15:00:02 <FranciscoD> #startmeeting "NeuroFedora - 2019-08-29"
15:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 29 15:00:02 2019 UTC.
15:00:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:02 <zodbot> The chair is FranciscoD. Information about MeetBot at
15:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to '"neurofedora_-_2019-08-29"'
15:00:16 <FranciscoD> #meetingname neurofedora
15:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'neurofedora'
15:00:29 <FranciscoD> #chair major_ lbazan blackfile alciregi bt07
15:00:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD alciregi blackfile bt07 lbazan major_
15:00:38 <blackfile> .fas blackfile
15:00:39 <zodbot> blackfile: blackfile 'Luis Manuel Segundo' <>
15:00:50 <FranciscoD> If anyone else is on IRC, please raise your hand (!) and I'll make you chair too
15:00:54 <FranciscoD> ooh, hold on! XD
15:01:00 <FranciscoD> #topic Introductions and Roll call
15:01:27 <FranciscoD> Please use #info <your FAS> <your timezone> <your interests in and out of Fedora>
15:01:33 <tg-fedneuro> <L​oKoMurdoK> /me here
15:02:00 <FranciscoD> #info ankursinha (FranciscoD), UTC+1, General Fedora work like Join, Docs, NeuroFedora, Packaging
15:02:08 <tg-fedneuro> <L​oKoMurdoK> channel
15:02:19 * lbazan here}
15:02:23 <lbazan> .fas lbazan
15:02:23 <zodbot> lbazan: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <>
15:02:37 * lbazan late sorry
15:02:44 <bt07> .fas bt0dotninja
15:02:44 <zodbot> bt07: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <>
15:02:45 <FranciscoD> we only just started :)
15:02:53 <lbazan> xD
15:02:54 <lbazan> ok
15:03:09 <FranciscoD> another 3 minutes for introductions, and then we start with the agenda :)
15:03:17 <alciregi> .hello2
15:03:18 <zodbot> alciregi: alciregi 'Alessio Ciregia' <>
15:03:21 * LoKoMurdoK ready
15:03:55 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD send out logs to mailing lists
15:04:05 <FranciscoD> we know that's a task to be done already.. XD
15:04:12 <major_> #info major (MeWjOr, major), UTC+0530, Packaging, maintaining Linux based systems, and NeuroFedora (I am new here).
15:04:24 <FranciscoD> major++
15:04:24 <zodbot> FranciscoD: Karma for major changed to 1 (for the current release cycle):
15:04:32 <LoKoMurdoK> major++
15:04:33 <zodbot> LoKoMurdoK: Karma for major changed to 2 (for the current release cycle):
15:04:36 <FranciscoD> Oh, I thought I must've given you that already!
15:04:48 <FranciscoD> .thank major
15:04:48 <zodbot> FranciscoD thinks major is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type major++ since that is what gives them a cookie)
15:04:49 <major_> Ahh! Thanks Loko.. :D
15:05:09 <major_> .thank FranciscoD
15:05:10 <zodbot> major_ thinks FranciscoD is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type FranciscoD++ since that is what gives them a cookie)
15:05:12 <FranciscoD> Right, on to the agenda
15:05:17 <FranciscoD> #topic Today's agenda
15:05:28 <FranciscoD> #info Pagure tickets at:
15:05:33 <blackfile> #info blackfile UTC-5 Packaging, Design, NeuroFedora, Devel :)
15:05:36 <FranciscoD> #info Open bugs at:
15:05:58 <FranciscoD> #info Review of current progress
15:06:05 <FranciscoD> #info Planning what we want to do next
15:06:12 <FranciscoD> #info Neuroscience query of the week
15:06:23 <FranciscoD> #info Next meeting chair selection
15:06:28 <FranciscoD> #info Open floor
15:06:36 <FranciscoD> Starting with the first:
15:06:43 <FranciscoD> #topic Review of pagure tickets
15:06:48 <FranciscoD> #info
15:07:14 <FranciscoD> #info -> Issue #276: Package descriptions at Fedora Package Sources
15:07:26 <FranciscoD> dan1mal had brought this up
15:07:31 <FranciscoD> #chair dan1mal
15:07:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD alciregi blackfile bt07 dan1mal lbazan major_
15:07:41 <mhough> #info fas mhough, UTC−08:00, Packaing, NeuroFedora, SciTech, ML
15:08:05 <FranciscoD> Would anyone have the time to speak to infra about this? It should be possible for them to run a script to update the descriptions of all Fedora packages from the spec files
15:08:20 <FranciscoD> To volunteer, please just say so
15:08:28 <FranciscoD> (Otherwise, I'm quite good at volunteering you too :P)
15:08:52 <major_> I can bring this topic up
15:09:03 <major_> I have some other queries with these guys as well
15:09:04 <FranciscoD> It'll require 10 minutes or less to file a ticket with infra, and then to follow up with them from tiem to time
15:09:07 <FranciscoD> awesome!
15:09:23 <FranciscoD> #action major_ speaks to infra about #276
15:09:30 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD assign #276 to major_
15:09:32 <dan1mal> it could also be added as a request to pagure, to allow admin's change this description, along with maintainer.
15:09:56 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: admins can already do that, but not people with only commit access
15:10:15 <FranciscoD> That's how pagure's permissions are designed
15:10:35 <FranciscoD> but, for some packages, I see that the description gets picked up from spec files also---so they do have something in place.
15:10:44 <FranciscoD> It just isn't working for all packages somehow.
15:10:56 <LoKoMurdoK> offtopic Victor is quite busy at work so I'll take care of finishing python-lfpy
15:11:15 <FranciscoD> #action LoKoMurdoK will finish up python-lfpy
15:11:22 <mhough> Thanks Luis
15:11:29 <FranciscoD> #action LoKoMurdoK will add python-lfpy to docs when packaging is complete
15:11:29 <major_> FranciscoD: Can you give some names for such packages?
15:11:31 <FranciscoD> ;)
15:11:34 <blackfile> if we have to communicate with infra we should also see the implementation of the badge for the group
15:11:52 <FranciscoD> major_: let's look at that after the meeting
15:11:56 <dan1mal> i can make a list of the packages whose descriptions need updating.
15:12:04 <major_> Sure
15:12:17 <dan1mal> ill pass them to FranciscoD for review
15:12:34 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: feel free to assign tasks to yourself too, using the "action" command :_
15:12:37 <FranciscoD> :)
15:12:52 <FranciscoD> blackfile: there's a ticket about the badge, I'll come to it presently
15:12:55 * FranciscoD adds to his agenda
15:13:14 <dan1mal> #action Compile list of neurofedora packages that need description updates for major_
15:13:47 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: it'll be "action <nick> <the action>" (sorry, should've said clearly)
15:14:14 <FranciscoD> Next ticket:
15:14:23 <FranciscoD> #info - Issue #274: Flock: conference reports
15:14:27 <bt07> It's #action nickname action
15:14:33 <dan1mal> #action dan1mal Compile list of pkgs that need desc updates.
15:14:40 <bt07> Cool
15:14:52 <FranciscoD> This is low priority, but everyone that went to Flock should please write short posts on what they did there.
15:15:12 <FranciscoD> It's very informal. You can see what others have written on the planet:
15:15:32 <major_> I had written a report. I'll share the link on the issue soon
15:15:33 <FranciscoD> If you could do this on the NeuroFedora blog, that'll be even better---it gives us more visibility/marketing
15:15:47 <mhough> Yeah, I need to follow up on all the packages worked on at the hackathon too
15:15:48 <bt07> I wi
15:15:52 <FranciscoD> so, please action yourselves for this :)
15:16:52 <bt07> I can do it, I follow the talks if neuro-fedora
15:17:06 <FranciscoD> bt07++
15:17:23 <LoKoMurdoK> uuuopppp sorry let me take a time to write the report on saturday..
15:17:28 <FranciscoD> I'll leave the ticket open for the time being
15:17:34 <bt07> Cooff bt0 coff
15:17:38 <FranciscoD> So that I can poke you folks about it again in the next meeting :P
15:17:40 <FranciscoD> bt0++
15:17:43 <LoKoMurdoK> and upload son picts :-)
15:17:51 <FranciscoD> quite sure I've already given you your cookie bt0 :P
15:17:53 <FranciscoD> .thank bt0
15:17:53 <zodbot> FranciscoD thinks bt0 is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type bt0++ since that is what gives them a cookie)
15:18:03 <bt07> :)
15:18:08 <FranciscoD> Next ticket:
15:18:17 <FranciscoD> #info - Issue #198: Computational neuro comps group
15:18:26 <mhough> bt0++
15:18:27 <zodbot> mhough: Karma for bt0dotninja changed to 7 (for the current release cycle):
15:18:46 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: is already working on this. He sent an e-mail to the devel list already (and then ran into the discourse thread XD)
15:19:54 * FranciscoD is waiting for hyperkitty to load
15:20:27 * LoKoMurdoK It makes me happy to see that the team is growing! :-)
15:20:33 <dan1mal> I have not seen a response for it yet, however the trademark approval request appears to be on their calendar for next meeting
15:20:36 <mhough> Yeah
15:21:16 <dan1mal> I wondered if maybe tickets filed by longer-term contributors to fedora might gain traction faster than newcomers.
15:21:16 <FranciscoD> #info Mail about comps group to devel list:
15:21:30 <dan1mal>
15:21:39 <FranciscoD> #info Trademark approval request:
15:21:56 <dan1mal>
15:22:05 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: No, not really. I guess there's some advantage if you've known folks for longer, but in general all tickets get the same priority
15:22:37 <FranciscoD> #info The trademark approval ticket already has +4, so I expect we'll get it when the ticket voting period closes
15:22:58 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: trademark approval is required for the lab image, not for comps, though
15:23:04 <FranciscoD> right?
15:23:31 <FranciscoD> (as part of the change process)
15:23:59 <dan1mal> yes, the comps is more of approval to be added to installation options.
15:24:25 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: do you think we should proceed with a PR against comps then?
15:24:44 <FranciscoD> No feedback also implies no complaints, so we proceed :P
15:24:47 <FranciscoD> What do you think?
15:25:02 <dan1mal> Yes, if we don't hear anything further, perhaps thats the best course of action.
15:25:03 <FranciscoD> The PR will be reviewed anyway
15:25:26 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: OK, how about we timebox it. If we don't hear anything till Sunday, on Monday we start working on the PR?
15:25:27 <dan1mal> I imagine the current push to prepare 31 maybe keeping ppl busy
15:25:45 <dan1mal> Sounds good.
15:25:56 <FranciscoD> possibly, yes, but we can work on things at our end and let them review/approve when they find the time
15:26:23 <FranciscoD> #info If no feedback on -devel is received regarding the comps addition till Sunday, we begin working on a PR against comps
15:26:32 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: would you have time to do the PR?
15:26:35 <dan1mal> #action dan1mal Monitor devel for comps discussion.  Mon 9/2 file PR for comps.
15:26:41 <FranciscoD> ah, awesome
15:26:44 <dan1mal> Sure
15:26:48 <FranciscoD> Thanks :)
15:27:07 <FranciscoD> Next ticket is the lab image, which we've sort of already discussed. For completeness:
15:27:30 <FranciscoD> #info -> Issue #199: Computational neuroscience labs image: IN PROGRESS: currently blocked by Trademark approval ticket
15:27:53 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: is there anything else about the labs image that you think we need to look into?
15:28:10 <FranciscoD> I know the selinux bit is one---that's on my list of TODOs
15:28:49 <dan1mal> We had difficulty creating the live CD with livecd_creator and selinux on.
15:29:25 <FranciscoD> Let me reproduce it and then I can e-mail the spins ML to ask for help
15:30:06 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD generate live CD based on collected info and mail spins ML for help with Selinux issue: due 6/10/19
15:30:22 <FranciscoD> Last pagure ticket for today:
15:30:33 <FranciscoD> #info - Issue #249: Next blog post: end of week 30
15:30:50 <FranciscoD> I'll write a general update post on Monday. If there's anything that needs to go in there, please comment on the ticket
15:31:10 <FranciscoD> THis includes new packages or updates, anything that you think relevant basically
15:31:27 <bt07> If you don't have enough time Francisco, I can replicate the image creatione
15:31:45 <FranciscoD> ah, sure bt07 , more the merrier :)
15:31:54 <FranciscoD> #action bt07 generate live CD based on collected info and mail spins ML for help with Selinux issue: due 6/10/19
15:31:58 <FranciscoD> there we go :)
15:32:10 <FranciscoD> Any queries/questions related to the Pagure tickets?
15:32:12 <dan1mal> Do you have a storage area for such large files?
15:32:47 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: I can get infra to give us enough space if required
15:33:03 <dan1mal> thanks, was just curious.
15:33:11 <FranciscoD> once the kickstart is part of the "official" spins, though, it'll be autogenerated and put up on the Fedora serveres
15:33:15 <FranciscoD> s/serveres/servers/
15:33:31 <FranciscoD> If you aren't aware:
15:33:47 <FranciscoD> #info ALL CLA+1 community members have some space on
15:33:47 <major_> Just a confirmation, I have to file a ticket with infra about running a script to update the descriptions for the neuro spec files on
15:34:35 <FranciscoD> major_: almost: file a ticket with infra to update the descriptions of all package repos on src.fp.o (at least neuro-sig ones) using the summaries in their spec files
15:34:57 <major_> And dan1mal will provide the list of the packages... Right?
15:35:08 <major_> FranciscoD: Great!
15:36:00 <dan1mal> yes
15:36:36 <FranciscoD> I really think infra will be able to script so that all fedora packages are taken care of, but yeh, providing them some examples is a good idea
15:36:50 <major_> dan1mal: Cool, thanks!
15:36:55 <FranciscoD> -> all the packages here with "The ... rpms" basically
15:37:07 <FranciscoD> major_: ^
15:37:27 <dan1mal> Would the description in the spec files be too long for the src page?  I think I saw one spec file and the description was multiple lines
15:37:31 <FranciscoD> #info Once a lab is accepted as "official", the image can be found on the fedora download mirrors:
15:37:45 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: yes, the "Summary" would be preferred. It is a single line
15:38:41 <FranciscoD> OK, let's look at open bugs then
15:38:48 <FranciscoD> #topic Open bugs on bugzilla
15:38:54 <FranciscoD> #info
15:39:00 <FranciscoD> Long URL, I know..
15:39:16 <FranciscoD> There are a few packages with new versions available---any takers?
15:39:22 <FranciscoD> all python, all pretty simple
15:39:34 <FranciscoD> Good packaging practice
15:39:34 <major_> I would like to work on biosig and airspeed
15:39:40 <major_> For starters
15:39:48 <FranciscoD> #action major_ will update biosig and airspeed
15:40:00 <FranciscoD> We've got to figure out why you haven't been able to assign these bugs to yourself, right?
15:40:03 <FranciscoD> Let's do that after the meeting
15:40:12 <major_> But, before I begin, I need to assign these bugs to myself, right?
15:40:21 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD and major_ investigate why major_ is unable to assign bugs to themselves
15:40:32 <FranciscoD> major_: you don't have to, but if you do, everyone knows that you are working on them
15:40:36 <major_> Oh.. Lol.. That was going to be my other ticket to infra
15:40:48 <FranciscoD> you can just open a PR anyway---doesn't depend on bugzilla at all
15:41:07 <FranciscoD> major_: it'll hopefully be something silly that doesn't require busy infra to investigate :)
15:41:39 <FranciscoD> #info fsleyes is broken because of sip and wxpython---the wxpython maintainer has a fix now:
15:41:44 <major_> Sure. :D
15:41:48 <FranciscoD> mhough caught the error for us
15:41:51 <FranciscoD> .thank mhough
15:41:51 <zodbot> FranciscoD thinks mhough is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type mhough++ since that is what gives them a cookie)
15:42:10 <FranciscoD> Also sort of means we need more testers, but let's leave that discussion for another day :)
15:42:14 <mhough> Yeah that is a crazy thread. So glad they looked into it
15:42:16 * FranciscoD notes that we have 18 minutes left
15:42:18 * dan1mal cheer mhough!
15:42:24 <FranciscoD> mhough: I learned so much about python there XD
15:42:42 <mhough> Yeah PyQt/wxpython/SIP
15:43:26 <mhough> I am curious about open waiting for upstream issues
15:44:01 <FranciscoD> #info gdcm needs a new CharLS to be updated:  and
15:44:08 <mhough> In particular TVB as The TVB folks are doing a node workshop today in Warsaw
15:44:39 <FranciscoD> mhough: they said they're currently too busy to work on py3 support iirc
15:44:58 <FranciscoD> So until they do that, we're stuck
15:45:06 <mhough> Thats EPFL right?
15:45:49 <FranciscoD> This is whatever it is:
15:46:07 <mhough> Yeah its the same group that did cmp
15:46:33 <FranciscoD> In general, I don't mind sending them patches, but such large changes are really the developers responsibility
15:46:48 <FranciscoD> It took me a week to update dcmtk to use the new CharLS:
15:47:06 <mhough> wow really
15:47:08 <FranciscoD> We can't keep doing that. We're downstream, not upstream. It won't scale :(
15:47:22 <mhough> yeah
15:47:53 <FranciscoD> Any other interesting bugs that require discussion today?
15:48:07 <mhough> yeah
15:48:13 <FranciscoD> (Please take a look at the list, the link is now in the icons on the blog)
15:48:33 <mhough> iv for neuron
15:48:50 <mhough> I dont see gdcm listed as waiting for upstream BTW
15:49:11 <FranciscoD> that's on my todo list, but it seems like they're encouraging more folks to use python-neuron now, so I've dropped its priority
15:49:19 <FranciscoD> it also bundles libtiff from 1995 (!)
15:49:40 <FranciscoD> mhough: gdcm is waiting on the Fedora CharLS maintainer, not upstream---the upstream releases are fine
15:49:52 <mhough> gotcha
15:50:05 <mhough> haha
15:50:08 <FranciscoD> In the bug list, you can click on "tree view", and that'll show you all the blocking bugs etc
15:50:42 <mhough> I have to take my daughter to school soon
15:50:56 <FranciscoD> We only have 10 minutes left anyway :)
15:51:16 <FranciscoD> OK, enough bugs for today then. If anything else comes up wrt bugs, please mail the list---or ping us after the meeting
15:51:21 <mhough> I think there are modeldb projects that won't run with current build of neuron because of lackof iv
15:51:41 <mhough> is that a pagure issues?
15:51:44 <FranciscoD> hrm, yeh, probably
15:52:03 <FranciscoD> mhough: could you comment on the issue for iv and bump the priority? I can look at that soon---it's not too hard a package
15:52:13 <mhough> will do
15:52:21 <FranciscoD> bundling libtiff, of course. It'll take me a year to figure out the new API otherwise XD
15:52:29 <FranciscoD> Oh, important topic next!
15:52:30 <mhough> :)
15:52:36 <FranciscoD> #topic Next meeting chair!
15:52:44 <FranciscoD> OK, who wants to run the next meeting? :D
15:53:11 <major_> I vote for FranciscoD
15:53:14 <major_> :P
15:53:16 <mhough> :)
15:53:26 <FranciscoD> You've got to take a look at the pagure tickets beforehand, and go through the agenda at a pace so that we can cover as much as possible in an hour :)
15:53:28 <tg-fedneuro> <b​t0dotninja> Who has experience doing this?
15:53:36 <FranciscoD> ah, no, everyone should take turns and learn how to do it
15:54:00 <FranciscoD> Isn't that an important aspect of neurofedora? Sharing skills? :P
15:54:06 <dan1mal> Ill give it a go, i saw this tutorial but if you have any others, lmk
15:54:17 <FranciscoD> awesome!
15:54:19 <FranciscoD> thanks dan1mal
15:54:25 <tg-fedneuro> <b​t0dotninja> Cool
15:54:26 <major_> .thank dan1mal
15:54:27 <zodbot> major_ thinks dan1mal is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type dan1mal++ since that is what gives them a cookie)
15:54:28 <FranciscoD> #info dan1mal  to chair the next meeting
15:54:33 <mhough> awesome
15:54:35 <dan1mal>
15:54:49 <mhough> I will practice my irc skills though
15:55:00 <FranciscoD> the next meeting currently will be next week, so dan1mal you also have to send out reminders a few days in advance etc
15:55:10 <dan1mal> i mean, how bad can it go? :|
15:55:17 <mhough> haha
15:55:25 <FranciscoD> dan1mal: it cant go bad at all---it's just a bunch of mates talking XD
15:55:31 <major_> Lol
15:55:40 <FranciscoD> is everyone OK with the next meeting next week, or should we do it in two weeks?
15:55:40 <dan1mal> New York Times reports IRC catches fire and servers shutdown worldwide
15:56:05 <mhough> yeah next week would be great
15:56:18 <blackfile> next week +1
15:56:27 <FranciscoD> all agree for next week? Please use "+1" to vote yes, and "-1" to vote no
15:56:29 <FranciscoD> +1
15:56:31 <major_> +1
15:56:31 <dan1mal> +1
15:56:34 <blackfile> +1
15:56:35 <alciregi> +1
15:56:38 <LoKoMurdoK> +1
15:56:39 <mhough> I would like to cover neuroimaging for sure
15:56:46 <mhough> +1
15:56:51 <FranciscoD> +1, we'll have fewer tickets next meeting :)
15:57:21 <FranciscoD> #agreed Next meeting will be next week (+8/-0)
15:57:30 <FranciscoD> 3 minutes for open floor XD
15:57:34 <FranciscoD> #topic Open floor
15:58:05 <FranciscoD> We missed the "neuroscience of the week section too"---anyone curious about anything brain related that the few of us in the area can try to explain?
15:58:25 <FranciscoD> how or why or what?
15:59:02 <blackfile> next week I will have some days off that I can work on the pending packages and some new ones
15:59:07 <FranciscoD> If not today, please note any such queries you may have over the week. It'll be good to also learn neuroscience in neurofedora, not just software development ;)
15:59:12 <FranciscoD> blackfile++
15:59:33 <LoKoMurdoK> FranciscoD++
15:59:57 <FranciscoD> #info If anyone has any brain related questions, please ask them anytime! NeuroFedora is about learning both software development *and* Neuroscience!
16:00:08 <FranciscoD> OK, it's exactly an hour now.
16:00:11 <FranciscoD> Closing in 5
16:00:13 <mhough> Could we update
16:00:24 <dan1mal> ok thank you!
16:00:33 <mhough> thanks everyone
16:00:35 <FranciscoD> mhough: what needs updating there?
16:00:42 <dan1mal>
16:01:19 <mhough> Are these up-to-date?
16:01:19 <FranciscoD> In the docs, I list the coprs that users should use
16:01:33 <FranciscoD> The only one relevant to users is brian2:
16:01:55 <FranciscoD> mhough: no, but copr is meant to be a testing ground, so no real point keeping it up to date
16:02:04 <FranciscoD> feel free to use it to test builds and whatnot
16:02:25 <FranciscoD> But if there's a copr for users, that *must* be documented
16:02:33 <FranciscoD> #info Please document as much as possible
16:02:45 <FranciscoD> Otherwise no one will use NeuroFedora :(
16:02:46 <mhough> It should be
16:03:09 <mhough> I should go but will write notes for next week
16:03:19 <mhough> updates on neuroimaging
16:03:22 <FranciscoD> mhough: all the other coprs are just projects that people used for testing in the past
16:03:37 <FranciscoD> #info Important to dicuss next week: Neuroimaging plans
16:04:05 <FranciscoD> OK, let's close now. We've also got to practice starting and finishing on time :)
16:04:05 <mhough> Have a great day
16:04:14 <FranciscoD> #endmeeting