
#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA meeting

Meeting started by adamw at 15:00:23 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (adamw, 15:00:53)
  2. Previous meeting follow-up (adamw, 15:07:29)
    1. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/test-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/BBDPGXLSC4PICIWYCNQRG4HTGYPNZMEE/ (adamw, 15:08:40)
    2. "adamw to create F35 release criteria pages" - I did that, they are up now (adamw, 15:09:36)

  3. Chat status: Freenode, Libera.chat, Matrix, oh my (adamw, 15:11:55)
    1. Fedora has moved all official IRC usage from freenode to libera.chat. all channel names etc. stay the same. (adamw, 15:15:46)
    2. Matrix<->Libera.chat bridging is still a bit of a work in progress, but mostly works, see kparal's blog post for some tips (adamw, 15:17:56)
    3. once Fedora's official Matrix homeserver is up and running we will have official QA-y rooms there, whether they or IRC will be the 'primary' location is still up for discussion (adamw, 15:27:41)

  4. Fedora 35 status (adamw, 15:32:57)
    1. Rawhide composes stopped working for a week due to a problem caused by a builder upgrade, it's fixed now and composes are back; they are mostly working (adamw, 15:33:45)

  5. Test Day / community event status (adamw, 15:41:05)
    1. not much happening here ATM, we will wait to hear from sumantro next time (adamw, 15:45:46)

  6. Open floor (adamw, 15:45:49)
    1. https://github.com/autocracy/python-ipy/pull/69#issuecomment-645718498 (adamw, 16:00:13)
    2. container SIG has gone inactive and so no-one is testing new container composes and requesting they be pushed out to container repositories any more; if anyone is interested in getting that started again please apply to nirik for details (adamw, 16:02:06)

Meeting ended at 16:04:34 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. adamw (96)
  2. nirik (26)
  3. tflink (12)
  4. zodbot (9)
  5. kparal (9)
  6. andi89gi (9)
  7. coremodule (8)
  8. lruzicka (6)
  9. cmurf[m] (3)
  10. nirik[m] (1)

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