15:00:09 <rlengland> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board
15:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 23 15:00:09 2021 UTC.
15:00:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:09 <zodbot> The chair is rlengland. Information about MeetBot at
15:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board'
15:00:20 <rlengland> #meetingname magazine
15:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine'
15:00:30 <rlengland> #topic Roll call
15:00:30 <rlengland> #chair glb rlengland theevilskeleton cverna asamalik
15:00:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna glb rlengland theevilskeleton
15:00:38 <rlengland> .hello2
15:00:39 <zodbot> rlengland: Something blew up, please try again
15:00:42 <zodbot> rlengland: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
15:00:52 <rlengland> #topic Roll call
15:01:03 <rlengland> #chair glb rlengland theevilskeleton cverna asamalik
15:01:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna glb rlengland theevilskeleton
15:01:12 <rlengland> .hello rlengland
15:01:13 <zodbot> rlengland: Something blew up, please try again
15:01:16 <zodbot> rlengland: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
15:01:28 <rlengland> #topic Agenda
15:01:39 <rlengland> #link
15:01:49 <rlengland> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats --
15:01:49 <rlengland> #info -- 2/ In progress followup --
15:03:26 <rlengland> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review --
15:03:26 <rlengland> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit --
15:03:26 <rlengland> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule --
15:03:26 <rlengland> #info -- 6/ Editor of the Week --
15:03:26 <rlengland> #info -- 7/ Open floor --
15:03:26 <rlengland> #topic 1/ Last week's stats
15:03:26 <rlengland> #info Week of September 13: 57.2K pageviews -- up a little over last week. Stable over the last 3 months at around ~50k
15:04:58 <TheEvilSkeleton> .hello theevilskeleton
15:05:01 <zodbot> TheEvilSkeleton: theevilskeleton 'Hari Rana' <>
15:05:20 <rlengland> Good morning
15:05:25 <TheEvilSkeleton> Hi rlengland!
15:05:35 <TheEvilSkeleton> Good morning to you too
15:05:41 <rlengland> #topic 2/ In progress followup
15:05:42 <rlengland> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author?
15:05:42 <rlengland> #link Board:
15:06:59 <TheEvilSkeleton> We're done with PowerShell part 2 so we don't need to change anything
15:07:52 <rlengland> Very good.
15:08:26 <rlengland> The only thing I see In Progress that might move soon is Card #381 Announcing the release of Fedora Linux 35 Beta
15:08:43 <rlengland> The others are still very much in progress.
15:09:25 <rlengland> Things are rather slow and slim on pending articles
15:09:35 <rlengland> Moving on..
15:09:56 <rlengland> #info Are there any upcoming test days?
15:09:56 <rlengland> #link
15:09:56 <rlengland> #info Nothing for the next month
15:10:27 <rlengland> #info Beta release announcement Tue 2021-09-28   Card # 381 in place assigned to @mattdm Matthew Miller
15:10:27 <rlengland> #info Final release announcement Tue 2021-10-19   No card yet
15:10:28 <rlengland> #info What's new in F35 Workstation announcement Tue 2021-10-19  No card yet
15:11:23 <rlengland> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review
15:11:36 <rlengland> info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback.
15:11:36 <rlengland> #link Board:
15:12:34 <rlengland> #info @glb  still has the two REVIEW articles assigned and scheduled but  held until Oct.  #359  #378
15:12:52 <rlengland> #info subtask on #269   #336 PowerShell on Linux scripting (Part 2)       Scheduled for    24 Sep
15:13:12 <rlengland> TheEvilSkeleton: Thanks for your help on that one
15:13:43 <rlengland> #info subtask on #354   #365 Bash Shell Scripting for beginners (Part 1) subtask on #354     Scheduled for 27 Sep
15:14:17 <rlengland> #topic 4/ Articles to edit
15:14:17 <rlengland> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator.
15:14:17 <rlengland> #link Board:
15:14:36 <rlengland> #info #336 PowerShell on Linux scripting (Part 2)  subtask on #269      Scheduled for    24 Sep
15:14:43 <TheEvilSkeleton> rlengland: No problem. I might have the time to edit an article or two today in the evening or tomorrow in the morning
15:14:54 <rlengland> #info #365 Bash Shell Scripting for beginners (Part 1) subtask on #354     Scheduled for 27 Sep
15:15:28 <TheEvilSkeleton> Brb
15:15:45 <rlengland> TheEvilSkeleton: Things are pretty slow. I don't see anything that isn't covered yet, unfortunatley
15:16:00 <rlengland> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule
15:16:00 <rlengland> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period.
15:16:00 <rlengland> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content.
15:16:00 <rlengland> #link Board:
15:16:27 <rlengland> #proposed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Tue 28 Sep 2021: #381 Announcing the release of Fedora Linux 35 Beta (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Fri 01 Oct 2021: #359 MAKE more with Inkscape - Stroke Fonts (image: DONE, edit: @glb) -- Fri 22 Oct 2021: #378 MAKE MORE with Inkscape – Papercraft (image: DONE, edit: @glb) #336 PowerShell on Linux scripting (Part 2)   Scheduled for    24 Sep  AND #365 Bash Shell Scripting for beginners (Part 1) subtask on #354
15:16:27 <rlengland> Scheduled for 27 Sep
15:16:41 <rlengland> #info Note that the last two items in the PUBLISHING SCHEDULE were added because the sub task items, though in the review column, were not caught by the script.  Implies we need a modification to the script or this is a reason not to use subtasks for serial articles.   Think about it.
15:20:12 <rlengland> TheEvilSkeleton:  :-) can I get a +1 on the schedule? I'll keep and eye on #381 (the beta release)
15:20:27 <rlengland> *an eye
15:22:16 <TheEvilSkeleton> I'm back
15:23:41 <TheEvilSkeleton> rlengland: Do you mean my work schedule?
15:24:32 <rlengland> oh no.  :-)   the publishing schedule above
15:25:08 <rlengland> You aren't assigned to anything but I thought I'd give you the chance to type "+1"  :-)
15:25:39 <TheEvilSkeleton> Ah okay, I'm just reading through the messages
15:25:53 <TheEvilSkeleton> The lack of formatting makes it difficult to read 😅
15:26:02 <rlengland> I understand.  It gets pretty dense
15:26:21 <TheEvilSkeleton> +1
15:26:30 <rlengland> TY
15:26:38 <rlengland> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Tue 28 Sep 2021: #381 Announcing the release of Fedora Linux 35 Beta (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Fri 01 Oct 2021: #359 MAKE more with Inkscape - Stroke Fonts (image: DONE, edit: @glb) -- Fri 22 Oct 2021: #378 MAKE MORE with Inkscape – Papercraft (image: DONE, edit: @glb) #336 PowerShell on Linux scripting (Part 2)   Scheduled for    24 Sep  AND #365 Bash Shell Scripting for beginners (Part 1) subtask on #354
15:26:38 <rlengland> Scheduled for 27 Sep
15:27:04 <rlengland> #topic 6/ Editor of the Week
15:27:06 <TheEvilSkeleton> No problem!
15:28:29 <rlengland> I guess I'll take Editor duties again. Things are slow enough and GLB is off on a break (though I see him sneaking back in occasionally)
15:28:39 <rlengland> #info rlengland will be Editor of the Week next week
15:30:03 <rlengland> #topic 7/ Open floor
15:30:30 <rlengland> I'm about to flood the channel with some info. Hold tight.
15:30:53 <rlengland> This is for the record
15:30:59 <rlengland> Topic is “How to handle serial articles”
15:30:59 <rlengland> Repeat from last week, for the record:
15:31:00 <rlengland> Not certain using subtasks for serial articles is going to work. I haven’t found a good way to make the status (In Progress, Review, To Edit) visible on the KanBan dashboard.  You need to look at each card with sub-tasks to see what their status is.
15:31:00 <rlengland> Also it is possible to assign an editor to the main task as well as to the sub task. This might be handled by documentation but is also a bit confusing.  (I fear we are starting to bend a tool to a task for which it was not designed and there could be a breaking point where there is more confusion than benefit. :-/ )
15:31:02 <rlengland> NEW Issue for this on-going topic is mentioned above. The podman script “magazine-schedule” does not “see” items that are sub-tasks.
15:32:43 <rlengland> Bottom line is that unless we can get around some snags I'm not sure that the sub-tasks will be workable for serial articles.
15:33:06 <rlengland> More on this when GLB returns and we can have some more discussion
15:33:29 <rlengland> TheEviSkeleton:  Any opinions?
15:35:09 <TheEvilSkeleton> What are serial articles?
15:36:17 <rlengland> :-)  Look at #354  It was opened to cover a series of articles under that same topic.  Your #269 is the same
15:37:34 <TheEvilSkeleton> Ah okay. I checked online at the same time
15:37:49 <rlengland> We have numbers assigned for the tasks but the tracking process we are currently using doesn't work well with them.
15:39:01 <rlengland> In the past we just created a new tag for each article and linked them by referencing the other articles in the cards.  But that was prone to errors and was unweildy.
15:39:19 <rlengland> I'm not certain that using the subtask is any less unwieldy
15:39:20 <TheEvilSkeleton> Just to make sure I understand, sub-tasks on Taiga don't work well?
15:40:26 <rlengland> Yes we can't move the subtask to the different status columns and the script used to look at the publishing dates doesn't see the subtasks
15:42:04 <rlengland> For example on the PowerShell articles, they both have to be in the same state.  Review or Edit even is if one has already changed
15:42:59 <rlengland> The various articles change state independently but they are tied to the main card.
15:43:42 <TheEvilSkeleton> rlengland: Yeah. My suggestion may be too unrealistic, but maybe switching to GitLab? I personally find GitLab much easier to use and it would allow us to do what we want. On top of that, GitLab is really friendly to FOSS organizations.
15:43:42 <TheEvilSkeleton> If that doesn't work, I guess what we can do is change titles to specify parts of the series, e.g. "Part 1: $ACTUAL_TITLE"
15:44:31 <TheEvilSkeleton> Of course, switching platforms is much easier said than done, hence "unrealistic"
15:44:51 <rlengland> Interesting idea, though. I'll have to think about that.
15:46:09 <rlengland> An alternative, if we can't move or run into a snag on GitLab is to do it by documenting the process.  But that can be error prone too. The editing process has a lot of bells, knobs and levers to remember as it is.
15:46:13 <TheEvilSkeleton> Many organizations switched to GitLab, and that's because GitLab generally works well. And IMO, other projects may benefit from it because there's a lot less to maintain. GitLab has a Kanban board, issue tracker, etc.
15:46:45 <rlengland> I'll look into GitLab
15:47:14 <rlengland> Anything you want to discuss? We're reaching the end of our hour
15:48:24 <TheEvilSkeleton> I said what I thought. If GitLab doesn't work, I guess specifying the part number in the title is a good alternative
15:49:54 <rlengland> Okay. Thanks. If you can keep and eye on Taiga in case some articles come up for edit that you want to take, I would appreciate it.
15:50:02 <rlengland> Have a good week.
15:50:12 <TheEvilSkeleton> You too
15:50:25 <rlengland> #endmeeting