
#fedora-meeting: ELN (2021-03-12)

Meeting started by sgallagh at 17:07:34 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the ELN Special Interest Group! (sgallagh, 17:07:35)

  1. Init Process (sgallagh, 17:07:35)
  2. Populate the initial SIG membership (sgallagh, 17:08:56)
    1. tstellard is also a member of the SIG, though he cannot be in attendance today (sgallagh, 17:09:52)

  3. Agenda (sgallagh, 17:10:31)
    1. Agenda Item: Membership Rules (sgallagh, 17:10:52)
    2. Agenda Item: Future Meeting Plans (sgallagh, 17:11:04)
    3. Agenda Item: Identify a Documentation Czar (sgallagh, 17:11:22)
    4. Agenda Item: Relationship of ELN and EPEL (sgallagh, 17:11:41)
    5. Agenda Item: ELN mirroring and distribution (sgallagh, 17:12:35)

  4. Membership Rules (sgallagh, 17:13:31)
    1. Proposal: Anyone may join the SIG by asking to become a member. If no existing SIG member *opposes* that request within a week, they're in. If an existing SIG member opposes, we hold a regular vote at the next scheduled meeting as described above. (sgallagh, 17:15:14)
    2. AGREED: Anyone may join the SIG by asking to become a member. If no existing SIG member *opposes* that request within a week, they're in. If an existing SIG member opposes, we hold a regular vote at the next scheduled meeting as described above. (+7, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 17:17:51)
    3. The first vote of the ELN SIG involved unanimous consent. This is a good beginning! (sgallagh, 17:18:16)

  5. Future Meeting Plans (sgallagh, 17:26:03)
    1. Proposal: ELN SIG Meeting will be held biweekly on Fridays at noon Eastern Time (sgallagh, 17:31:56)
    2. AGREED: ELN SIG Meeting will be held biweekly on Fridays at noon Eastern Time (+7, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 17:32:10)

  6. Landing Page, Documentation and Ownership Thereof (sgallagh, 17:33:31)
    1. https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/eln/ (bookwar, 17:34:22)
    2. Meetings are scheduled for one hour (sgallagh, 17:34:32)
    3. https://github.com/fedora-eln/ (sgallagh, 17:35:11)
    4. https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln is specifically the issue tracker. I propose using tags there to establish the agenda. (sgallagh, 17:35:35)
    5. Proposal: ELN SIG will continue to use https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln for issue tracking and agenda tagging. (sgallagh, 17:38:25)
    6. Proposal: ELN SIG will continue to use https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln for issue tracking and agenda tagging. SIG members will be added to the Github organization. (sgallagh, 17:40:38)
    7. AGREED: ELN SIG will continue to use https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln for issue tracking and agenda tagging. SIG members will be added to the Github organization. (+7, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 17:41:55)
    8. Proposal: The ELN SIG landing page will continue to be at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/eln/. (sgallagh, 17:43:35)
    9. AGREED: The ELN SIG landing page will continue to be at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/eln/ (+7, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 17:45:48)
    10. The sources to that page are located at https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln-docs (sgallagh, 17:45:48)

  7. Relationship between ELN and EPEL (sgallagh, 17:55:55)
    1. ACTION: dcavalca to create a first-pass at a starter set of EPELN packages. (sgallagh, 18:18:14)
    2. ACTION: Everyone on the SIG to email sgallagh their Github IDs over the next few days. (sgallagh, 18:25:34)
    3. ACTION: sgallagh will update the landing page and github org with the new members (sgallagh, 18:25:48)

Meeting ended at 18:27:32 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. dcavalca to create a first-pass at a starter set of EPELN packages.
  2. Everyone on the SIG to email sgallagh their Github IDs over the next few days.
  3. sgallagh will update the landing page and github org with the new members

Action items, by person

  1. dcavalca
    1. dcavalca to create a first-pass at a starter set of EPELN packages.
  2. sgallagh
    1. Everyone on the SIG to email sgallagh their Github IDs over the next few days.
    2. sgallagh will update the landing page and github org with the new members

People present (lines said)

  1. sgallagh (146)
  2. Eighth_Doctor (72)
  3. bookwar (56)
  4. dcavalca (40)
  5. michel_slm (30)
  6. zodbot (22)
  7. cyberpear (14)
  8. jforbes (13)
  9. carlwgeorge (3)
  10. Conan_Kudo (1)
  11. Southern_Gentlem (1)

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