05:30:42 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 05:30:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 28 05:30:42 2022 UTC. 05:30:42 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 05:30:42 <zodbot> The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 05:30:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:30:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:42 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 05:30:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:42 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 05:30:42 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2022-11-28 05:30:57 <tagoh[m]> hi 05:31:10 <pwu> hi 05:31:34 <JensPetersen[m]> hi 05:31:34 <suanand> hello 05:32:31 <paragan> Hi all 05:32:43 <paragan> #chair tagoh[m] pwu JensPetersen[m] suanand 05:32:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: JensPetersen[m] paragan pwu suanand tagoh[m] 05:33:00 <paragan> let's start this meeting 05:33:08 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule 05:33:34 <paragan> for the next month the milestones for F38 are 05:33:36 <paragan> #info Wed 2022-12-21 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Changes requiring infrastructure changes) 05:33:36 <paragan> #info Tue 2022-12-27 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Changes requiring mass rebuild) 05:33:36 <paragan> #info Tue 2022-12-27 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) 05:33:36 <paragan> # 05:34:04 <JensPetersen[m]> Just a month away 05:34:24 <paragan> make sure if you got any change to submit then please do so immediately 05:34:57 <JensPetersen[m]> Yes, we really need them ready before the next meeting 05:36:12 <fujiwara> hi 05:36:27 <paragan> #chair fujiwara 05:36:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: JensPetersen[m] fujiwara paragan pwu suanand tagoh[m] 05:36:39 <paragan> anything else to discuss for this topic? 05:37:49 <paragan> okay lets move to next topic 05:37:57 <paragan> #topic Issues 05:38:25 <paragan> we will discuss some old tickets today as its fresh start of Fedora 38 development cycle 05:38:50 <paragan> #info #159: use weak deps to install ibus immodules etc (petersen) 05:38:50 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/159 05:39:16 <JensPetersen[m]> ah 05:39:50 <JensPetersen[m]> I think gtk3 is still pending on me 05:40:01 <JensPetersen[m]> Let me bump it in my todo list 05:40:31 <paragan> Okay 05:40:35 <paragan> thanks for the update 05:42:01 <paragan> moving to next issue 05:42:11 <paragan> #info #162: track Fonts component bugs (petersen) 05:42:11 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/162 05:42:35 <paragan> I am interested to know, how to handle this ticket 05:42:54 <paragan> should we check this ticket every meeting? 05:44:54 <tagoh[m]> that sounds good to me. or should we open a ticket for every releases? if we want to close it per milestones? 05:44:54 <JensPetersen[m]> I guess we could add it to the agenda if there are (new/old) bugs to discuss 05:45:28 <tagoh[m]> Aha. 05:46:12 <paragan> who will decide it? Chairperson? 05:46:16 <JensPetersen[m]> (or remove it if there aren't) 05:46:46 <JensPetersen[m]> Ideally yes 05:47:03 <paragan> Ok. Let me add a comment there about this discussion. 05:47:04 <JensPetersen[m]> Though others could also add meeting tag say 05:48:03 <paragan> Thanks 05:48:32 <paragan> we need to check if meeting tag is supported by agenda script 05:48:54 <paragan> if not manually agenda ticket need to be added 05:49:16 <tagoh[m]> let me check for that. 05:50:16 <JensPetersen[m]> I am wondering if it would make sense to move the libertine bug to linux-libertine-fonts? 05:50:33 <JensPetersen[m]> I mean the Libertinus rfe 05:51:12 <JensPetersen[m]> ah it was moved from there, nvm 05:52:05 <tagoh[m]> Yes 05:53:51 <JensPetersen[m]> Seems only a couple of games in Fedora pull it in... or to distribution? 05:54:04 <JensPetersen[m]> (I mean pull in libertine) 05:54:42 <JensPetersen[m]> Well we also leave it here but dunno who wants to package 05:56:36 <paragan> anything more to discuss here? 05:57:06 <JensPetersen[m]> * Well we could also leave 05:58:48 <paragan> moving on 05:59:06 <paragan> #info #163: create a wiki page table of Emoji input support across desktop/toolkits (petersen) 05:59:07 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/163 06:00:10 <paragan> any update on this ? 06:01:46 <JensPetersen[m]> Right, basic page is there but some more details should be added about any exceptions and problem cases 06:02:12 <JensPetersen[m]> Need to trawl through our previous testing results 06:03:11 <paragan> Okay 06:03:17 <paragan> Thanks for this update. 06:03:49 <JensPetersen[m]> Anyway particular suggestions for missing info that should be added first? 06:05:43 <paragan> Ok 06:05:53 <JensPetersen[m]> s/Anyway/Any/ 06:07:38 <paragan> let's check on this later on 06:07:50 <paragan> next issue 06:07:53 <paragan> #info #166: Review new fonts table (tagoh) 06:07:53 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/166 06:09:01 <tagoh[m]> No particular updates on it. fontquery needs to be updated for providing correct test cases. 06:10:39 <paragan> can you add comment on what is remaining there? 06:10:51 <tagoh[m]> Sure. will do. 06:10:57 <paragan> Thank you. 06:11:12 <paragan> moving to next issue 06:11:23 <paragan> #info #168: Fedora 35 Bug triaging (pnemade) 06:11:23 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/168 06:12:30 <paragan> 29 bugs remaining and there are 15 days now to look into them. 06:14:43 <paragan> moving to next issue 06:15:21 <JensPetersen[m]> Looks like some can be bumped to 36+ 06:17:33 <paragan> #info #174: Noto package splitting (tagoh) 06:17:33 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/174 06:18:05 <tagoh[m]> Not yet started. 06:18:51 <tagoh[m]> will submit Change as a first step! 06:19:30 <JensPetersen[m]> tagoh: I was wondering if it is good idea to confirm with upstream about individual packaging? 06:19:44 <JensPetersen[m]> I mean since it is a huge task 06:20:46 <tagoh[m]> Sorry, what to ask? 06:21:14 <JensPetersen[m]> That they agree it makes sense to package the fonts individually 06:22:20 <JensPetersen[m]> (I mean I think it does, but if later they should have different plans for some reason, it would be quite bad I think) 06:24:21 <tagoh[m]> Hm, even though they already have some releases on some separate projects? but yeah, if they are going to make more changes on projects, that may affects right. 06:24:50 <JensPetersen[m]> Ya just thought it would not hurt to check this point 06:25:35 <tagoh[m]> Though they don't even know the future of their projects... 06:26:19 <JensPetersen[m]> Though it looks like they plan to separate them all... it is more a releng type question 06:26:52 <JensPetersen[m]> Anyway it had been in my mind for some time, so just mentioning the idea now 06:27:06 <tagoh[m]> Okay, let me ask. 06:27:16 <JensPetersen[m]> Okay thanks 06:28:59 <paragan> Thanks 06:29:06 <paragan> next issue 06:29:15 <paragan> #info #175: Tracker for Fedora 38 Changes (pnemade) 06:29:15 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/175 06:29:45 <paragan> I have created this issue to track any of our F38 Change submission 06:30:07 <paragan> if anyone plans to submit Change please add link of it in this issue. 06:31:09 <paragan> moving to next issue 06:31:18 <paragan> #info #176: Find meeting chairperson for Fedora 38 release (pnemade) 06:31:18 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/176 06:31:23 <paragan> #chair 06:31:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: JensPetersen[m] fujiwara paragan pwu suanand tagoh[m] 06:31:50 <paragan> Can we nominate someone as a chairperson for F38? 06:32:03 * suanand raises his hand to chair for the next release 06:32:13 <paragan> aha nice 06:32:24 <suanand> and need help for the transition .. 06:32:41 <paragan> Thanks suanand for stepping in :) 06:32:46 <paragan> sure will help you 06:32:54 <suanand> thanks paragan 06:33:13 <paragan> #info suanand will be chairperson for Fedora 38 release cycle 06:34:04 <paragan> moving to next topic 06:34:11 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 06:34:15 <paragan> anything to discuss here? 06:37:13 <paragan> I guess nothing here to discuss 06:37:25 <paragan> Thanks for participating in this meeting 06:37:39 <paragan> #endmeeting