15:05:23 <darci> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 3
15:05:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 15 15:05:23 2018 UTC.
15:05:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:05:23 <zodbot> The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:05:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:05:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_3'
15:05:55 <darci> #chair kussmaul lorip
15:05:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: darci kussmaul lorip
15:06:12 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 contains the agenda for this meeting
15:06:25 <darci> Here's the link to our agenda!
15:06:59 <darci> #topic Roll Call
15:06:59 <darci> Please reply with a #info your name, your institution.  For example:
15:07:15 <darci> #info Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College
15:07:30 <kussmaul> #info Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College
15:07:35 <lorip> #info Lori Postner, Nassau Community College, Long Island, NY
15:07:48 <Hossain> #info Hossain Shahriar, Kennesaw State University
15:07:56 <wjin> #info Wei Jin, Georgia Gwinnett College
15:08:29 <castroa> #info Alberto Castro, Miami University
15:08:37 <Dferebee> #info Denise Ferebee, LeMoyne-Owen College
15:09:17 <darci> ajan: Are you here?
15:10:06 <darci> Okay, I'll assume that's it.
15:10:13 <darci> Welcome all!
15:10:29 <darci> I'll move on to the next topic.
15:10:30 <darci> #topic Progress on Stage 1 Activities
15:10:52 <darci> Can each of you provide a breif update on your progress on stage 1 activities?
15:11:08 <darci> Or let us know if you have any questions?
15:11:12 <Hossain> darci: did you mean stage 1, part C?
15:11:33 <aroca> #info Alberto Roca, DiverseScholar/EquitableTech
15:11:53 <darci> Any of the stage 1 activities. I believe the people are at different places.
15:12:20 <darci> Hi aroca!
15:12:27 <Hossain> got a question: could not find any info under "Resolution" column in bugtracker website? not sure if I missed to browse all information?
15:13:13 <darci> Hmmm...I would have to check that out.
15:13:17 <lorip> Hossain - which activity?
15:13:21 <aroca> am finishing Stage 1B
15:13:34 <wjin> I have completed the required portion of all part 1 activities. I'm trying to get more familiar with Github and do the optional portion of Part C.
15:13:36 <Hossain> It was Part 1- Part 1 - Bug Reports
15:13:53 <lorip> give me a couple of minutes, I'll look into it
15:13:53 <Hossain> Here is the link posted, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&field0-0-0=product&field0-1-0=product&field0-2-0=product&field0-3-0=product&field0-4-0=product&field0-5-0=product&field0-6-0=product&field0-7-0=product&keywords=accessibility&keywords_type=allwords&query_format=advanced&type0-0-0=notequals&type0-1-0=notequals&type0-2-0=
15:14:38 <castroa> I need to update the activity evaluation, and I'm finishing part B.
15:14:55 <lorip> wjin - that is awesome! what project are you going to try to download as part of the optional work?
15:15:26 <wjin> lorip - At this point, I think it is Ushahidi.
15:15:28 <Dferebee> I need to put my results on the wiki and i will be finished.
15:16:06 <darci> Hossain: I'm not sure, but these are all currently active issues, I wouldn't expect a resolution.
15:16:24 <Hossain> thanks for clarifying
15:17:08 <darci> But, then I'm not sure why that column is there.
15:17:44 <Hossain> Never mind, I was able to go through all three steps, and write some summary in the wiki.
15:17:56 <darci> Great!
15:18:02 <Hossain> I suppose the fun part will be to run something into a course
15:18:45 <darci> Yes, one of the challenges is that things are always changing, but that makes it fun as well!
15:19:03 <darci> It sounds like everyone is making progress, any other questions?
15:19:14 <lorip> Hossain - the documentation doesn't help at all on this, sorry #link https://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.4/en/html/query.html#list
15:19:27 <Hossain> great
15:19:57 <darci> If not, then I'll move on.
15:20:05 <darci> #topic Stage 1 Activities on Planning for HFOSS in Courses
15:20:17 <darci> This is about activities B.4 and C.3
15:20:48 <darci> It will be important that everyone complete these two activites.
15:21:21 <darci> We will be using your answers during the fact-to-face workshop (stage 2) next week.
15:21:39 <Hossain> darci: could you share the website where B.4 and C.3 is?
15:21:52 <darci> Sure!
15:21:55 <kussmaul> http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities#Part_C
15:22:06 <Hossain> ok, got it, I am already there..
15:22:22 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities#Part_A
15:22:37 <castroa> thanks
15:22:47 <Hossain> Regarding these, i am planning openemr, to include a course for development, divided into 3 stage of activities (expecting 2 weeks for each): setting up environment, develop a test module, review some contributed code by others, and may be add one solution to any issue of choice
15:23:39 <darci> Are these 6 weeks part of a course?
15:23:45 <lorip> Hossain - are you planning on having them work in the openmrs core? or one of the modules? or the android app?
15:24:36 <Hossain> good question, I am trying to follow this https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Getting+Started+as+a+Developer
15:24:47 <Hossain> I presume, it may be module
15:25:14 <lorip> we were looking at that this morning - glad to hear you have already had a chance to look at it
15:25:23 <lorip> does language matter for you?
15:25:54 <Hossain> I assume java and mysql knowledge be enough.
15:26:26 <Hossain> could you provide the link for android app of openemr?
15:26:45 <lorip> there is a front end that some people have worked in that is javascript and angular, so I was curious if you chose openmrs because of it being in java
15:27:17 <darci> #link https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-contrib-android-client
15:27:29 <darci> This is the linke to the GitHub repo
15:27:29 <Hossain> thanks, i will check on this too
15:27:52 <darci> #link https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/projects/OpenMRS+2.x+Android+Client And here is the link to their wiki page
15:27:53 <Hossain> however, I am sure there will be some issues with the class and managing diverse learners
15:28:25 <darci> Where is the curriculum is the course? 3rd year? 4th?
15:28:57 <Hossain> masters
15:29:23 <Hossain> regarding openmrs-contrib-android-client project, is there any documentation available to set up and test?
15:29:28 <darci> Ahhh
15:29:56 <darci> That is available through one of both of the links I believe.
15:30:10 <lorip> not sure if this is what you are looking for #link https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-contrib-android-client/blob/master/README.md
15:30:39 <Hossain> got it now.. thanks, but I will let others talk now, took a lot of time
15:30:54 <lorip> hossain, no worries, all good stuff!
15:31:44 <darci> Thanks for all the comments on the activites!
15:32:04 <darci> We would like to continue to encourage everyone to continue doing this!
15:32:17 <darci> It is helpful to us in many ways!
15:32:32 <darci> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hG45B8aK4A7JaSDx4PE3UvXQNMw6Ph-iE53YqvMOrWQ/edit#gid=0 to log comments on Stage 1
15:33:10 <darci> Unless there are other questions about the activites, I'll move on.
15:33:25 <darci> #topic Stage 2 Group Sign-up
15:33:33 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups to sign up
15:33:53 <darci> We've already talked about this a bit.
15:34:57 <darci> As part of the workshop we will have some small group time where we can talk about courses where we want to have student involvement.
15:35:03 <kussmaul> is anyone having trouble deciding which groups (projects or courses) interest them?
15:35:14 <darci> Also about projects we want to use.
15:35:29 <Dferebee> One, house keeping question for next week
15:35:55 <Dferebee> Transportation from the airport?
15:36:38 <darci> Is anyone else coming in around the same time as you?
15:37:05 <darci> We encourage people to travel together if at all possible to reduce costs.
15:37:15 <kussmaul> Greg sent email this morning with some local info
15:37:28 <Dferebee> Courses and Projects: i think i may have a question later... I have to think a little more about it
15:37:42 <Dferebee> Arrival: i am not sure...
15:38:28 <lorip> dferebee - looks like you are scheduled to arrive at 11:52am and wjin is scheduled to arrive at 12:14pm - perhaps you can coordinate?
15:39:15 <darci> lorip: Can you post the link to the spreadsheet?
15:39:30 <lorip> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r4gMu4uDE57nbM2iHSaWn5UXpaHWhyf_ddBL5Qm1qBg/edit#gid=0
15:39:34 <darci> Thanks!
15:39:37 <lorip> and from Greg's email this morning
15:39:40 <wjin> lorip - OK. I will email Dferebee to coordinate
15:39:46 <lorip> From the airport: The airport is served by both taxi and ride sharing companies (e.g., Uber). There is also public transportation via a SEPTA train to Suburban Station. The train stops at each airport terminal at a station between the terminal and baggage claim. See below under “SEPTA” for directions from Suburban Station to the hotel.
15:41:05 <lorip> wjin - sounds good...
15:41:26 <darci> #topic Good of the Order - Travel Questions
15:41:40 <darci> It seems as though we have transitioned to travel questions.
15:41:42 <darci> Are there others
15:42:24 <Hossain> on our departure time, any suggestion to get back to airport from Drexel campus?
15:42:56 <darci> We will organize group transportation.
15:43:05 <darci> Based on departure times.
15:43:10 <darci> So no worries there.
15:43:26 <kussmaul> from the spreadsheet, looks like a bunch of people have flights between 4 and 6
15:43:33 <aroca> Q any Sunday dinner plans for those arriving early?
15:43:38 <lorip> how many of you plan to meet us at the hotel and travel with us to Drexel on Monday?
15:44:04 <Hossain> I am planning for
15:44:37 <lorip> aroca - not sure, I don't arrive 'til Monday morning...
15:45:29 <aroca> I'll b @ hotel Monday to commute
15:45:29 <darci> aroca: I'm not sure, you might send an email out to the group. I arrive on Monday morning as well
15:45:57 <aroca> re:Sunday dinner, just asking but no need to organize if not already planned
15:46:06 <lorip> wjin and Dferebee - do you plan to go straight to Drexel or go to the hotel first?
15:46:27 <kussmaul> travel spreadsheet lists arrival dates, so you can see who will be around Sunday evening
15:47:06 <lorip> and as a side note, you should have lunch on your own prior to our start on Monday
15:47:49 <lorip> hi tdelan - we were just discussion travel questions - do you have any?
15:47:51 <darci> Also, we will meet in the hotel lobby at 1:30 to travel from the hotel to our meeting location.
15:47:55 <kussmaul> the last time I was at Drexel there were a bunch of food trucks near the Rush building, and there are various restaurants within walking distance too
15:48:00 <wjin> lorip, do we have enough time to get to the hotel from airport by 1:30pm? I arrive 12:14pm. If not, we will go directly to the meeting place.
15:48:34 <lorip> wjin, I'm not sure how far the airport is from the hotel, let me check...
15:49:12 <kussmaul> I think it will be difficult to reach hotel by 1:30 if flight lands at 12:14
15:49:56 <lorip> looks like a 22 minute drive to the hotel, so probably tight (especially if you check luggage)
15:51:14 <wjin> OK, we can go to the meeting place directly.
15:52:31 <darci> One more note regarding stage 1...
15:52:33 <aroca> #info non-POSSE-workshop Q will any1 b @ Tapia or Hopper? My OSS BoF was accepted @ Tapia!
15:52:39 <lorip> if you go to drexel you can grab something to eat there
15:53:00 <lorip> darci & I will be at Hopper - we had a workshop accepted
15:53:05 <darci> #info Everyone should arrive in Philly with Git installed on their laptop and have completed C.2
15:53:12 <wjin> lorip, thanks!
15:53:44 <darci> aroca: Congrats!
15:53:53 <lorip> wjin, I just double checked with greg (who is at drexel) and he said yes, go directly to drexel
15:54:17 <wjin> lorip, OK! Thanks!
15:54:35 <Dferebee> I will do the same
15:54:37 <tdelan> Look forward to the workshop on Monday. Is there contact number in case we have trouble finding the building.
15:54:58 <lorip> yes, greg provided his and heidi's cell phones in his email
15:55:05 <lorip> everyone got that, correct?
15:55:10 <kussmaul> If you run into problems, here are some cell phones to try:
15:55:10 <kussmaul> Greg Hislop: 610-804-8998
15:55:10 <kussmaul> Heidi Ellis: 860-543-2895
15:55:10 <Hossain> yes
15:55:12 <lorip> hi marcogerosa
15:55:21 <MarcoGerosa> hi lorip
15:55:29 <lorip> we are just talking about travel plans
15:55:36 <Dferebee> Lorip: i  will also come directly to drexel
15:55:38 <tdelan> Thanks.
15:56:54 <MarcoGerosa> I arrive Sunday night.
15:58:10 <lorip> marcogerosa - did you get greg's email with information about local transportation?
15:58:40 <MarcoGerosa> yes, I did. tks
15:58:57 <castroa> I'll arrive early morning on Monday, then go to the hotel, then the meeting.
15:58:58 <wjin> Dferebee, I just sent you an mail about sharing the ride to Drexel.
16:00:10 <lorip> castroa - darci & I will be meeting in the lobby of the hotel at 1:30 to go over to Drexel
16:00:58 <castroa> lorip - great! I'll meet you there.
16:01:06 <Hossain> I plan to be in the lobby at 1:30pm on Monday to meet with others.
16:01:28 <lorip> perfect!
16:01:34 <Dferebee> Wjin: thank you...
16:01:44 <lorip> darci - I'm going to have to leave in a few minutes
16:01:57 <darci> Okay, we are at the 1 hour mark...other questions?
16:02:06 <darci> okay lorip
16:02:48 <Hossain> thanks lorip, darci, and everyone, see you all next Monday.
16:02:51 <darci> Not sure if my not about completing C.2 got lost. We will be doing a git activity on the first day, so it is important  that everyone has completed C.2
16:03:12 <darci> bye Hossain!
16:03:36 <Hossain> ok, bye
16:03:37 <lorip> safe travels everyone!  looking forward to meeting you on Monday!
16:03:40 <darci> If there are no other questions, then I'll end the meeting. Thank you all for being here!
16:03:44 <kussmaul> bye
16:03:48 <darci> See you all on Monday!
16:04:20 <darci> I'll stick around for a bit just in case anyone has additional questions/concerns.
16:04:31 <darci> #endmeeting