06:59:06 <mchua> #startmeeting 06:59:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jan 9 06:59:06 2010 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:59:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:59:22 <mchua> All righty. I'm going to do a first round of Events FAD budget work to get the ball rolling here. 06:59:33 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events_FAD_2010 07:00:08 <mchua> We have three budget requests under consideration. 07:00:11 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events_FAD_2010#Budget 07:01:08 <mchua> These are all easy; we've been planning on Clint and Jon coming for months, and Dennis is filling both an Infrastructure role we need a lot, and brings a lot of regional experience to the table. 07:02:25 <mchua> #info Clint Savage requests ~$300 for airfare 07:02:32 <mchua> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2010-January/000446.html Clint's proposal 07:03:20 <mchua> This one is easy: Clint has been our go-to guy for recording events in the past, and one of the big goals of the FAD is to figure out how to clone him (and what tools we need to get together in order to do that). 07:03:43 <mchua> #agreed $300 for Clint Savage travel 07:03:56 <mchua> #info Jon Stanley requests ~$170 for airfare 07:04:10 <mchua> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2010-January/000445.html 07:05:16 <mchua> This is also easy. Jon was a huge help in putting together FUDCon Toronto, making hotel logistics workflow spreadsheets, etc. - we need to capture how he does that. He's also going to be one of our Infrastructure ninjas and get us through the RFR(s) we'll need. 07:05:26 <mchua> #agreed $170 for Jon Stanley travel 07:05:49 <mchua> #info Dennis Gilmore requests ~$300 for airfare 07:05:52 <mchua> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2010-January/000447.html 07:07:04 <mchua> This is easy too - I put up a call for additional Infrastructure help because we need it, and Dennis has stepped up; he's also got a lot of regional FUDCon experience that's going to be very valuable. 07:07:14 <mchua> #agreed $300 for Dennis Gilmore travel 07:08:03 <mchua> We'll be covering lodging for everyone we sponsor travel for at the FAD, so 07:08:18 <mchua> #agreed Dennis, Jon, and Clint will also have their housing covered, details to be settled later. 07:08:26 <mchua> That was easy. 07:08:52 <mchua> This is the first round; I'm going to set up a proposal review cycle (2x per week between now and the FAD) and announce the schedule for that to the fudcon-planning list. 07:08:59 <mchua> We'll do this at every meeting. 07:09:19 <mchua> #info future budget planning will happen at twice-weekly meetings, to be announced to fudcon-planning 07:09:26 <mchua> That's all folks. Thanks! 07:09:28 <mchua> #endmeeting