panama
03:04:57 * yn1v Nicaragua
03:05:00 * danielbruno Brazil
03:05:07 * echevemaster Venezuela
03:05:15 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a
03:05:18 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com>
03:05:27 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky
03:05:28 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky '' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com>
03:05:35 <kovalevsky> Kiara Navarro, Panamá.
03:07:20 <yn1v> I was told, that as we have people beyond LATAM looking into this eeting and logs, we should keep it at english
03:07:49 <TonetJallo> english? okay
03:08:12 <yn1v> Pero si alguien necesita traducción que avise
03:08:25 <kovalevsky> NP.
03:08:33 <yn1v> #topic report
03:08:57 <yn1v> We at the local team have been contacting people requesting sponsorship
03:09:22 <yn1v> at the moment we got one more reply taking care of one day lunch.
03:09:58 <yn1v> We also have contacting news papers and magazine to promote the event.
03:10:31 <yn1v> This may lead to some interview or request for articles.
03:10:47 <yn1v> I am counting in everybody for that.
03:11:02 <echevemaster> sure :)
03:11:20 <kovalevsky> That's ok.
03:11:29 <yn1v> We have a long weekend in Nicaragua. Monday and Tuesday are holidays
03:11:31 <lorddemon> good
03:11:50 <TonetJallo> great
03:12:03 <yn1v> so, some people were looking forward to vacation and did not reply :(
03:12:08 <potty> enjoy those days
03:12:15 <potty> :(
03:12:19 <echevemaster> I remember the interviews in peru, those were good by the event attendence
03:12:38 <echevemaster> s/attendence/attendance
03:12:48 <yn1v> Yes, we have that in mind, also a tour visiting different universities
03:13:00 <potty> echevemaster: +1
03:13:15 <yn1v> There is any questions?
03:13:21 <echevemaster> !
03:13:41 <TonetJallo> nothing yn1v
03:13:47 <echevemaster> I have seen that the twitter account is not used
03:14:13 <echevemaster> I think that we have to use it more for promote.
03:14:17 <danielbruno> !
03:14:22 <echevemaster> more social media, i mean
03:14:25 <echevemaster> danielbruno: go ahead
03:14:31 <yn1v> which twitter account?
03:14:37 <echevemaster> @fudconlatam
03:14:56 <danielbruno> It's possible to have some streaming of the event?
03:15:15 <echevemaster> excellent question, danielbruno, that would be great
03:15:42 <potty> !
03:16:00 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead
03:16:29 <potty> it is related to streaming... youtube channel like flock?
03:16:30 <kovalevsky> Have we discuss that? I think. Maybe record the videos and then upload to youtube, but I'm not sure.
03:17:02 <echevemaster> yes, but the problem always is the bandwith
03:17:04 <echevemaster> you know
03:17:08 <potty> indeed
03:17:11 <echevemaster> so, kovalevsky is right
03:17:14 <danielbruno> If the infrastructure doesn't support live streaming, maybe  recorded videos on youtube will be nice.
03:17:18 <yn1v> We were thinking about that. Live streaming require good internet
03:17:37 <echevemaster> yes, but would be fine if we can record all the talks and activities
03:17:46 <potty> yn1v: do you have any sponsorship related to internet providers?
03:17:47 <yn1v> We think will be more safe record the videos and afterward upload them to youtube
03:17:49 <echevemaster> nevermid if we can't upload inmediately to youtube
03:18:00 <echevemaster> but do it. that is the quid of the thig
03:18:21 <potty> i think it's ok like you people are proposing. record and later upload.
03:18:23 <echevemaster> so, I think that we have to do work teams since now
03:18:28 <echevemaster> for record the talks.
03:18:34 <yn1v> potty, yes and no. We approach the ISP of the University and they acknoledged our request
03:18:44 <yn1v> but they haven't reply yet
03:18:50 <potty> yn1v: understood
03:18:56 <echevemaster> ok. but there are the cameras?
03:19:13 <echevemaster> we can record all the talks?
03:19:16 <bernardoha> .fas bernardoha
03:19:17 <potty> cameras and microphones, echevemaster
03:19:17 <zodbot> bernardoha: bernardoha 'Bernardo C. Hermitaño Atencio' <bernardoha@gmail.com>
03:19:25 <yn1v> lbazan will bring a couple of HD web cam 1080px
03:19:36 <echevemaster> ok anyone elsE?
03:19:40 <kovalevsky> I think that if we could have a good bandwidth for the internet and streaming the videos, then would be wonderfull, it's not then record and after upload to the youtube channel.
03:19:40 <luis_sdo> .fas blackfile
03:19:42 <zodbot> luis_sdo: blackfile 'Luis Manuel Segundo' <luis@blackfile.net>
03:19:45 <yn1v> I have one. So I think that will do
03:19:49 <danielbruno> I have two HD cameras
03:20:00 <danielbruno> I can bring to the event
03:20:06 <potty> and microphones?
03:20:06 <yn1v> greta
03:20:13 <echevemaster> ok, then we have to make a work group
03:20:19 <danielbruno> potty, no :/
03:20:28 <yn1v> not sure about mics
03:20:36 <echevemaster> and distribute contributors
03:20:53 <echevemaster> does not matter
03:21:01 <yn1v> I think that we can use bluetooth hansfree as mic
03:21:04 <echevemaster> the camera have to be near of the speaker
03:21:11 <potty> yn1v: maybe the university got some mics
03:21:22 <echevemaster> remember in flock many people not use mics
03:21:30 <echevemaster> just in the keynotes
03:21:31 <danielbruno> yn1v, +1
03:21:53 <echevemaster> but we have to spread the activities of the event to all fedora this time
03:22:01 <yn1v> Sure, but the thing is using the audio of the conference hall meand taking a wire from the mixer to the computer recording the video
03:22:02 <luis_sdo> Panama
03:22:58 <potty> ok
03:23:04 <danielbruno> as echevemaster said, is interesting to make a work group to organize that
03:23:18 <echevemaster> What about make a wiki page with the willing contributors
03:23:19 <danielbruno> I think that, we can ask who can bring something
03:23:20 <bernardoha> I have a feeling that there will be developments in this FUDCon.
03:23:28 <yn1v> #agreed to make a team working on video recording solution
03:24:08 <echevemaster> ok, after all the sponsorship phase. make a wiki page with the willing contributors to record the talks.
03:24:22 <yn1v> #idea write in wiki the equipment that everyone is providing
03:24:27 <echevemaster> meanwhile ask to all about the devices and other things
03:24:38 <echevemaster> yn1v: #idea does not exists
03:24:39 <echevemaster> :)
03:25:02 <echevemaster> info, action or whatever but not #idea
03:25:30 <yn1v> yes it does
03:25:41 <echevemaster> forge it
03:25:44 <echevemaster> does exists
03:25:48 <echevemaster> undo please
03:25:53 <echevemaster> I'm and idiot
03:25:55 <yn1v> echevemaster, look up at the start of the meeting
03:25:55 <echevemaster> :)
03:25:56 <echevemaster> jajjaa
03:26:12 <potty> jejeje
03:26:21 <lorddemon> +1 echevemaster
03:26:23 <lorddemon> jejeje
03:26:24 <echevemaster> go ahead please
03:26:45 * echevemaster silent
03:26:47 <yn1v> I don't know what happen with the formulas in the spread sheet, I just arranged back
03:27:56 <kovalevsky> !
03:28:11 <yn1v> WE have about USD 8K to go,
03:28:21 <yn1v> kovalevsky, go ahead
03:28:22 <TonetJallo> jajaja
03:28:38 <kovalevsky> I don't know what spread sheet you talking =( have you linked here?
03:29:09 <yn1v> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WPmiEbUMGE9hqZ52i_tvPaQN4BaAwTm_x0uk2WjARJM/edit#gid=0
03:29:43 <yn1v> is that link working, sometimes I don't trust this google stuff
03:29:47 <kovalevsky> yn1v, thanks.
03:29:51 <kovalevsky> I can see it.
03:30:07 <potty> kovalevsky: +1
03:30:12 <yn1v> more questions?
03:30:18 <potty> no
03:30:24 <kovalevsky> No.
03:30:29 <echevemaster> no
03:30:37 <danielbruno> no
03:30:38 <yn1v> #topic ticket 475 dbruno
03:31:12 <bernardoha> started good.
03:31:21 <echevemaster> bernardoha: +1
03:31:54 <bernardoha> echevemaster +1
03:32:16 <yn1v> I had a small chat with danielbruno and I said that was more easy for us if he paid the commodation and we paid the ticket
03:32:16 <echevemaster> bernardoha: that is a digital 69?
03:32:30 <yn1v> partial tickets are not that simple
03:33:00 <yn1v> danielbruno, which dates do you prefer?
03:33:04 <bernardoha> Uhm I do not understand.
03:33:20 <danielbruno> so, 21 till 27 sounds good to me
03:33:37 <danielbruno> but can be one day before
03:33:39 <danielbruno> or later
03:33:43 <danielbruno> no problem
03:33:46 <yn1v> okey
03:33:58 <yn1v> any more questions on this ticket?
03:34:03 <kovalevsky> !
03:34:13 <yn1v> go ahead kovalevsky
03:35:05 <kovalevsky> danielbruno, está pidiendo el sponsorship a la mitad?
03:35:22 <kovalevsky> Sorry, I didn't know how to formulate the sentence in english.
03:35:22 <echevemaster> no.
03:35:27 <kovalevsky> Just to be clear.
03:35:29 <echevemaster> he will paid the accomodation
03:35:32 <echevemaster> fedora the airfare
03:35:37 <yn1v> his ticket said that he can contribute with up to 20%
03:35:54 <yn1v> I suggested that instead he paid his accomodation
03:36:03 <echevemaster> but partial sponsorship is not easierr for the cardholder
03:36:03 <kovalevsky> That's ok now.
03:36:04 <kovalevsky> =)
03:36:33 <echevemaster> _I mean pay partial for the airfare
03:36:33 <yn1v> Shall we vote?
03:36:46 <echevemaster> +1 with all my soul
03:36:48 <echevemaster> :)
03:36:52 <echevemaster> hahahha
03:36:55 <danielbruno> heheh
03:36:58 <TonetJallo> +1 too
03:37:09 <lorddemon> +1
03:37:15 <yn1v> +1 want to hear about big data
03:37:24 <potty> +1
03:37:31 <kovalevsky> +1
03:37:38 <potty> me too, interested about big data and fedora
03:37:50 <bernardoha> +1
03:38:11 <echevemaster> I'm willing to help daniel with the openstack workshop
03:38:15 <yn1v> #agreed to sponsor air fare for danielbruno and he will pay acoomodation
03:38:26 <yn1v> #undo
03:38:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by yn1v at 03:38:15 : to sponsor air fare for danielbruno and he will pay acoomodation
03:38:36 <yn1v> #agreed to sponsor air fare for danielbruno and he will pay acoomodation ticket 475
03:39:10 <danielbruno> echevemaster, will be awesome
03:39:29 <kovalevsky> I think that we need to put the link of the ticket for those who aren't here.
03:39:29 <yn1v> #topic ticket 478 itamarjp
03:39:38 <kovalevsky> Like we usually do.
03:39:56 <bernardoha> good, go go...
03:39:57 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/475
03:40:01 <yn1v> #chair kovalevsky
03:40:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: danielbruno echevemaster kovalevsky yn1v
03:40:18 <yn1v> now kovalevsky can add the links :)
03:40:20 <kovalevsky> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/478
03:40:23 <kovalevsky> =)
03:40:29 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: :)
03:40:33 <kovalevsky> With pleasure.
03:40:47 <yn1v> any comment on this ticket?
03:40:48 <echevemaster> ok, itamar will be sponsored by scholarship�
03:40:51 <echevemaster> ?
03:40:56 <potty> echevemaster: +1
03:40:58 <danielbruno> AFAIK Itamar have a sponsorship from red hat
03:41:08 <danielbruno> because of the scholarship
03:41:11 <echevemaster> while he is student.
03:41:23 <yn1v> yes
03:41:26 <echevemaster> while be*
03:41:33 <danielbruno> If i'm not wrong, he is in the college
03:41:46 <echevemaster> yes danielbruno still in the college...
03:41:49 <TonetJallo> what is scholarship?
03:41:55 <echevemaster> TonetJallo: after
03:41:57 <potty> TonetJallo: beca
03:42:00 <yn1v> I think that we should just skip this one.
03:42:06 <TonetJallo> bus escolar?
03:42:07 <TonetJallo> :o
03:42:11 <danielbruno> TonetJallo, nop
03:42:19 <potty> TonetJallo: i'll explain you in pvt
03:42:23 <echevemaster> beca de fedora por ser estudiante TonetJallo
03:42:31 <echevemaster> ok...
03:42:41 <TonetJallo> i understad echevemaster , thanks
03:42:44 <echevemaster> skip this ticket and one +1 for him :)
03:42:53 <danielbruno> +1
03:42:58 <lorddemon> good, interesting scholarship
03:43:02 <yn1v> the justification is very vague, but he will get it form Red Hat Budget directly
03:43:39 <danielbruno> yes, but the budget is directly from RH
03:43:45 <bernardoha> Good for him +1
03:43:48 <potty> yes
03:43:57 <echevemaster> next ticket
03:44:08 <danielbruno> I think that the ticket is just to formalize the participation
03:44:17 <kovalevsky> danielbruno, I think it's.
03:44:25 <yn1v> #agreed to let red hat take care of ticket #478
03:45:16 <yn1v> Lets move on
03:45:33 <yn1v> #topic ticket 479 potty
03:45:40 <kovalevsky> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/479
03:46:27 <bernardoha> Potty is a good contribution to the community.
03:47:10 <lorddemon> Python and SELinux sound good +1
03:47:11 <yn1v> I think that me may be short on computer labs, some of this proposal should change into conference/talk
03:47:12 <danielbruno> potty propose very interesting talks and a great contributor
03:47:19 <kovalevsky> Someone is talking about SElinux apart of potty?
03:47:22 <TonetJallo> i vote for potty +1
03:47:30 <wolnei> +1
03:47:31 <kovalevsky> SElinux sounds amazing =)
03:47:38 <yn1v> +1
03:47:39 <TonetJallo> yes kovalevsky
03:47:41 <kovalevsky> And Python too.
03:47:42 <bernardoha> +1
03:47:42 <danielbruno> +1 ++
03:47:47 <kovalevsky> +1
03:48:03 <echevemaster> Python should be our goal in this fudcon (more developing work)
03:48:07 <echevemaster> so +1 from me.
03:48:09 <potty> yn1v: ticket is even cheaper right now ($386 .75)
03:48:38 <yn1v> are you travelin early?
03:48:41 <potty> yn1v: also i will be traveling 19oct until 26oct
03:49:02 <potty> so i can help you on final organization/promotion activities
03:49:08 <potty> if needed
03:49:11 <echevemaster> potty: we are three then I will arrive the 19oct too. great !!
03:49:23 <echevemaster> lbazan you and me
03:49:35 <echevemaster> batman, superman and.... robin
03:49:40 <bernardoha> jajajaj
03:49:43 <yn1v> the room is $52.65 per night, but it is a double room so you can share
03:49:46 <echevemaster> just kidding :)
03:49:47 <kovalevsky> hahahaha
03:49:52 <potty> ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
03:49:58 <kovalevsky> ahahhahahahha
03:49:59 <potty> yn1v: good to know that, thanks
03:50:00 <kovalevsky> Morí...
03:50:09 <kovalevsky> con ese ícono de potty
03:50:11 <TonetJallo> echevemaster:  jajajajaa
03:50:46 <yn1v> #agreed sponsor ticket 479 potty
03:51:01 <TonetJallo> potty: parece un minion
03:51:07 <echevemaster> alexlovehow are you :)
03:51:14 <echevemaster> TonetJallo: in the icon or the reality?
03:51:15 <bernardoha> talking about robin came Alex
03:51:23 <TonetJallo> echevemaster: the icon jajaja
03:51:46 <alexove> ?
03:51:53 <echevemaster> hello alexlove
03:51:58 <kovalevsky> alexove, Hi there.
03:52:00 <yn1v> #topic ticket 480 valentin basel
03:52:04 <alexove> Hello all
03:52:11 <danielbruno> hey
03:52:29 <kovalevsky> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/480
03:53:04 <echevemaster> I have to said valentin is a mandatory reference on the fudcon.
03:53:13 <yn1v> Valentin usually make a lot of success with icaro and electronics
03:53:34 <potty> yn1v: echevemaster: +1
03:53:41 <danielbruno> yes, Valetin alway help to make a good event
03:53:46 <danielbruno> *always
03:53:56 <yn1v> He is requesting air fare $1200
03:54:30 <yn1v> There is any question to this ticket?
03:54:34 <bernardoha> Icaru must be present in the FUDcon.
03:55:10 <TonetJallo> i dont remembeer valentin but i remember icaro
03:55:22 <yn1v> we can vote on this? or does any body feel that we need more info from valentin?
03:55:24 <wolnei> +1
03:55:36 <bernardoha> +1
03:55:37 <potty> +1
03:55:38 <kovalevsky> +1
03:55:41 <echevemaster> TonetJallo: speaking sereiously icaro is the alter ego of valentin
03:55:41 <danielbruno> +1
03:55:42 <TonetJallo> i say +1
03:55:44 <alexove> +1
03:55:48 <kovalevsky> echevemaster, jaja
03:55:58 <lorddemon> +1
03:56:08 <echevemaster> +1 from if is needed a vote
03:56:11 <echevemaster> :)
03:58:50 <bernardoha> netx
03:59:01 <TonetJallo> kovalevsky: next ticket is yours
03:59:12 <kovalevsky> TonetJallo, yeap.
04:00:00 <yn1v> sorry,  I am back
04:00:21 <yn1v> #agreed to sponsor ticket 480 valentin basel
04:01:27 <yn1v> #topic ticket 481 sophiekovalesky
04:01:34 <kovalevsky> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/481
04:02:41 <yn1v> I like the talks in electronics
04:02:48 <echevemaster> is the same price of potty and bazanm i guess?
04:02:49 <bernardoha> Hacking Arduino?
04:02:57 <potty> yes echevemaster
04:03:24 <potty> everyone from panama got the same price, only if leaves from 19oct
04:03:25 <kovalevsky> Yes, I would like to give a workshop with the people interest in using arduino on Fedora.
04:03:40 <yn1v> that would be more like a hacking?
04:03:43 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: with what language you are managing the gpio? python?
04:03:54 <echevemaster> I guess
04:04:10 <kovalevsky> echevemaster, yeap
04:04:16 <echevemaster> This would be a better activity for hacking
04:04:22 <yn1v> questions about this ticket?
04:04:28 <echevemaster> is cheap
04:04:34 <echevemaster> is good content
04:04:43 <yn1v> +1
04:04:45 <echevemaster> is a nice girl
04:04:45 <danielbruno> +1
04:04:48 <wolnei> +1
04:04:53 <echevemaster> is +1 from me
04:04:56 <TonetJallo> kovalevsky: then you were super hero too
04:05:08 <alexove> +1
04:05:09 <TonetJallo> +1
04:05:10 <lorddemon> +1
04:05:29 <bernardoha> +1
04:05:38 <echevemaster> so, is batman, superman, robin and the amazing girl
04:05:39 <yn1v> #agreed to sponsor ticket 481 sophiekovalesky
04:05:46 <TonetJallo> echevemaster: +1
04:06:09 <kovalevsky> echevemaster, I know why I was thinking that you will say something like this jaja... the amazing girls sounds awesome :D
04:06:35 <kovalevsky> girl*
04:06:54 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: the wonder girl is trademark
04:06:55 <echevemaster> :)
04:07:04 <yn1v> I just wrote in the spread sheet full price for the room as she is not sharing for the moment
04:07:05 <kovalevsky> you're right.
04:07:15 <echevemaster> batman , superman and robin ins public domain
04:07:20 <echevemaster> lol
04:08:12 <TonetJallo> echevemaster: jajaja
04:08:23 <yn1v> If we have enough funds to sponsor anothe awesome girl they will be sharing
04:09:08 <yn1v> We have to agree if we are picking heros form DC or marvel
04:09:11 <kovalevsky> Ok, no problem for me.
04:09:16 <yn1v> we can not mix
04:09:18 <TonetJallo> yn1v: and tatica?
04:09:40 <echevemaster> TonetJallo: tatica not can go this time
04:09:41 <kovalevsky> TonetJallo, I think that tatic didn't filled up the ticket.
04:09:42 <yn1v> tatica has some household issues to take care
04:09:51 <kovalevsky> =(
04:10:21 <TonetJallo> :o i understand
04:10:25 <echevemaster> she is newly married.
04:10:43 <echevemaster> and taking care of their house
04:10:52 <yn1v> and has recently moved into a new house
04:10:56 <echevemaster> correct
04:11:48 <echevemaster> next ticket or next week?
04:11:49 <yn1v> #topic ticket 482 alexove
04:12:02 <echevemaster> alexxxxx loveeeeee
04:12:03 <alexove> Wait guys
04:12:04 <kovalevsky> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/482
04:12:08 <echevemaster> we loveeee to aleexxxxx
04:12:14 <TonetJallo> jajajaja
04:12:18 <kovalevsky> I love alexove
04:12:24 <kovalevsky> =) jaja
04:12:24 <lorddemon> jajaja
04:12:26 <TonetJallo> rima
04:12:29 <lorddemon> :o
04:12:33 <kovalevsky> Heyyy sí!!!!
04:12:34 <alexove> I updated my ticket
04:12:53 <bernardoha> what is that.....
04:12:53 <alexove> I can't go to FUDCon this year
04:12:57 <echevemaster> :(
04:12:59 <yn1v> Oh boy :(
04:13:01 <kovalevsky> noooooooooooooooo
04:13:13 <TonetJallo> :(
04:13:18 <alexove> Sorry guys
04:13:19 <kovalevsky> No puede ser :S
04:13:25 <alexove> Job issues
04:13:44 <yn1v> send a picture of you. We will have a chair with your picture to keep you present
04:14:14 <yn1v> we can even dress the chair
04:14:15 <TonetJallo> yn1v: jajaja
04:14:23 <alexove> Really yn1v?
04:14:25 <danielbruno> lol
04:14:38 <echevemaster> with a banner saying "we love to alex love"
04:14:48 <TonetJallo> jajajaja
04:14:55 <kovalevsky> jeje
04:14:59 <lorddemon> bulling detect
04:15:10 <TonetJallo> lorddemon: +1
04:15:12 <echevemaster> I will do a fedora meme
04:15:28 <TonetJallo> next ticket please
04:15:29 <TonetJallo> jajajaa
04:15:29 <lorddemon> echevemaster, +1
04:15:30 <yn1v> #info alexove will not travel, people is sad because we will miss him
04:16:11 * echevemaster cries
04:16:37 <echevemaster> next
04:16:56 <yn1v> #topic ticket 483 villadalmine
04:17:03 <kovalevsky> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/483
04:18:41 <echevemaster> I have to say that I shared talks with rino and him is a virtualization expert.
04:18:55 <yn1v> his ticket is something like USD1500
04:19:10 <echevemaster> he can travel with valentin from the same city?
04:19:12 <TonetJallo> echevemaster: rino will be the virtual man
04:19:17 <kovalevsky> I don't know the content about the PI, but we could do a more explosive workshop with more content
04:19:20 <TonetJallo> one more super hero
04:19:25 <kovalevsky> I need to talk with him, if he wants.
04:19:26 <echevemaster> valentin's ticket is about 1200
04:19:33 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: :)
04:20:02 <kovalevsky> echevemaster, +1
04:20:13 * alexove quiere una bombilla para mate :-)
04:20:15 <echevemaster> I think that not should be problem travel with valentin
04:20:38 * TonetJallo quiere lo mismo que alexove
04:20:40 <echevemaster> also...
04:20:44 <kovalevsky> If he travels with valentin, we could reduce the cost of the air ticket
04:20:48 <echevemaster> !
04:20:54 <yn1v> we have to take into account that they live in different cities
04:21:02 <echevemaster> he will be in brazil
04:21:06 <yn1v> echevemaster, ?
04:21:11 <echevemaster> he can travel from brazil
04:21:12 <danielbruno> can valetin and villadalmine take the same flight?
04:21:27 <danielbruno> villadalmine will be here in Brazil
04:21:33 <danielbruno> on week before the FUDCon
04:21:36 <danielbruno> *one
04:22:04 <echevemaster> him said me that if is sponsored he will ask to their chief more holidays
04:22:05 <echevemaster> so...
04:22:22 <echevemaster> he can travel from brazil if he wants
04:22:41 <kovalevsky> !
04:22:46 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: go ahead
04:23:09 <kovalevsky> travel since brazil would be more cheaper
04:23:10 <kovalevsky> ?
04:23:11 <yn1v> Probably will be more expensive for us. multicity tickets are more expensive that return ticktes
04:23:28 <echevemaster> ah ok yn1v
04:23:31 <kovalevsky> yn1v, good point.
04:23:48 <yn1v> unless he has a open ticket to return from foz to buenos aires
04:24:17 <echevemaster> I think he can do it.
04:24:29 <yn1v> what about if we pass the questions regarding fligth details to villadalmine
04:24:37 <echevemaster> ok.
04:24:39 <echevemaster> no problem
04:24:40 <kovalevsky> yn1v,+1
04:24:50 <yn1v> and we pick it up from there next week?
04:24:54 <echevemaster> correct
04:24:56 <echevemaster> +1 from me
04:24:58 <kovalevsky> Sure.
04:25:41 <potty_> +1
04:25:49 <yn1v> #task yn1v will write to villadalmine to get details about flight schedule
04:25:50 <alexove> +1
04:25:57 <TonetJallo> no problem for me
04:26:05 <lorddemon> ok +1
04:26:11 <echevemaster> ok next ticket or next week?
04:26:15 <yn1v> #topic openfloor
04:26:27 <yn1v> any further questions?
04:26:44 <echevemaster> from me, no.
04:27:11 <yn1v> counting back to end meeting
04:27:15 <yn1v> 10
04:27:17 <potty_> no
04:27:19 <kovalevsky> no
04:27:19 <yn1v> 09
04:27:26 <yn1v> no?
04:27:31 <TonetJallo> nothing from me
04:27:35 * alexove are going to sleep, good night guys
04:27:36 <potty_> no questions
04:27:37 <yn1v> do I stop counting?
04:27:43 <potty_> jeje, continue counting
04:27:44 <yn1v> :p
04:27:44 <bernardoha> none for me until next week.
04:27:47 <echevemaster> 8
04:27:47 <kovalevsky> No,go ahead.
04:27:48 <echevemaster> 7
04:27:49 <echevemaster> 6
04:27:50 <echevemaster> 5
04:27:50 <echevemaster> 4
04:27:51 <potty_> 3
04:27:51 <echevemaster> 3
04:27:52 <echevemaster> 2
04:27:53 <echevemaster> 1
04:27:53 <potty_> 1
04:27:55 <echevemaster> -0
04:27:58 <echevemaster> -0,1
04:27:59 <bernardoha> -1
04:28:00 <yn1v> #endmeeting