16:01:11 <sgallagh> #startmeeting ELN (2022-07-01)
16:01:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul  1 16:01:11 2022 UTC.
16:01:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:01:11 <zodbot> The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
16:01:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'eln_(2022-07-01)'
16:01:13 <sgallagh> #meetingname eln
16:01:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'eln'
16:01:18 <sgallagh> #topic init process
16:02:12 <sgallagh> .hi
16:02:13 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com>
16:03:50 <sgallagh> Anyone around today?
16:03:59 <asosedkin> .hi
16:03:59 <zodbot> asosedkin: asosedkin 'Aleksandr Sosedkin' <asosedki@redhat.com>
16:04:30 <sgallagh> Hello Aleksandr
16:05:27 <sgallagh> Looks like we're not going to have anyone else today.
16:05:35 <sgallagh> Do you have any topics you'd like to discuss on the record?
16:06:19 <sgallagh> I was just going to give a simple status report on the Extras repo. (I've got it working in the 'test' compose and I have a PR open to merge that to the production compos)
16:06:37 <sgallagh> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-comps/pull-request/746
16:06:46 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Do you have anythinig?
16:07:03 <asosedkin> not really, no
16:08:02 <sgallagh> Alright, then I guess we'll cancel for this week.
16:08:11 <sgallagh> Have a nice weekend
16:08:13 <sgallagh> #endmeeting