17:05:00 <smooge> #startmeeting fedora-server
17:05:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 17 17:05:00 2021 UTC.
17:05:00 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
17:05:00 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:05:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:05:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-server'
17:05:50 <smooge> #chair pboyHB nirik michel_slm copperi
17:05:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: copperi michel_slm nirik pboyHB smooge
17:06:03 <smooge> #topic  Status Reboot Server Working Group
17:06:15 <smooge> so I had this meeting on my calendar for right now
17:06:25 <nirik> oh shoot, forgot about this meeting...
17:06:44 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik, so did I
17:06:54 <smooge> me too
17:07:08 <smooge> thankfully my calendar did not
17:07:21 <smooge> #topic Next Meeting (who will run)
17:07:53 <smooge> ok next meeting will be in 2021-03-31 1700 UTC
17:08:14 <smooge> I think the problem with every other week meetings is we do forget quickly
17:08:27 <smooge> can I get someone to run this meeting and send out an agenda and such?
17:08:37 <nirik> there is an agenda on the list.
17:09:01 <nirik> pboyHB sent something...
17:09:28 <smooge> yes he did.. I missed it
17:09:36 <smooge> argle bargle I am batting 0 today again
17:09:50 <smooge> #info Work needed for Fedora 34 beta
17:10:03 <smooge> #info  PRD Update 1.5 round of discussion
17:10:19 <smooge> #info Documentation update.
17:11:59 <smooge> but yes we need someone to run next meeting
17:12:48 * Southern_Gentlem sorry i will be in our server bunker decomming a cluster
17:13:16 <smooge> no problem.
17:14:00 <smooge> I am going to mail the list. I don't see any of the other people who can answer on items here so I am going to ask if we can move this to once a week to make it less likely to forget and get a person to run the meeting
17:14:04 <smooge> since I forgot
17:15:10 <nirik> sounds like a good plan.
17:15:15 <smooge> ok and with that.
17:15:19 <nirik> also DST might be confusing people
17:15:23 <smooge> #topic Open Floor
17:15:35 <smooge> I am going to close this meeting out in a few minutes otherwise.
17:16:01 <copperi_> it's ok, comment on docs or send new ones
17:16:14 <smooge> #endmeeting