15:02:49 <Heidiellis> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 1.3
15:02:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 16 15:02:49 2018 UTC.
15:02:49 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:02:49 <zodbot> The chair is Heidiellis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:02:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:02:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_1.3'
15:03:11 <Heidiellis> Welcome to our first IRC meeting!
15:03:40 <Heidiellis> Let's start with introductions. Let's go in alphabetical order by nick name.
15:03:51 <Heidiellis> Please use the #info command so that the bot logs the content.
15:03:56 <cmerlo> I guess that makes me first.
15:03:58 <Heidiellis> #topic Introductions
15:04:05 <cmerlo> #info Chris Merlo, Nassau Community College
15:04:07 <Heidiellis> Go for it cmerlo
15:04:26 <Heidiellis> Oh! I'm next!
15:04:47 <Heidiellis> Heidi Ellis from Western New England University and I'm one of the foss2serve team members running POSSE.
15:04:51 <kussmaul> #info: Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College (Allentown, PA) - POSSE organizer, POGIL evangelist :-)
15:04:52 <Guest55702> Hello
15:04:56 <Guest55702> This is Hunter Johnson
15:04:57 <Heidiellis> #info Heidi Ellis from Western New England University and I'm one of the foss2serve team members running POSSE.
15:05:14 <Heidiellis> Hi Hunter, if you'd like to change your nick, you may use the /nick command
15:05:36 <kussmaul> guessing lorip and mchua are away from keyboard
15:05:41 <joannakl> #info Joanna Klukowska, New York University, this will be my second POSSE
15:05:54 <Zhanyang> This is Zhanyang Zhang from CUNY College of Staten Island.
15:06:09 <Heidiellis> Hi Zhanyang, could you please use the #info before your introduction?
15:06:19 <Heidiellis> This will allow your information to show up in the summarized version of the notes.
15:06:19 <Zhanyang> Ok
15:06:42 <Zhanyang> #info This is Zhanyang Zhang from CUNY College of Staten Island.
15:06:52 <Heidiellis> For example, the raw log of a previous IRC is here:
15:07:03 <Heidiellis> #link https://meetbot-raw.fedoraproject.org/foss2serve/2018-11-14/posse_meeting_1.2.2018-11-14-20.00.log.html
15:07:18 <Guest55702> #info This is Hunter Johnson from John Jay College, CUNY
15:07:22 <Heidiellis> And the "clean" version is here:
15:07:25 <Heidiellis> #link https://meetbot-raw.fedoraproject.org/foss2serve/2018-11-14/posse_meeting_1.2.2018-11-14-20.00.html
15:07:30 <Heidiellis> Super!
15:07:57 <Heidiellis> I think we're up to nasonfish
15:07:59 <sarahzeli> #info This is Sarah Zelikovitz from CSI
15:08:51 <Heidiellis> spersinger?
15:08:54 <spersinger> #info Sharon Persinger from Bronx Community College, CUNY
15:09:07 <spersinger> didn't want to skip the line
15:09:14 <Heidiellis> I think that is everyone! :-)
15:09:16 <stewart_> #info Stewart Weiss, Hunter College.
15:09:37 <Heidiellis> Ah, sorry stewart, didn't mean to forget you! Stewart has also been to a POSSE before.
15:09:54 <Heidiellis> zodbot is the bot that is capturing this meeting.
15:10:19 <stewart_> Is Lori here yet?
15:10:38 <Heidiellis> I'm going to change the topic to IRC and Meetbot basics
15:10:44 <cmerlo> Lori told me she wouldn't be here today.  I wonder if she auto logged in or something.
15:10:48 <Heidiellis> #topic IRC and Meetbot basics
15:10:56 <Heidiellis> lorip, are you around?
15:11:17 <Heidiellis> Typing someone's nick usually "alerts" the person that they are being paged.
15:11:32 <Heidiellis> Also note that the tab will do autocomplete of nicks in most IRC clients.
15:12:05 <sarahzeli> Heidiellis, ok trying that! Is this acceptable in IRC chats
15:12:08 <Heidiellis> I'm going to use a meetbot command and make Clif a chair of this session in addition to mysefl.
15:12:15 <Heidiellis> sarahzeli, absolutely!
15:12:34 <Heidiellis> I'm using hexchat and it makes my screen blink and your text shows up in a different color.
15:12:52 <Heidiellis> #chair ClifKussmaul
15:12:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: ClifKussmaul Heidiellis
15:13:19 <Heidiellis> I've just added Clif as a chair. This means that he can now control the bot and meeting as well.
15:13:24 <ClifKussmaul> (I just used /nick to change my name from kussmaul to ClifKussmaul, since Heidi referred to me as Clif)
15:13:46 <Heidiellis> What questions do folks have about IRC and/or meetbots?
15:14:23 <Sarahzelikovitz> Should we tag our answer to your question with anything?
15:14:33 <cmerlo> Heidiellis: I spent a *lot* of time on IRC during graduate school, but that was a long time ago.
15:14:49 <Heidiellis> Feel free to tag a question with #info if you'd like.
15:15:07 <Heidiellis> You can also use things like #action when you've decided to take an action.
15:15:20 <Sarahzelikovitz> #is there any way of copying code or other commands into the IRC
15:15:24 <Heidiellis> cmerlo, good! IRC hasn't changed.
15:15:46 <Sarahzelikovitz> I am using HexChat
15:15:47 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, the typical convention for most projects is to use something like bitbucket for code snippets.
15:16:12 <cmerlo> Heidiellis: These cool auto-logging bots are new, though.  Back in my day we had top copy and paste with a mouse!
15:16:13 <Heidiellis> Rather than using the IRC client itself. Code can get messy in IRC and bitbucket lets a number of people look at the code and discuss.
15:16:27 <Heidiellis> cmerlo, :-) Right!
15:16:50 <Heidiellis> One of the reasons that IRC has remained a communication mechanism is because it is simple with low bandwidth.
15:17:13 <Heidiellis> Can be used in places that have little infrastructure.
15:17:31 <cmerlo> Makes sense
15:17:42 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, Did I answer your question?
15:17:46 <Sarahzelikovitz> OK, that makes sense. (this is in response to your answer to me, is there any way to indicate that it is not par of the next discussion on IRC)
15:18:13 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, are you asking if there is a way to keep track of different conversational threads in IRC?
15:18:20 <Sarahzelikovitz> What I mean to ask is, how do we keep multiple conversations organized?
15:18:26 <Heidiellis> Ah, right.
15:18:30 <ClifKussmaul> (with difficulty)
15:18:32 <Heidiellis> You can have private conversations.
15:18:34 <Heidiellis> :-) right.
15:18:43 <Sarahzelikovitz> OK, got it!
15:19:11 <Heidiellis> You can open another channel if need be.
15:19:37 <Heidiellis> And using someone's nick is customary if two or more conversations are trying to happen at once in one channel.
15:19:45 <ClifKussmaul> Zhanyang: any questions about IRC?
15:20:05 <ClifKussmaul> HunterJohnson: any questions?
15:20:24 <ClifKussmaul> spersinger: any questions?
15:20:41 <HunterJohnson> Not yet.  I'm just poking around.  If you have any neat tricks to suggest I would be happy to know about them.
15:21:31 <Sarahzelikovitz> I read over the example chats when preparing for this meeting -- but did not realize that I should look at the timestamps to get an idea of the flow of information and how long it takes people to answer questions! Will go back and do that.
15:21:59 <Heidiellis> The typical culture for IRC is to join a channel and "hang out" while doing other work.
15:22:00 <ClifKussmaul> the meeting agenda (on foss2serve) lists some other useful IRC commands, like /help and /me
15:22:25 <Heidiellis> Hence the use of nicks to get someone's attention when you want to start a conversation.
15:22:46 <Heidiellis> If I'm online, I always have Hexchat open and I'm always in this room. So you can get ahold of me that way any time.
15:22:53 <Sarahzelikovitz> Can you set you machine to ping if your nickname comes up
15:23:00 <cmerlo> Hey, is anyone using a Mac, and have an IRC client that you like?  I'm using IRSSI, which is barebones, but ok so far
15:23:17 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, Yes, that will depend on your IRC client and operating system.
15:23:41 <Sarahzelikovitz> Heidiellis, thanks, will look at settings
15:23:52 <Zhanyang> I like the function which IRC can summarize the meeting conversation and produce an action list.
15:24:03 <ClifKussmaul> I once had a student connect pidgin (irc client) to a speech synthesizer, so she could hear who was contacting her
15:24:34 <Heidiellis> Oh, cool!
15:25:04 <Heidiellis> Zhanyang, yes, it is a neat function.
15:25:39 <Heidiellis> IRC lacks some of the features of slack (which isn't open source) and Riot or Gitter. But it is very low bandwidth and many projects remain on IRC.
15:26:59 <cmerlo> I'm using Slack with my classes this semester as an experiment.  The pinging when you're not actively using the software is a nice feature.
15:27:09 <cmerlo> But, it isn't OSS
15:27:50 <Heidiellis> cmerlo, Right, that is a problem with FOSS purists.
15:27:56 <cmerlo> I get it
15:27:59 <Heidiellis> We also found that slack is not accessible.
15:28:30 <cmerlo> Riot looks like a nice project, but I apparently don't have the patience to connect it to IRC
15:28:33 <Heidiellis> I had a blind student and he couldn't interact with the community because there was no way for him to communicate.
15:28:39 <Heidiellis> :-)
15:28:41 <cmerlo> oh, interesting
15:28:53 <Heidiellis> Right!
15:29:10 <Sarahzelikovitz> Heidiellis, how did he interact with IRC?
15:29:20 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, command line.
15:29:28 <cmerlo> Heidiellis: and it worked ok for him?
15:29:33 <Heidiellis> He got up and running on IRC in about half an hour. I was amazed.
15:29:37 <cmerlo> nice
15:29:38 <Heidiellis> Yes, it worked really well.
15:29:40 <Sarahzelikovitz> Heidiellis, wow
15:29:47 <cmerlo> Heidiellis: do you know what client he used?
15:30:07 <Heidiellis> He used a command-line approach where he connected directly to the IRC server.
15:30:38 <Heidiellis> I don't know the details, but I could see if I can find out. He graduated but I can probably track him down.
15:31:09 <Heidiellis> Are there any questions about the activities?
15:31:33 <Heidiellis> Just a reminder to please put a sentence or two in the spreadsheet about each activity.
15:31:37 <Heidiellis> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HvgclSLZE4f1fDrw9S7ywP6MrMsAaWjWXATQ3W7H3Wg/edit#gid=0
15:32:10 <Heidiellis> This helps us understand where people are and if they have questions.
15:32:16 <ClifKussmaul> #topic activities
15:32:39 <Sarahzelikovitz> #info tos The email that I got with the link was in html, tags and all, not sure why
15:33:29 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, Oh, you mean the email from TOS about your account.
15:33:33 <Heidiellis> Right, I'll look into that.
15:34:05 <Sarahzelikovitz> Heidiellis, yes, sorry if I was not so clear. I was able to find the link and verify my account anyway
15:34:12 <Heidiellis> Good!
15:34:56 <Heidiellis> Is everyone able to access the google spreadsheet?
15:35:06 <cmerlo> I accessed it
15:35:10 <Sarahzelikovitz> So did I
15:35:12 <Heidiellis> Good!
15:35:22 <spersinger> me too
15:35:36 <Zhanyang> Yes, I can and did it
15:35:59 <cmerlo> brb
15:36:13 <Heidiellis> Super. Please do include a sentence or two about each activity as you complete them.
15:36:25 <Heidiellis> We're really looking forward to meeting everyone face-to-face in January!
15:36:46 <cmerlo> sorry about that
15:37:07 <Heidiellis> cmerlo, No fuss. That is typical IRC interactions.
15:37:28 <cmerlo> I'm trying to connect with a gui client and i have no idea what i'm doing :)
15:37:59 <Heidiellis> :-) Good for you to explore.
15:38:06 <Heidiellis> OK, are there any other questions?
15:38:28 <hunterPidgin> Is there a way to configure the hostname?  I notice that mine exposes my IP and other people have cooler sounding ones.
15:39:02 <Heidiellis> hunterPidgin, Where is it exposing the host name?
15:39:11 <Heidiellis> hunterPidgin, I'm guessing this might be a client issue?
15:39:21 <hunterPidgin> Host name: c-24-0-255-115.hsd1.nj.comcast.net
15:39:25 <Sarahzelikovitz> #hunterPidgin how can you tell what your hostname is?
15:39:31 <hunterPidgin> is my IP address
15:39:56 <hunterPidgin> stewart's address is Host name:
15:39:59 <Heidiellis> So where are you seeing this?
15:40:01 <ClifKussmaul> if I right-click on any name I can get more info about them, including  username, server, etc
15:40:04 <Heidiellis> Oh, I get it.
15:40:07 <hunterPidgin> I think it's WHOIS
15:40:14 <Heidiellis> Are you on Pidgin?
15:40:20 <hunterPidgin> Yes, and Hexchat :)
15:40:23 <cmerlo1> Oh, that's now :)
15:40:27 <cmerlo1> er, that's how
15:40:32 <Heidiellis> Right. Yes.
15:40:48 <Heidiellis> hunterPidgin, Are you asking if you can turn that off? I don't think so.
15:41:02 <hunterPidgin> Okay just curious
15:41:05 <spersinger> But that "has joined" message did not come up for everyone
15:41:47 <cmerlo> spersinger: I just quit and rejoined with a different client
15:42:01 <Heidiellis> spersinger, Hmmm, thats interesting.
15:42:19 <Heidiellis> I didn't see you leave. I'm wondering if your old client was still attached?
15:42:34 <cmerlo> Heidiellis: me?
15:42:53 <Heidiellis> The /me command is used to provide commentary/emotion.
15:42:54 <cmerlo> I joined as "cmerlo1", quit as "cmerlo", and changed nick back
15:42:55 * Heidiellis smiles
15:43:06 <Heidiellis> Frequently used like:
15:43:19 * Heidiellis wonders why the "has joined" message isn't showing up....
15:43:39 <Heidiellis> The /me command indicates a side comment or thought that is not part of the main conversation.
15:43:58 <ClifKussmaul> race condition?
15:43:58 <Heidiellis> It is also used to convey emotion. Like laughing, frowning, etc.
15:45:19 <Heidiellis> Does anyone have any more questions?
15:46:04 <Heidiellis> So as a final reminder, please log your progress and you'll see a poll for the next IRC meeting after Thanksgiving.
15:46:11 * Sarahzelikovitz smile
15:46:11 <Heidiellis> Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
15:46:17 <HunterJohnson> Thank you Heidi
15:46:18 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, you got it!
15:46:24 <cmerlo> Thanks!  Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
15:46:39 <stewart_> The same to you Chris!
15:46:48 <Heidiellis> Thanks!
15:46:49 <Sarahzelikovitz> Yes, we are learning a lot -- at a very busy time of the semester!
15:46:52 <Heidiellis> I'm going to end the meeting.
15:46:54 <spersinger> Thanks Heidi.  Happy Thanksgiving to all!
15:47:00 <Heidiellis> Sarahzelikovitz, right! I completely agree!
15:47:03 <Heidiellis> #endmeeting