
#fedora-zh: FZUG

Meeting started by zsun at 13:03:03 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (zsun, 13:03:18)
    1. topic remaining action item (zsun, 13:10:36)
    2. how to reactive the community (zsun, 13:10:53)

  2. remaining action item (zsun, 13:15:20)
    1. zsun reimburse customs duty for Fedora 24 DVDs (zsun, 13:16:23)
    2. long term action: Fedora "Onepager" for guides (zsun, 13:17:35)
    3. We will stop import swags (DVDs, stickers etc.) from APAC due to new regulations (zsun, 13:19:02)

  3. Localization (zsun, 13:22:02)
    1. https://fedora.zanata.org/version-group/view/main?dswid=8943 (zsun, 13:38:49)

Meeting ended at 14:06:34 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. zsun (53)
  2. tiansworld (29)
  3. trustywolf (13)
  4. zodbot (7)
  5. BadGirl (3)
  6. kital (0)
  7. Pany (0)
  8. tonghuix (0)

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