
#fedora-neuro: NeuroFedora - 2021-06-21

Meeting started by FranciscoD at 13:02:29 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (FranciscoD, 13:03:23)
    1. New introductions and roll call. (FranciscoD, 13:03:29)
    2. Tasks from last week's meeting. (FranciscoD, 13:03:33)
    3. Open Pagure tickets. (FranciscoD, 13:03:40)
    4. Package health check. (FranciscoD, 13:03:49)
    5. Open package reviews check. (FranciscoD, 13:03:53)
    6. CompNeuro lab compose status check for Fedora 35. (FranciscoD, 13:03:58)
    7. Neuroscience query of the week (FranciscoD, 13:04:03)
    8. Next meeting day, and chair. (FranciscoD, 13:04:08)
    9. Open floor. (FranciscoD, 13:04:13)

  2. New introductions and roll call (FranciscoD, 13:04:49)
    1. Ankur Sinha (FranciscoD), FAS: ankursinha, UTC+1; Packaging, NeuroFedora, general Fedora tasks (FranciscoD, 13:05:35)
    2. major/MeWjOr, Aniket Pradhan, +5:30, interested in packaging, neuro, and am a user :D (MeWjOr, 13:05:42)

  3. Tasks from last meeting (FranciscoD, 13:15:02)
    1. Minutes from last meeting are here: (FranciscoD, 13:15:26)
    2. FranciscoD debug why zodbot won't change topic in channel: DONE (FranciscoD, 13:15:39)
    3. MeWjOr add new packages to docs + neuro-sig + koschei: DONE (FranciscoD, 13:17:15)
    4. ACTION: MeWjOr add new packages to docs (FranciscoD, 13:17:23)
    5. Snakemake spec has passed review (FranciscoD, 13:18:08)
    6. ACTION: MeWjOr finish packaging remaining Snakemake deps (FranciscoD, 13:18:39)
    7. ACTION: neuro-sig go over their packages to fix FTBFS and FTI bugs: WIP (FranciscoD, 13:19:58)
    8. Open Pagure tickets. (FranciscoD, 13:20:20)
    9. Tickets are here: (FranciscoD, 13:20:32)

  4. Package health check. (FranciscoD, 13:23:35)
    1. Please take a look at the packages dashboard for the Neuro-SIG here: (FranciscoD, 13:23:55)
    2. F35 branches from rawhide on 10 Aug (FranciscoD, 13:26:43)
    3. ACTION: neuro-sig start going over python3.10 bugs and filing upstream issues where necessary for a start (FranciscoD, 13:32:01)
    4. Packages are healthy, only Py3.10 related issues on rawhide at the moment (FranciscoD, 13:32:25)

  5. Open package reviews check (FranciscoD, 13:32:32)
    1. Neuro-SIG packging tracker bug is here: (FranciscoD, 13:32:50)
    2. If you look at the "depends on" under "advanced options", you'll see all reviews that are currently in progress (FranciscoD, 13:33:19)
    3. python-stopit, python-connection_pool, Snakemake, python-spikeextractors are in review (FranciscoD, 13:34:20)
    4. ACTION: MeWjOr ask for review swap for python-connection_pool on devel list (FranciscoD, 13:36:51)

  6. CompNeuro lab compose status check for Fedora 35. (FranciscoD, 13:37:03)
    1. Compose task on Koji: (FranciscoD, 13:37:18)
    2. Last successful compose was today: 2021-06-21 08:40:37 (FranciscoD, 13:37:39)

  7. Neuroscience query of the week (FranciscoD, 13:37:49)
  8. Next meeting day, and chair. (FranciscoD, 13:40:16)
    1. NeuroFedora show case at CNS*2021 on July 3: (FranciscoD, 13:44:44)
    2. Next meeting will be in 4 weeks on July 19 on account of CNS*2021 (FranciscoD, 13:47:28)
    3. ACTION: MeWjOr chair next meeting on 19th July (FranciscoD, 13:48:49)

  9. Open floor (FranciscoD, 13:49:06)
    1. ACTION: FranciscoD send out logs (FranciscoD, 13:51:14)
    2. ACTION: FranciscoD reply to twitter announcement with link to logs (FranciscoD, 13:52:19)

Meeting ended at 13:52:30 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. MeWjOr add new packages to docs
  2. MeWjOr finish packaging remaining Snakemake deps
  3. neuro-sig go over their packages to fix FTBFS and FTI bugs: WIP
  4. neuro-sig start going over python3.10 bugs and filing upstream issues where necessary for a start
  5. MeWjOr ask for review swap for python-connection_pool on devel list
  6. MeWjOr chair next meeting on 19th July
  7. FranciscoD send out logs
  8. FranciscoD reply to twitter announcement with link to logs

Action items, by person

  1. FranciscoD
    1. FranciscoD send out logs
    2. FranciscoD reply to twitter announcement with link to logs
  2. MeWjOr
    1. MeWjOr add new packages to docs
    2. MeWjOr finish packaging remaining Snakemake deps
    3. MeWjOr ask for review swap for python-connection_pool on devel list
    4. MeWjOr chair next meeting on 19th July
  3. neuro-sig
    1. neuro-sig go over their packages to fix FTBFS and FTI bugs: WIP
    2. neuro-sig start going over python3.10 bugs and filing upstream issues where necessary for a start

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD (137)
  2. MeWjOr (41)
  3. zodbot (13)
  4. principis (5)
  5. fm-neuro (1)
  6. bt0 (0)
  7. neuro-sig (0)
  8. major_ (0)
  9. coremodule (0)
  10. zyn-kun[m] (0)
  11. achilleas (0)
  12. jnsamyak (0)

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