20:01:09 <sijis> #startmeeting
20:01:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Apr 30 20:01:09 2010 UTC.  The chair is sijis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:01:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:01:22 <sijis> hello everyone.
20:01:33 * gbinns 
20:01:33 <sijis> #topic Who is here?
20:02:12 <sijis> i know hiemanshu (gwerra now) is probably not comming
20:02:36 <sijis> i'll wait another min or so if anyone else pops in
20:02:55 <gbinns> ok
20:03:12 <gbinns> by the way, i'll say it again - count me in for weekly meetings
20:03:29 <sijis> excellent. :)
20:03:43 <sijis> looks like just us two.
20:03:50 <sijis> #topic git repo split
20:04:01 <sijis> so this has been brought up in the past.
20:04:04 <gbinns> ok
20:04:16 <sijis> but i'd like to propose we split the spins.fp.o site into its own repo
20:04:38 <sijis> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/websites/2010-April/007878.html
20:04:51 <sijis> that's what i sent out earlier this week
20:05:06 <sijis> i've heard some feedback and pretty much everyone is agreeing to do it
20:05:21 <sijis> anyhow.. i just wanted to throw it out there.. for something to do after f13 ships
20:05:31 <gbinns> cool so for example, kde would have it's own repo?
20:05:53 <sijis> not exactly. i'm suggesting its basically how it is now
20:06:14 <sijis> so it would be 'gitspins-web' (or whatever) and spin owners would have access to that
20:06:25 <gbinns> ok
20:06:26 <sijis> and in that repo it would contain, kde, xfce, lxde, games, etc
20:07:12 <gbinns> definitely sounds more organized to me to have separate access
20:07:44 <gbinns> (separate access as in what you are suggesting)
20:08:45 <sijis> ah.. yes
20:09:09 <sijis> we'll have time before this is done. so there may be more discussion on this
20:09:13 <sijis> moving on...
20:09:25 <sijis> #topic get.fp.o status
20:09:41 <sijis> so, earlier this week i merged the get-redesign branch into master
20:10:04 <sijis> #info get-redesign branch merged into master
20:10:22 <sijis> so now master will have the f13 release site
20:10:31 <sijis> its currently available at http://stg.fedoraproject.org
20:10:51 <sijis> also note that we are in string freeze for it. so only design changes
20:12:05 <gbinns> i like how everything for the most part is "above the fold" so you don't have to scroll compared to the old one
20:12:14 <sijis> yup :)
20:13:09 <sijis> ok
20:13:18 <sijis> #topic GA web tasks
20:13:39 <sijis> so f13 in gonna be release in a few weeks
20:15:12 <sijis> so the only major stuff is finishing up the design in master
20:15:41 <sijis> and getting the final f13 button needs to be imported
20:15:51 <sijis> i don't think design needs to have that ready yet
20:16:04 <sijis> so, i'll keep this short
20:16:13 <sijis> #topic open floor/other topics
20:16:23 <sijis> anything else someone wants to talk or bring up?
20:17:18 <gbinns> yeah, i'm working on a standard operating procedure for keyword optimization on fp.o
20:17:38 <sijis> what's the link to the wiki page agin?
20:18:04 <gbinns> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Keyword_optimization
20:18:10 <sijis> #info gbinns working on keyword optimization on fp.o (SEO)
20:18:33 <sijis> you are working closely with marketing on this, correct.
20:18:46 <sijis> and as i understand the feedback has been very positive
20:18:57 <gbinns> the SOP will also include page elements that search engines look at when determining how to index a page in conjunction with a keyword
20:19:53 <gbinns> yes, working with marketing, things have been going well - as per suggestions i am going to recommend changes to both the marketing and websites mailing lists with a 7 day waiting period for objections before pursuing and implementation
20:20:53 <sijis> yeah that works.
20:21:09 <sijis> the original post is in marketing list, right?
20:21:33 <gbinns> yeah and i also covered it again in this week's marketing meeting
20:21:57 <gbinns> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2010-04-27/fedora_marketing.2010-04-27-20.21.html
20:23:04 <gbinns> #action gbinns will update the keyword optimization wiki page with the latest information from the past week as well as the SOP
20:23:23 <gbinns> that's all i think
20:24:07 <sijis> ok, cool.
20:24:12 <sijis> well welcome to the group
20:24:19 <sijis> and we appreciate the work you've done so far
20:24:22 <sijis> :)
20:24:32 <sijis> if not anything else... well close in 30
20:24:54 <gbinns> thanks, you all are awesome
20:27:52 <sijis> #endmeeting