20:01:25 <sijis> #startmeeting 20:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 22 20:01:25 2010 UTC. The chair is sijis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:35 <sijis> #topic Who's here 20:01:39 * hiemanshu 20:01:41 <hiemanshu> mchua: ping 20:01:54 <nullsys> here 20:02:05 <hiemanshu> ricky: ping 20:02:16 <sijis> i'm hoping tmz would be able to stop by. he said he wasn't sure. 20:02:30 * ricky is around for ~20 minutes 20:02:37 * giarc is here 20:02:45 <tmz> sijis: I'll pop in, though I'm only partially here. 20:02:51 * maxamillion is here because hiemanshu said to be ... not sure what all I can contribute but willing to help where able :) 20:02:56 <sijis> tmz: that's cool. 20:03:13 <sijis> okay, cool. lot of folks. 20:03:22 <sijis> #topic follow-ups 20:03:35 <hiemanshu> mo is not here, and mchua looks busy 20:03:38 <sijis> last meeting (~2weeks ago), i needed to follow up for a few things 20:03:45 <sijis> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-websites/2010-01-08/fedora-websites.2010-01-08-20.00.html 20:03:58 <sijis> in the actions section.. 20:04:29 <sijis> 1 - mizmo mentioned that get.fp.o is seperate that the whole fp.o redesign, primarily since fp.o design is not finalized 20:04:52 <sijis> 2 - nb reached out for help and nullsys has been helping out with blogs.fp.o 20:04:54 * mchua here 20:05:00 <sijis> and hopefully getting that moving along 20:05:22 <sijis> 3 - ricky.. i haven't followed up with him on blogs.stg.fp.o but i will 20:05:30 <ricky> value01.stg is build but doesn't have NFS 20:05:51 <ricky> I'm not sure why blogs is broken though - I suspect it's up to being a config issue, since we all know how much wordpres-mu likes different paths 20:06:04 <ricky> Oh, and I need to do a db import to db1.stg 20:06:05 <hiemanshu> ricky: blogs has been fixed now 20:06:06 <sijis> haha. is there a db ready for it too? 20:06:09 <ricky> Which I'll gt now 20:06:25 <nullsys> yeah I have some info on blogs 20:06:37 <hiemanshu> nullsys: wait for your turn :) 20:06:40 <sijis> oh, okay. so there is some work to be done for stg. that's find. 20:07:09 <sijis> ok, lets roll this into blogs status 20:07:18 <sijis> #topic blogs.fp.o status 20:07:27 <sijis> nullsys: go ahead, whats gong on with it 20:07:39 <nullsys> ~1 - The login/signup redirect issue has been solved by a small edit to the wp-login.php file. Simply hard-coding the redirect line instead of a variable fixed the issue. 20:07:52 <nullsys> ~2 - "Control Panel" still has the same effect as login used to. This will probably be a similar solution, but the right line needs to be found as it is associated with a wordpress function, so it will just take a dedicated hour or two to resolve. 20:08:07 <nullsys> ~3 - I do know that these issues are caused by the use of /wp/ in the redirects. Is it nessecary to have the wordpress installation in this folder, if not moving it outside of it may resolve this issue. 20:08:25 <nullsys> ~4 - No issues at all with the rest of blogs.* that I can see, been using it fine over the week 20:08:38 <nullsys> :) 20:08:44 <sijis> that's good news. the primarily its redirects 20:08:45 <hiemanshu> nullsys: Issue no 3 is to be spoken to infra team 20:08:57 <ricky> I'd really like to avoid patching other files of wordpress-mu 20:09:13 <ricky> If there's no way, suggest upstream involvement to make a way :-) 20:09:54 <nullsys> Thats why its been difficult to resolve. Since I believe wp-login.php has been modified already, I thought it best to just find a solution that file. That way the changes are only made in one place. 20:10:11 <sijis> #chair hiemanshu 20:10:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: hiemanshu sijis 20:10:31 <hiemanshu> nullsys: but the admin login function is in a functions file 20:10:38 <hiemanshu> Which is really not a good idea to edit 20:11:01 <sijis> ricky: i agree, let's keep the modification of other files to a minimum. but if we are already modifying wp-login.php, then let's butcher it 20:11:16 <nullsys> Understood, which is why I dont want to edit that file, but continue searching for a solution wp-login.php similar to the first login fix. 20:11:19 <sijis> wp allows function overrides. we could look into that 20:11:19 <ricky> Are we modifying them? 20:11:23 <ricky> I thought we were only touching wp-signup.ph 20:11:37 <hiemanshu> ricky: no wp-signup was modified 20:11:45 <hiemanshu> sijis: yes we ll have to look into that 20:12:08 <ricky> OK, so ideally leave wp-login.php alone. Even the wp-signup changes should be made upstream 20:12:27 <nullsys> As far as I can understand, its simply a case of changing a variable assignment thats coming from the admin_url() function. That should be overridden in wp-login to fix it, just like the first edit. 20:12:30 <hiemanshu> ricky: its changes made to add some info 20:12:38 <ricky> Using a common ID for a file that we can't edit is something they should not do 20:14:04 <sijis> ricky: what do you mean "common ID"? you mean a file 20:14:08 <hiemanshu> This is something which should be looked into 20:14:18 <hiemanshu> because some changes are blogs.fp.o specific 20:14:27 <ricky> The first change we made to wp-signup.php was that they had <div id="content"> or something similarly generic which messed with our CSS 20:14:34 <nullsys> The redirect_to variable holds the current problems. If your requesting access to the wp-admin folder, this variable gets /wp/ added to it in a strange place. Just like the previous login error. Once located it should simply mean editing one variable. 20:14:40 <ricky> Then we added more changes later :-/ 20:15:04 <ricky> But if this is causing us this much pain, it would be ideal to send a patch upstream to make this properly configurable. 20:15:16 <ricky> Otherwise, everybody else has to suffer just as much as we do :-) 20:15:24 <sijis> and are. 20:15:47 <hiemanshu> #action hiemanshu will look at the patches and send them upstream 20:15:51 <sijis> we can find the current fedora packager for wordpress-mu and see who he's been working with upstream 20:16:03 <hiemanshu> .whoowns wordpress-mu 20:16:03 <zodbot> hiemanshu: bretm 20:16:33 <sijis> but good point, we should try to avoid making changes to other files 20:16:38 <nullsys> It may still be possible that all this is caused by a faulty line in the apache rewrites. 20:17:00 <sijis> that's sort of a reason i'd like to get stg up and running to test the rewrites 20:17:01 <hiemanshu> nullsys: Trying to eliminate the rewrites will be a good idea 20:17:17 <ricky> Staging is up, it's just configured to redirect everything to the production site right now 20:17:43 <sijis> ok. thanks. 20:17:47 <sijis> anything else on blogs? 20:17:53 <ricky> There's also been a publictest setup for this which may be more accessible for nullsys - it's probably gone now, but can always be brought back 20:18:02 <nullsys> not from me :) 20:18:16 <nullsys> thanks, that might help. Its hard diagnosing and testing through someone else lol. 20:18:30 <hiemanshu> I ll setup an env for nullsys 20:18:37 <hiemanshu> ricky: can you sponspor him ? 20:18:49 <ricky> He's already in sysadmin-test 20:18:54 <hiemanshu> ah great 20:19:05 <hiemanshu> nullsys: remind me after the meeting, I ll do it for you 20:19:11 <nullsys> thanks, will do :) 20:19:21 <hiemanshu> sijis: move ahead 20:19:21 <sijis> ok, moving on 20:19:34 <sijis> #topic start.fp.o 20:19:40 <sijis> this should be real quick. 20:20:03 <sijis> so ricky helped me change start.fp.o from a static page to using genshi 20:20:14 <sijis> so now it can be translated. 20:20:32 <sijis> i didn't realize it but this was requested like 2yrs ago.. hey, it got done. whohoo 20:20:35 <sijis> thanks ricky for the help 20:20:42 <sijis> that's it 20:20:46 <ricky> Thanks sijis for finally getting that translatable :-) 20:20:48 * hiemanshu claps for sijis and ricky 20:20:54 <nullsys> :) 20:21:02 * ricky has to go in a few minutes - I was wondering, was splitting fedora-web on the list for this meeting? 20:21:08 <hiemanshu> ricky: yup 20:21:14 <sijis> yeah, its further down 20:21:16 <sijis> we can move it up 20:21:20 <hiemanshu> sijis: bring it up now 20:21:24 <sijis> let's do that. if you're leaving shortly 20:21:26 <ricky> That'd be good - I have a couple of questions about that 20:21:35 <sijis> #topic fedora-web repo split 20:21:45 <hiemanshu> ricky: go ahead 20:21:53 <sijis> ok, so there's been a talk about splitting it up 20:22:01 <ricky> OK, so this would be a pretty big change, and the web group is still pretty small and close 20:22:02 <sijis> so each site has a seperate git repo 20:22:05 <ricky> What's the gain from this? 20:22:27 <ricky> Note that each repo would have a separate copy of a lot of the same stuff like the build scripts 20:22:37 <ricky> I'd like to move away from that and centralize the build stuff to one locatoin if possible 20:22:51 <ricky> It sucks making a change to build.py and having to re-make the change in three different directories 20:23:14 <tmz> ricky: Bring common/Makefile to fedora-web.git. ;) 20:23:32 <ricky> So I'd make centralizing that as important that splitting the repo - especially since we still have just a few people working on all the websites 20:23:49 <ricky> tmz: Haha, I was thinking about whether that was something we wanted to copy :-) 20:24:22 <hiemanshu> ricky: the main idea I still have in mind is to be able to give access to spin maintainers 20:24:24 <tmz> ricky: Nothing wrong with a common build dir, that would be nice, for the reasons you mentioned. 20:24:29 <hiemanshu> and not affect other websites 20:24:50 <tmz> Is spins the only thing that needs separate ACLs? 20:24:50 * sijis see hiemanshu's comment 20:25:04 <ricky> As a side note, I'm less worried about access to fedora-web now that it's not built as root on puppet1 20:26:01 <hiemanshu> btw who came up with the idea? was it sijis or mmcgrath ? 20:26:03 <tmz> I'm also curious if spins really need separate perms, i.e. are there a lot of untrusted folks asking to make changes there? 20:26:03 <sijis> my concern is not giving people access. but at some point, we can't have any website 'dumped' into the repo. 20:26:26 <ricky> I wouldn't mind luring some spins.fp.o maintainers into helping with the web team, if you know what I mean :-) 20:26:35 <sijis> haha. 20:26:41 <hiemanshu> tmz: you cant trust everyone :) 20:26:42 <sijis> maxamillion: ^^ 20:26:43 <ricky> Anyway, that's just my thought on the repo split ida 20:27:00 <ricky> There are just some things like the copies of build.py that I'd like to get solved first 20:27:07 <maxamillion> sijis: sorry ... trying to mulit task and failing at it 20:27:13 <sijis> i agree. i don't think its *needed* now that its small, but we should at least talk about it 20:27:49 <sijis> maxamillion: see ricky's comment a few lines above :) 20:27:49 <maxamillion> I'd love to offer my help to the web team but my web skills are lacking ... I don't even really know css :( 20:27:49 <ricky> (On the other hand, the act of doing it is actually pretty simple with standard git tools) 20:28:00 <tmz> hiemanshu: Heh, sure. ;) Though that's why we have folks send patches or setup a git repo we can pull from. 20:28:11 <hiemanshu> tmz: right :) 20:28:13 <maxamillion> I can do content updates and such though, I'd be very willing for that 20:28:57 <hiemanshu> I am not sure if this is needed *right now* but well we'll have to do it sooner or later 20:28:57 <ricky> With that, I must be off - thanks for running the meeting, sijis 20:29:04 <sijis> ricky: no problem.. talk later 20:29:10 <hiemanshu> ricky: have fun 20:29:11 <tmz> Later ricky. 20:29:19 <sijis> so, maybe our efforts should be to consolidate the build scripts. 20:29:41 <sijis> and we can table the split at some other point in time 20:29:50 <sijis> tmz: you willing to help with that? 20:30:00 <tmz> sijis: I can, time permitting. 20:30:23 <sijis> i'll help.. not sure what common/Makefile was all about though 20:30:27 <hiemanshu> doesnt every website have it own build script already 20:30:34 <hiemanshu> and own makefil 20:30:39 <hiemanshu> Makefile** 20:30:45 <tmz> If we just want to keep things the same, using make <target>, it should be fairly straightforward to come up with a common dir for build scripts. 20:30:48 <sijis> hiemanshu: it does 20:30:48 <hiemanshu> we can just split up the dirs 20:31:45 <sijis> tmz: will we gain better build times because of it? 20:32:00 <sijis> i know easier management would be a plus 20:32:11 <tmz> I doubt that, we'd just avoid the duplication of the scripts 20:32:32 <tmz> But hey, ricky might have grand plans I don't know about. 20:32:51 <sijis> we'll have to pick his brain for insights :) 20:33:32 <tmz> The way to do is to commit something poor to the repo and then he'll find time to fix it and show us how it's done. 20:33:37 <tmz> ;) 20:33:46 <sijis> haha. 20:33:53 <nullsys> lol 20:34:02 <sijis> any other concerns/question on ths repo split? 20:34:26 <hiemanshu> nope 20:34:32 <tmz> It's a trivial thing to do with git, so if we ever need or want to, that part's simple. 20:34:46 <sijis> ok. that's good to know. 20:34:58 <sijis> #topic Fedora Insight 20:35:03 <sijis> mchua: ping 20:35:33 * tmz wanders off again 20:35:35 * hiemanshu hides from mizmo 20:35:39 <hiemanshu> err mchua ** 20:35:39 <mchua> Here! 20:35:43 <mchua> FI update... 20:35:44 <mizmo> hi hiemanshu 20:35:49 <sijis> mchua: yup 20:35:55 <sijis> floor is yours 20:35:55 <mchua> Zikula work, right now, is all "get Fedora Insight to staging" - once we do that we'll have /a/ zikula deployment and can figure out how to move further on that and pick up again on the others. 20:35:59 <mchua> #info all zikula conversation centering around the logistics mailing list 20:36:02 <mchua> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/logistics 20:36:05 <mchua> #info In order to get it to staging we need complete working install instructions - from zero to "congratulations, you made a Fedora Insight clone!" - at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_set_up_a_Zikula_sandbox#Short_URLs_System. 20:36:09 <mchua> Websites-wise, this is the most helpful recent update: 20:36:11 <mchua> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/logistics/2010-January/000327.html 20:36:14 <mchua> Immediate help needed with fixing the theme and theme package, because right now the theme package makes the site look like this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Zikula-theme-bug.png 20:36:18 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Design - help with Fedora Insight CSS/js tickets 20:36:21 <mchua> I think what we could use, for the next week, is someone from Websites (who, unlike me, knows how to make CSS and CMSes work nicely together and can figure out what needs to happen on these tickets and the package) to be a temporary Fedora Insight Theme Project Manager and do whatever it takes to get the theme package into a workable state. 20:36:26 <mchua> I am happy to serve as that person's minion and help them pull in people/resources as needed, but I do not have the skillz needed to drive that car. 20:36:29 <mchua> EOF 20:36:40 <mchua> questions, comments, volunteers? ;) 20:36:52 <hiemanshu> mchua: still waiting to find time for FI :P 20:37:14 <mchua> hiemanshu: *thank you* for getting the ball rolling on this - basically, I think we need another week of exactly what you did last time. 20:37:28 <mchua> making it possible for people to pick up tasks and get work done (and check out the css, etc) 20:37:29 <hiemanshu> mchua: btw I did tell you about the bug 20:37:36 <hiemanshu> And I know whats causing it 20:37:56 <hiemanshu> its a div package that should be fixed 20:38:28 <hiemanshu> mchua: I should be able to have my hands free by tuesday 20:38:55 <sijis> mchua: who is the person doing tht theme packaging? 20:39:07 <nullsys> I would like to donate some time to the project too, but not for a while, want to make sure blog and fedora-uk are up first. 20:39:09 <mchua> sijis: hiemanshu has done the heavy lifting so far. 20:39:33 <mchua> nullsys: noted. :) if those get clear, we'd love the help. 20:39:35 <sijis> so if we need someone to reference, we can get him? 20:39:45 <mchua> hiemanshu: ^^? 20:39:50 <nullsys> thanks mchua, I'd be happy too. Im sure it will be < 1 week. 20:39:59 <hiemanshu> sijis: sure 20:40:21 <hiemanshu> sijis: I have taken over the theme part 20:40:35 <sijis> hiemanshu: ok, great. 20:40:51 <hiemanshu> mchua: Tuesday it is, I ll need some help from itbegins 20:41:10 <hiemanshu> mchua: and the bug can be fixed via a simple zikula conf 20:41:49 <mchua> hiemanshu: awesome, thanks - should we try to pull in itbegins on irc at the same time as you? 20:41:49 <hiemanshu> or by making the div hidden 20:41:52 <mchua> .fasinfo itbegins 20:41:53 <zodbot> mchua: User: itbegins, Name: Simon Birtwistle, email: simon@zikula.org, Creation: 2009-01-29, IRC Nick: itbegins, Timezone: GMT, Locale: en, Extension: 5123794, GPG key ID: , Status: active 20:41:57 <hiemanshu> which is not a good idea though 20:41:57 <zodbot> mchua: Approved Groups: cla_done docs sysadmin ambassadors cla_fedora sysadmin-test sysadmin-devel cmsadmin gitfedora-cms gitfedora-zikula gitfedora-insight-theme 20:42:01 <zodbot> mchua: Unapproved Groups: web sysadmin-web 20:42:14 <mchua> hiemanshu: I know that itbegins is on the logistics list, so any questions you send there he's usually quite responsive to. 20:42:15 <hiemanshu> mchua: that would be ideal for me 20:42:19 <mchua> (within a day or so) 20:42:59 <hiemanshu> thats about it from me 20:43:16 <mchua> hiemanshu: I'll ping you, itbegins, and logistics and try to arrange that 20:43:17 <giarc> i have offered help on tickets 87 and 88 20:43:20 <mchua> thanks! 20:43:32 <sijis> giarc: great! 20:43:37 <hiemanshu> mchua: and please try and keep it after the tuesday :) 20:43:53 <sijis> mchua: is there a deadline you are trying to hit? 20:44:03 <giarc> i should be seting up a local instance and working there? correct? 20:44:04 <mchua> giarc: yay! do you need any help getting started? (maybe hiemanshu can answer questions?) 20:44:25 <hiemanshu> giarc: that would be ideal but Fedora 12 does not like ZIkula 20:44:27 <hiemanshu> Zikula** 20:44:32 <giarc> oh, hm 20:44:38 <giarc> what OS should I use? F11 20:44:42 <hiemanshu> Fedora 12 has php 5.3.0 and zikula doesnt support it 20:44:47 <giarc> ah 20:45:06 <sijis> that should be in the 'install guide' mentioned above 20:45:07 <hiemanshu> (because of some dumb ass functions that are no longer in php 5.3.0) 20:45:18 <mchua> sijis: We want to be using the site by Alpha public availability, which is March 2nd, so I want to get it in production by Feb 16. 20:45:50 <hiemanshu> sijis: I am working on patches for Zikula 20:45:51 <sijis> so in ~4wks 20:46:04 <hiemanshu> and php 5.3.0 and then probably send it upstream 20:46:10 <mchua> sijis: Yes. So we have to be on staging in 3 at the absolute latest. 20:46:36 <sijis> ok. 20:47:06 <sijis> anything else that should be mentioned? 20:47:12 * hiemanshu has nothing 20:47:39 <sijis> mchua: ohh yeah, i'll try to help as much as i can. my focus has been on get.fp.o. 20:48:03 <mchua> Thanks! 20:48:14 <sijis> #topic User Gallery 20:48:18 <mchua> *really* appreciate all the help here, we couldn't do FI without ya. 20:48:19 * mchua out 20:48:21 <sijis> hiemanshu: its all you. 20:48:28 <hiemanshu> yeah 20:48:39 <hiemanshu> SO User Gallery has just been an idea so far 20:48:54 <hiemanshu> And I have been working on the plans for it 20:49:01 <hiemanshu> Its going to be using Genshi on it 20:49:17 <hiemanshu> and having a few interviews of people who came up from different places 20:49:23 <hiemanshu> and different background 20:49:40 <hiemanshu> to Fedora as a contributor/user and where they are right now 20:50:15 <hiemanshu> I am working on the mockups, and planning to get it as close to the new site redesigns 20:50:25 <hiemanshu> but I could use some help with the mockups too 20:50:41 <hiemanshu> I did plan on using Zikula (as CMS) 20:50:57 <hiemanshu> but dint want to burden the resources with another db and php app 20:51:15 <sijis> does zikula offer a gallery plugin or anythign like that? 20:51:23 <hiemanshu> sijis: Yes it does 20:51:30 <hiemanshu> but user gallery here is something different 20:51:33 <hiemanshu> mizmo: ping 20:52:02 <hiemanshu> nullsys said he bugged me with an email that I never recieved so it looks like we hvae someone ready to help 20:52:24 <hiemanshu> I ll probably grab tatica or mizmo for a mockup 20:52:36 <sijis> yeah nullsys has seemed quite interested in user gallery 20:52:56 <nullsys> lol Yes, im willing to help out. Again at a diminished capacity until the other projects are further down the road, but from what you have been talking about it sounds like a nice project. 20:53:09 <hiemanshu> I am putting it up for Fedora 13 Final 20:53:09 <sijis> i haven't been on #fedora-design but there may be someone there that *may* be of assistance too 20:53:31 <hiemanshu> sijis: I ll have to look in -design, cause I dint see anyone take up a ticket for the last 3 motnhs 20:53:34 <hiemanshu> months** 20:53:42 <hiemanshu> (on a different project though) 20:53:47 <sijis> ah, gotcha. 20:54:20 <hiemanshu> so I know two people right now, i.e. mizmo and tatica 20:55:10 <hiemanshu> SO i ll be bugging em for a mockup and ask nullsys for help while converting it to HTML 20:55:14 <hiemanshu> thats it from me 20:55:21 <nullsys> :) 20:55:34 <sijis> ok, cool. 20:55:43 <sijis> the fun stuff 20:55:56 <sijis> #topic Intro / New folks 20:56:03 <hiemanshu> nullsys: go on 20:56:31 <nullsys> hmm? 20:56:45 <hiemanshu> sijis: do we act like *cough*seniors*cought* to em ? 20:56:53 <sijis> nullsys: give is a quick intro about yourself 20:57:05 <nullsys> cool will do... 20:57:34 * sijis anyone else that wants to introduce themselves, please feel free 20:58:01 <giarc> heh, well, i am not so new to the group, but have not been around a lot lately 20:58:26 <giarc> my name is Craig, and i have helped out a little with websites for a few years off and on 20:58:53 <nullsys> Hello all ;) some of you have met me over the past week. Its been great to help out where I can! Hmm, well...Im in the UK, 26. Over the past 10 years i've been a security administrator on various unix based networks, I've run two hosting companies in the UK and had a brief stint at Google working as a web analyst. My training and education has always been ICT related and im currently working towards me masters 20:58:53 <nullsys> in ICT. Im in uni in the uk. I love working on site design, development and programming. More info can be seen here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Nullsys 20:59:26 <nullsys> And thanks for the warm welcome from everyone :) 20:59:34 <hiemanshu> Welcome nullsys :D 20:59:40 <sijis> welcome nullsys 20:59:53 <sijis> giarc: welcome back? :) 20:59:56 <hiemanshu> sijis: we never had this should we introduce our selfs too? 21:00:03 <nullsys> oh and incase anyone is interested im also working on landofthezed.com. A Google MAP API browser game, where the gameboard is the world :) 21:00:13 <nullsys> lol 21:00:22 <sijis> yeah, i guess we can 21:00:28 <hiemanshu> sijis: you go on :) 21:00:37 <sijis> giarc: i have noticed some of your commits in the repo :) 21:00:49 <giarc> yeah, i have no idea who you guys are, but thanks for hard work on making the web team go! 21:01:19 <giarc> sijis, hope they were OK for you ;) 21:01:43 <sijis> so, i'm 29, Chicago, IL - USA. I'm a sysadmin. I work on Windows (95%) and Linux (5%) of my day. been around the web group for ~8months. 21:01:59 <hiemanshu> I am a Student Doing my engg in India, 20 years of age. I have been working as a freelancer for the last 2 years. Joined fedora around the release of Fedora 11 21:02:03 <sijis> giarc: yeah, totally fine changes. 21:02:33 <giarc> oh, i am 37, live in NJ and working as software dev for just over 10 years 21:02:57 * hiemanshu feels young 21:03:01 <nullsys> hehe you are :P 21:03:03 * giarc feels old 21:03:10 <giarc> :) 21:03:56 <nullsys> Great! That was nice to hear from everyone :) 21:03:59 <hiemanshu> Oh btw I am also a passoinate gamer 21:04:19 <hiemanshu> and have captained my school soccer team, was a part of my state basketball team too 21:04:52 <hiemanshu> #topic Open Floor 21:05:00 * giarc uses linux 99% of his time, and windows to just test IE bugs ;) 21:05:04 * sijis sorry. i had to step away 21:05:14 <nullsys> wb 21:05:26 <nullsys> Funnily enough giarc, at home im probably 75% windows. 21:05:28 <hiemanshu> giarc: I use Windows to game :D 21:05:34 <nullsys> Me too 21:05:48 <nullsys> Armed Assault mostly. Been a developer for that for 2 years now. 21:05:50 <hiemanshu> Is there anything else for now? 21:05:52 <sijis> giarc: do you use Fedora? :) 21:05:58 <giarc> sijis, of course! 21:06:08 <hiemanshu> Oh, I use Ubuntu 21:06:08 <giarc> since redhat 6 :) 21:06:17 <sijis> giarc: what lang do you dev in? 21:06:32 <sijis> my first Fedora was FC6 21:06:37 <giarc> py, ruby, php, javascript, and i know some java 21:06:47 <hiemanshu> If we dont have anything, I ll close the meeting in 30 21:06:48 <sijis> giarc: that's cool. 21:06:48 <giarc> i have dabbled with objective-c 21:07:13 <hiemanshu> ..... 21:07:14 <sijis> any web related questions...? 21:07:15 <hiemanshu> .... 21:07:16 <hiemanshu> ... 21:07:18 <hiemanshu> .. 21:07:19 <hiemanshu> . 21:07:22 <hiemanshu> #endmeeting