20:00:37 <tdawson> #startmeeting EPEL (2021-06-02)
20:00:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun  2 20:00:37 2021 UTC.
20:00:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
20:00:37 <zodbot> The chair is tdawson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2021-06-02)'
20:00:38 <tdawson> #meetingname epel
20:00:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
20:00:40 <tdawson> #chair nirik tdawson bstinson pgreco carlwgeorge michel_slm
20:00:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: bstinson carlwgeorge michel_slm nirik pgreco tdawson
20:00:41 <tdawson> #topic aloha
20:00:59 * pgreco barely finishes preparing his  "mate" in time for the meeting
20:01:05 <nirik> morning
20:01:08 <tdawson> Hi carlwgeorge
20:01:11 <tdawson> Hi pgreco
20:01:18 <tdawson> morning nirik
20:01:20 <pgreco> hello!
20:02:04 * carlwgeorge waves
20:04:28 <tdawson> Hmm, I wonder if it's just going to be us three.
20:04:33 <tdawson> four
20:05:22 <pgreco> looks like it
20:05:25 <tdawson> #topic Old Business
20:05:52 <tdawson> I'll save SIG for later, incase the others come.
20:06:00 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: How is epel-next coming along?
20:06:30 <carlwgeorge> ironing out the details for the repo names in mirrormanager https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9984
20:07:06 <carlwgeorge> once that's final, i'll send the pr to add an epel-next-release subpackage to epel-release
20:07:46 <tdawson> Cool
20:08:14 <tdawson> Today I was able to take the epel-playground config, and just sed playground -> next, and it worked.
20:08:32 <carlwgeorge> one question for the group, right now i have `Recommends: (epel-next-release if centos-stream-release)` in epel-release and `Recommends: centos-stream-release >= %{version}` in epel-next-release
20:08:47 <carlwgeorge> i think the latter one is unnecessary, what do yall think?
20:09:36 <tdawson> Ya, I was going to say, I don't think you need the second one.
20:10:20 <tdawson> I don't think it will hurt, since it's a Recommends, but I'm not sure how useful it will be.
20:10:28 <carlwgeorge> i don't even remember why i added it, but there it is in my working tree
20:10:34 <tdawson> :)
20:10:39 <carlwgeorge> i'll remove it unless someone can remind me of a scenario i'm forgetting
20:10:40 <nirik> yeah, seems like it wouldn't be needed
20:10:50 <pgreco> sounds, like something wasn't working and that was a test
20:11:01 <carlwgeorge> epel-release should always be there
20:11:15 <carlwgeorge> pgreco: probably something i had before the other recommends and forgot to remove
20:12:57 <tdawson> one quick question.  How often does the -build repo get updated?  If I'm doing a manual chain-build thing, do I have to put things in override?
20:13:16 <tdawson> which is two questions now that I think of it.
20:14:06 <carlwgeorge> overrides will be necessary
20:14:29 <tdawson> OK, not a problem, just wanted to make sure.
20:14:46 <carlwgeorge> that's for buildreqs in epel-next of course
20:14:57 <tdawson> Yep
20:14:58 <carlwgeorge> if you're talking about a buildreq in cs8, then i believe that's synced nightly
20:15:38 <tdawson> Na, it's all epel-next stuff.
20:16:10 <nirik> I suppose we could also enable side tags to avoid the overrides
20:17:19 <tdawson> I've got my script that will do it ... I don't know how often it comes up with other packages, so I'm not sure how much time it would save to get side-tags working on it.
20:18:35 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: Is it too early to start talking of epel9-next?
20:20:15 <carlwgeorge> not at all
20:20:32 <carlwgeorge> in theory we can start as soon as we finish epel8-next, using the cs9 kojifiles buildroot
20:20:55 <pgreco> that would help a lot by the time rhel9 comes along
20:20:59 <carlwgeorge> i.e. https://kojihub.stream.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/c9s-build/latest/$basearch/
20:21:33 <carlwgeorge> it's questionable usefulness while cs9 still doesn't have signed packages, but it would be nice to have ready to go
20:22:15 <pgreco> the packages themselves may not be useful, but the structure, and knowing that they build, will help a lot
20:22:24 <carlwgeorge> i've also been contemplating changing epel8-next to use https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-stream-build/latest/$basearch/
20:22:34 <tdawson> Correct
20:23:27 <pgreco> carlwgeorge: are they "close enough" to use directly or are you thinking about a local mirror?
20:23:49 <carlwgeorge> the only downside to that is a package may build in epel8-next but not epel8 due to buildroot only packages
20:24:11 <carlwgeorge> it's always a mirror as i understand it
20:24:44 <tdawson> I think that's a downside I'm willing to take. :)
20:24:59 <carlwgeorge> more things will build, it will just be annoying to explain
20:25:17 <pgreco> yeah, specially since it was said that the packages to build EPEL should be in the repos
20:25:37 <pgreco> at least, that's what some people from RH said that it should be AFAIK
20:26:20 <pgreco> tdawson: it would be a good idea to have a list of the files used during -next builds, so have exactly the files needed from rhel
20:27:06 <tdawson> pgreco: Yep.  And having actual builds would give us the list.
20:27:20 <pgreco> yeap
20:27:50 <pgreco> I meant, if we use the bare repo from koji, we can get from the logs the files pulled from the http server
20:28:17 <pgreco> and that will let us know what rpms are pulled to build
20:28:58 <tdawson> Yep.  I think overall, it's a good idea.
20:29:57 <carlwgeorge> good discussion, but that's all i have for epel-next for now
20:30:18 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: Thank you for all your work on this.
20:30:27 <tdawson> Moving on to SIG
20:30:32 <carlwgeorge> of course, just too bad it's taken so long
20:31:01 <carlwgeorge> epel9-next should be easier now that i know what to do
20:31:03 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: It's just like a wizard.  It shows up precisely on time.
20:32:46 <tdawson> Does anyone know if dcantrell was able to process that one bug using the epel non-responsive maintainer steps?
20:34:12 <nirik> yeah, I thnk so
20:34:21 <carlwgeorge> you mean davide?
20:34:50 <tdawson> Yep, probrubly that's who I mean
20:34:57 <carlwgeorge> yup https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10136
20:35:11 <carlwgeorge> and he is on smem as a collaborator
20:35:32 <carlwgeorge> i did a similar issue for gthumb https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10142
20:36:09 <carlwgeorge> nirik: is there a better term than asap for those?  i feel bad putting that for something that isn't on fire, but likewise i don't want to just put an arbitrary deadline for no reason.
20:39:27 <tdawson> Sorry for the pause.  I'm glad things are moving along.
20:39:57 <tdawson> Beyond documentation, which michel said he would do, do we have any other SIG business?
20:40:51 <nirik> naw, doesn't matter we will get to it when we do
20:41:05 <nirik> unless it's blocking something critical or something.
20:43:05 <tdawson> I'm going to skip documentation and Fails-to-install, because I was gone most of the week and didn't do anything on them.
20:43:17 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-7
20:43:45 <tdawson> Anything for EPEL7?
20:44:21 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-8
20:45:07 <tdawson> Anything?
20:45:13 <tdawson> #topic General Issues / Open Floor
20:45:14 <pgreco> nope
20:45:50 <carlwgeorge> i have one small thing
20:46:06 <tdawson> Sure
20:46:13 <carlwgeorge> what do yall think about getting an epel steering committe badge created, similar to https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/council-member
20:46:46 <tdawson> I wouldn't say no, Mr "top of the leaderboard this week."  :)
20:46:52 <carlwgeorge> hahaha
20:47:05 <pgreco> I could use that, I'm a little low on badges :D
20:47:23 <carlwgeorge> that's just because i started making noise about badges i was missing and getting them manually fixed
20:48:00 <tdawson> I was wondering about that.  Some were obviously from a year ago.
20:48:30 <tdawson> I honestly don't check my badges that often, I just happened to today
20:48:31 <carlwgeorge> yeah like fosdem 2020, i could have swore i did the badge there but i didn't have it before yesterday
20:49:09 <pgreco> I think fosdem 2020 was the last time I left my house...
20:49:20 <tdawson> :)
20:49:31 <carlwgeorge> scouts honor i showed proof for all the badges i got manually assigned :D
20:49:54 <tdawson> What about making some EPEL specific badges ... or, maybe we already do
20:50:01 <carlwgeorge> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/partners-in-crime is a good one that i'm sure everyone here qualifies for, or they should
20:50:20 <carlwgeorge> there are a handful https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/epel/any
20:50:20 <nirik> there should be a epel maintainer one...
20:50:42 <nirik> yeah, those
20:51:10 <carlwgeorge> for example "Corporate Drone - You submitted an Bodhi update for an EPEL branch."
20:51:44 <carlwgeorge> anyways, my point is i'd like to try one for epel steering committee, and am happy for any suggestions on the artwork
20:52:16 <carlwgeorge> the epel badges see to focus on ants and ties, so maybe the fedora council badge artwork, but with ties
20:52:17 <tdawson> I think it would be great.
20:52:25 <carlwgeorge> and maybe ant heads
20:53:09 <tdawson> And maybe, just maybe, a slightly better epel logo
20:53:35 <carlwgeorge> any artwork beyond copy paste is beyond my skill level
20:54:02 <pgreco> I'm with you on that
20:54:15 <tdawson> I designed the Scientific Linux logo, although that was part of a contest.
20:54:35 <pgreco> I heard tdawson volunteer
20:55:11 <tdawson> For the logo ... not necessarily the badges, those are so cute.
20:55:56 <pgreco> yeah, sometimes I catch conversations from areguera regarding CentOS' logos and stuff
20:55:57 <tdawson> OK, I'll give the badges a try as well, I like the idea of taking the council member one, and making them ants.
20:56:01 <carlwgeorge> anyways, feel free to send me more ideas outside the meeting, it's not something i'll be able to work on for a little while
20:56:08 <pgreco> and I can't understand any of it
20:57:40 <tdawson> One thing I'd like to bring up, but dont' really have any idea about how to do it, is get Alma Linux and/or Rocky Linux somehow involved with EPEL.
20:58:25 <carlwgeorge> i'm in their chat channels.  epel has come up.
20:58:27 <tdawson> I don't really know what they could/should do, maybe even just be a mirror.
20:58:40 <nirik> perhaps testing?
20:58:46 <carlwgeorge> alma has a good attitude, and are even getting involved in stream.
20:58:52 <nirik> or just maintaining things they use that are not in the base set? dunno
20:59:14 <carlwgeorge> the rocky community on the other hand is quite hostile, and i don't expect to get any kind of contributions out of them.
20:59:28 <carlwgeorge> would love to be wrong on that of course
21:00:02 <carlwgeorge> neither community is chock full of existing fedora/epel contributors
21:00:07 <pgreco> carlwgeorge: I'm not sure I agree, but depends on who you're talking to
21:00:31 <pgreco> I think contribution may start around 8.5, or 9.x
21:00:36 <carlwgeorge> sure, just my anecdotal personal experience chattting in their irc channels
21:01:01 <pgreco> for now, I think everybody is just ironing out their own processes and EPEL would add too much noise into the mix
21:01:12 <tdawson> You have a good point there
21:01:31 <carlwgeorge> not to mention known members of rocky being antagonistic in #centos
21:02:00 <tdawson> OK.  I really don't know what we could do, or they could do.  I just don't want them to feel like they can't join our community if they want.
21:02:32 <tdawson> Looks like we are over time.
21:02:48 <tdawson> Thank you all for being here, for the good discussion, and all the great work that's been going on.
21:03:01 <tdawson> I'll talk to you next week.
21:03:07 <pgreco> thanks, see ya!!
21:03:10 <carlwgeorge> later yall
21:03:17 <tdawson> #endmeeting