15:01:41 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting
15:01:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 21 15:01:41 2023 UTC.
15:01:41 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:01:41 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
15:01:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:01:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting'
15:01:47 * sumantro is here
15:01:48 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa
15:01:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa'
15:01:51 <adamw> #topic Roll Call
15:01:59 <adamw> ahoy, who's made it to IRC for a meeting?
15:01:59 <sumantro> hello adamw!
15:02:15 <lruzicka> hello
15:02:17 * coremodule is here.
15:02:29 * lruzicka is here, too
15:02:39 * sumantro is here
15:05:33 <adamw> wow, what a turnout
15:05:36 <adamw> how's everyone doing?
15:05:56 <sumantro> all good!! :)
15:06:04 <neil> o/ - i exist but only because I stumbled in here
15:06:10 <neil> morning adamw
15:06:14 <lruzicka> quite hot in here
15:06:50 <adamw> hi, neil
15:06:52 <bcotton> .hello2
15:06:53 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@funnelfiasco.com>
15:06:59 <adamw> ooh, a wild bcotton appeared
15:07:26 <sumantro> hey bcotton :)
15:07:48 <adamw> okay, let's get rolling...
15:08:10 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up
15:08:29 <adamw> #info no action items to follow up on
15:08:32 <lruzicka> Hello, Ben-
15:08:37 <adamw> #topic Fedora 39 status, inc. anaconda webUI review
15:08:45 <adamw> okay, so, we're hitting the fun part of the f39 schedule now
15:09:14 <adamw> beta freeze is in just under nine hours
15:09:18 <adamw> wait, scratch that
15:09:23 <adamw> ...just under 23 hours
15:09:30 <neil> wooo
15:09:42 <sumantro> yaay
15:10:47 <adamw> we have built up six proposed blockers while i wasn't paying attention, so we should probably vote on those - please vote in-ticket, links from https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/39/beta/buglist
15:10:58 <adamw> #info please vote in tickets on proposed f39 beta blockers at https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/39/beta/buglist
15:11:14 <lruzicka> Roger Taylor
15:11:56 <adamw> composes are mostly passing tests, with several known issues
15:12:18 <adamw> ugh, brb, call of nature
15:16:45 <adamw> alriiighty
15:16:59 <adamw> so, we have one big issue to look at: the anaconda webui Change
15:17:02 <adamw> it's kinda running behind
15:18:07 <adamw> fesco seems to be voting right now on whether to delay it: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/3053
15:18:17 <adamw> #info fesco is currently voting on delaying the anaconda webui change to f40 - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/3053
15:18:53 <sumantro> I have asked them for a test week and commented on tickets
15:19:18 <adamw> yep, i saw, thanks sumantro
15:19:27 <adamw> we can still do the test week even if the feature gets delayed, i think, using a custom image
15:19:36 <sumantro> yes thats the plan
15:19:36 <adamw> but maybe we don't have to rush it
15:19:54 <lruzicka> I am not sure if there is a lot to be tested.
15:20:07 <adamw> looking at it right now, we have two +1s to delay the change, plus a comment from zbyszek which makes me think he would also be +1, so it's looking likely to be delayed
15:20:43 <lruzicka> The webui, as is, currently only supports selecting a destination and either erase it or reuse the partitons. That's all it does.
15:20:59 <adamw> when i wrote the agenda I was gonna suggest we discuss whether to recommend delaying it, but it seems that probably won't be necessary
15:21:25 <sumantro> I want to see if they have worked out , bootloader issues and bug reporting
15:21:29 <adamw> lruzicka: there's a lot of detail to the 'reuse partitions' workflow, though, we found several bugs in it already and that was just scratching the surface
15:21:48 <tflink> apologies, it took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize why there was no meeting in matrix
15:21:58 <adamw> and when it's actually finished as intended, there's the new-gis part of the flow to test also
15:22:05 <adamw> .fire tflink
15:22:05 <zodbot> adamw fires tflink
15:22:44 <tflink> sweet, I can leave
15:22:58 <adamw> #info as it seems like fesco is leaning towards delaying the webui Change to F40, we probably don't need to do anything about that
15:23:05 <adamw> anyone have any other issues/notes on f39?
15:24:13 <lruzicka> adamw, I know, I have reported two of them, however I am not convinced it is worth a test day in the current status quo
15:25:09 <sumantro> lruzicka, I think the desktop team has asked for it as well. Since devconf CZ actually
15:25:26 <sumantro> when we were discussing web UI changeset
15:26:17 <lruzicka> sumantro, the desktop team does not have its part, afaik. Why not wait until the GIS is ready, too?
15:26:46 <adamw> yeah, we should definitely make sure the gis part is ready for the test day.
15:30:59 <adamw> OK, moving on
15:31:07 <adamw> #topic Flock report
15:31:25 <adamw> #info we had a lot of folks and presentations at Flock 2023
15:32:00 <adamw> #info adamw state-of-automated-testing talk: https://flock2023.sched.com/event/1Or4U/fedora-ci-and-automated-testing-where-were-at
15:32:27 <adamw> #info tflink AI/ML analysis of openQA results talk: https://flock2023.sched.com/event/1Or2N/using-aiml-to-process-automated-test-results-from-openqa
15:33:00 <adamw> #info sumantro community ops talk: https://flock2023.sched.com/event/1Or7G/community-ops-20-in-unity-we-stand
15:33:11 <adamw> #info sumantro toolbx talk: https://flock2023.sched.com/event/1Or7D/toolbxnext-state-of-toolbx-project
15:33:42 <adamw> #info lruzicka how-to-setup-openqa talk: https://flock2023.sched.com/event/1PSs5/how-to-set-up-autotesting-fedora-in-20-minutes
15:33:51 <geraldosimiao> .hello geraldosimiao
15:33:52 <zodbot> geraldosimiao: geraldosimiao 'Geraldo S. Simião Kutz' <geraldo.simiao.kutz@gmail.com>
15:34:02 <geraldosimiao> sorry for being late
15:34:23 <adamw> hi geraldo!
15:34:30 <adamw> did I miss any other talks?
15:34:53 <sumantro> adamw was in mentoring panel discussion
15:36:13 <adamw> and you...
15:36:52 <adamw> #info adamw and sumantro on mentoring panel: https://flock2023.sched.com/event/1Or82/panel-mentoring-and-mentorship-best-practices-in-fedora
15:37:17 <adamw> #info the sched pages have slide decks and video links, not sure all the video links are entirely correct right now
15:37:48 <adamw> the folks who were there got lots of face to face time and I won an exciting new COVID strain, so it was great all around!
15:38:33 <tflink> yeah, it seems like several of us got that prize. I've talked to one other person who tested positive after Flock
15:38:46 <geraldosimiao> really? new covid strain? oh God... hope you're fine
15:39:11 <adamw> fine now, yeah
15:39:26 <geraldosimiao> good to know
15:39:36 <neil> adamw: how do we uhh... get a special badge for those of us who were blessed with such a prize?
15:39:53 <adamw> i don't think we've made that badge yet, but it'd be a funny suggestion :D
15:40:00 <tflink> neil: as much as that would amuse me, it feels a little wrong :)
15:40:09 <neil> :P
15:40:19 <adamw> you can propose it at https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/new_issue
15:40:26 <adamw> i suggest calling it the Flock Plague badge
15:40:28 <adamw> :D
15:40:40 <adamw> (and yes it will almost certainly get rejected for inappropriateness :D)
15:40:59 <neil> there is a joke here about the ghost tour that I will not make (directly)
15:41:40 <neil> joking aside, was great to meet you (and others) in Cork :)
15:42:25 <adamw> any other notes on flock?
15:42:57 <tflink> other than "I wish I had worn a mask"? nothing beyond what you've covered
15:45:30 <adamw> hah
15:45:40 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status
15:45:47 <adamw> sumantro, where are we at?
15:45:52 <sumantro> The dnf5 test week happened last week and saw a bunch of testers .. https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/163
15:46:11 <sumantro> the Gnome test week happened as well https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/162
15:46:24 <sumantro> and Gnome Apps https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/164
15:47:01 <sumantro> The i18n test week is going to happen on 2023-09-05 through 2022-09-11
15:47:09 <sumantro> https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/161
15:47:54 <sumantro> Podman Desktop, Web UI, CoreOS, Toolbx , Cloud are all in works and will appear this season after beta
15:48:16 <adamw> awesome, thanks for the update
15:48:28 <sumantro> Also, i want to add something
15:48:47 <geraldosimiao> just an observation: test cases for dnf only aplly 100% for dnf4. dnf5 have some differences, and some people complaint about that
15:49:18 <geraldosimiao> I saw one of them who tested exaclty with the old dnf command
15:49:34 <adamw> ah, yeah, sumantro, please be careful about checking that test cases are up to date and applicable...
15:49:36 <geraldosimiao> and sure, all passed, because he have runned "sudo dnf xxxxx"
15:49:42 <geraldosimiao> and not dnf5 xxxx
15:49:47 <adamw> geraldosimiao, of course when you see a problem like this you can try to improve it, the wiki is open for editing :D
15:49:58 <neil> tflink++
15:49:59 <zodbot> neil: Karma for tflink changed to 2 (for the release cycle f38):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
15:50:05 <neil> (for the mask comment...)
15:50:25 <sumantro> geraldosimiao, there is so much more to happen with dnf 5. The dnf5 team will need to nail down next few test days
15:50:38 <sumantro> geraldosimiao, but thanks for pointing
15:50:46 <geraldosimiao> yeah, I thoug about it, it may be better create a "dnf5 test case" version fo the prior "dnf testcases"
15:50:49 <sumantro> adamw I will be careful for sure
15:51:00 * tflink makes note to test things like automation and mock with dnf5 for the next test day
15:51:09 <tflink> that was not terribly fun
15:51:21 <tflink> s/mock/fedora-review
15:51:32 <sumantro> I need your advice on next test day
15:51:39 <sumantro> its all about mock and fedora-review
15:52:44 <sumantro> on fun community things however, there is ask from RHT side of things to do a11y testing... we might have something like that soon
15:53:35 <tflink> that might be good. I've never spent the time to understand how to do a11y testing well or what to watch out for
15:54:10 <sumantro> atk or a1y toolkit is a critpath package and does nothing
15:54:33 <sumantro> I am discussion about that now with folks, lets see how things sail :)
15:55:53 <adamw> alright
15:55:57 <adamw> #topic Open floor
15:56:01 <adamw> any other business, folks?
15:56:20 <adamw> i thought kparal might want to discuss the idea to change things from 'fedora qa' to 'fedora quality' but he's not around today
15:56:20 <sumantro> nopes
15:56:29 <adamw> i'll look to have that on the agenda next time
15:56:30 <tflink> nothing from me
15:57:18 <geraldosimiao> when will start the F39 blocker reviews meetings? next month?
15:59:19 <adamw> depends how ticket voting goes
15:59:31 <adamw> if we can cover all the votes in tickets, we don't need a meeting
15:59:44 <geraldosimiao> ah, ok. thats good
15:59:45 <adamw> so, i'll keep an eye on the blocker list and decide
16:00:05 <geraldosimiao> alright
16:00:53 <geraldosimiao> another thing: anyone else tested the new iso with anaconda webui?
16:00:56 <geraldosimiao> https://fedorapeople.org/groups/anaconda/webui/temp/
16:01:54 <geraldosimiao> I found the behavior when trying to assign partitions a little awkward... but still testing further on this
16:02:40 <geraldosimiao> haven't enough time to see if it a missunderstanding form my part
16:02:47 <adamw> yeah, some of us did some testing on it last week and filed several bugs...
16:02:53 <adamw> what did you find awkward?
16:04:23 <geraldosimiao> first thing is: I cannot install without a separate /boot partition
16:05:33 <geraldosimiao> in actual anaconda we can opt for not create a separate /boot partition, and then it uses /boot inside the same / one
16:06:28 <adamw> hmm, not sure whether that's a bug or not, but file it and see :)
16:07:05 <geraldosimiao> ok
16:08:15 <adamw> anything else?
16:08:20 <geraldosimiao> like I said, I'll test further and then open new tickets or see if it fits some other ticket already opened.
16:08:36 <geraldosimiao> nothing else for now
16:09:03 <adamw> alrighty
16:09:12 <adamw> we're a bit over time, so let's end here :) thanks for coming, everyone!
16:09:15 <adamw> #endmeeting