16:01:54 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting
16:01:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 16 16:01:54 2020 UTC.
16:01:54 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:01:54 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:01:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting'
16:01:56 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa
16:01:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa'
16:02:00 <adamw> #topic Roll call
16:02:03 <frantisekz> .hello2
16:02:04 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com>
16:02:06 <adamw> gooooood morning folks
16:02:08 <coremodule> .hello2
16:02:09 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com>
16:02:15 <coremodule> good morning adamw
16:02:32 <adamw> how's everyone doing?
16:02:40 <coremodule> good morning frantisekz
16:04:23 <adamw> all three of us, huh
16:04:29 * kparal is here
16:04:52 <kparal> just poke me next time, alright? :)
16:05:21 <coremodule> juuuuuuuust the three of us... we can make it if we cry
16:05:38 <coremodule> I don't think those were the lyrics after all
16:05:46 <adamw> close enough!
16:06:01 <lruzicka> .hello2
16:06:01 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com>
16:06:11 <adamw> there's a british comedy panel quiz where they sing the wrong lyrics to things, it's great
16:06:18 * pwhalen joins the fun
16:06:19 <adamw> i can never listen to Smells Like Teen Spirit the same way again
16:06:31 <adamw> "I feed two pigs...IN CONTAINERS"
16:07:22 <lruzicka> I wonder what "smells like teen spirit" actually means.
16:07:34 <adamw> many people have wondered the same!
16:07:43 <coremodule> hahaha that sounds fun!
16:09:32 <adamw> alllrighty then
16:09:36 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up
16:10:12 <adamw> #action "adamw to do any further common bugs updating required" - there wasn't really any required, but i did go through the list.
16:10:36 <adamw> kparal has added some stuff since, also
16:10:37 <adamw> d'oh
16:10:38 <adamw> #undo
16:10:38 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by adamw at 16:10:12 : "adamw to do any further common bugs updating required" - there wasn't really any required, but i did go through the list.
16:10:44 <adamw> #info "adamw to do any further common bugs updating required" - there wasn't really any required, but i did go through the list.
16:10:57 <adamw> #info kparal has added some more stuff since, as well
16:11:21 <adamw> any other followup?
16:11:35 <coremodule> nothing here
16:13:42 * Southern_Gentlem likes the weird AL "teen spirit" more than the origional
16:13:43 <adamw> allllllrighty again
16:14:11 <adamw> #topic Blocker bug discussion ticket feedback and plans
16:14:35 <adamw> so kamil wrote the mailing list asking for feedback on how the 'tickets for blocker discussion' thing went for f33
16:14:46 <adamw> so i figured we could touch on it here too
16:15:01 <adamw> so far the feedback's all been pretty positive
16:15:26 <lruzicka> agreed, I liked the approach
16:15:28 <adamw> i notice four people who didn't give any feedback yet have foolishly indicated their presence here ;)
16:15:38 <coremodule> uh oh...
16:15:47 <Southern_Gentlem> (i am tracking down a bug with the respins, that everything works in a beta, but is borked in final)
16:15:49 <coremodule> i uh.... have something else to do all of a sudden
16:16:17 <pwhalen> hah, I think it worked out very well
16:16:58 <lruzicka> well, I spotted there were positive reviews and the only thing I wanted to say about this was positive, too, so I thought that it wasn't necessary. But yeah.
16:17:01 <adamw> .fire coremodule off you go then
16:17:01 <zodbot> adamw fires coremodule off you go then
16:20:06 <adamw> #info further positive vibes, kparal basks
16:20:14 <coremodule> I do have some feedback, which I will add to the list, but I want to bring up here
16:20:42 <lruzicka> coremodule, go 4 it
16:21:00 <coremodule> As the acting secretary a lot of the time, I did come across a case where we changed the status of a bug from the F33 milestone to the F34 milestone
16:21:04 <coremodule> https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/blocker-review/issue/16
16:22:12 <coremodule> this bug. When trying to secretarialize after the blocker review meeting, I couldn't add the next milestone to the bug because we don't have a provision for that... I think we need to have the ability to add an existing bug to the next release in case we run into this again in the future.
16:23:33 <adamw> you mean you couldn't change it in the tracker app?
16:23:41 <coremodule> Yes
16:26:14 <adamw> so, that's a feature request, i guess - an approach for handling when a bug changes milestone
16:26:18 <adamw> any thoughts, kparal?
16:26:37 <adamw> #info coremodule notes apparent lack of mechanism for handling bugs changing milestone in the ticket system
16:26:56 <coremodule> Ill send something out on the list too
16:27:02 <coremodule> on the existing email
16:29:05 <adamw> rgr
16:29:24 <adamw> #info generally everyone's happy with the ticket system, we'll plan to move forward with it and improve the qol issues that have been brought up
16:29:39 <adamw> #topic Fedora 34 Change review
16:29:49 <adamw> so i figured we could look through already proposed/approved changes for f34 a bit
16:32:55 <adamw> there are some juicy ones already, like https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RemoveNSCD
16:33:18 <adamw> oh wait, that one's not the one i was thinking of...
16:33:34 <adamw> #info already accepted F34 Changes: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:ChangeAcceptedF34
16:34:08 <adamw> #info most proposed F34 Changes: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:ChangeReadyForFesco
16:34:13 <adamw> (there is no good category for 'proposed changes', sigh)
16:34:17 <kparal> sorry, life. I'm partially back
16:34:43 <adamw> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Remove_make_from_BuildRoot will likely be a Top 10 build failure cause, but the fix will usually be easy (BuildRequires: make)
16:35:35 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Patches_in_Forge_macros_-_Auto_macros_-_Detached_rpm_changelogs is also likely to cause some packaging issues as we go
16:36:08 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/DNS_Over_TLS may well be an interesting one
16:36:17 <kparal> coremodule: I'm not sure I understand the issue, please send it to the test list or file a bug in blockerbugs project
16:36:23 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/WaylandByDefaultForPlasma is big for KDE
16:45:04 <adamw> sorry, i had to go tend to cat needs
16:45:12 <adamw> as you know, my hierarchy of needs goes 3. oxygen 2. fedora qa 1. cats
16:45:41 <lruzicka> sure, no problem :D
16:46:13 <adamw> some interesting Modularity changes too:
16:46:18 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ModularPolicy
16:46:21 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Module_Obsoletes_and_EOL
16:46:26 <adamw> so there's definitely interesting stuff coming up
16:46:45 <adamw> as more changes get approved we can start looking at test plans and stuff, just figured we could take an early look
16:47:13 <adamw> #info several interesting/significant Changes are already approved, see links above, we will revisit the list at future meetings and do more detailed test planning
16:48:14 <adamw> I don't think sumantro is around, so i think we'll skip the community event topic for now
16:49:02 <adamw> #info sumantro is not around, so skipping community event topic for this week
16:49:05 <adamw> #topic Open floor
16:49:07 <adamw> any other business, folks?
16:49:21 <adamw> I'm not sure where we are with the arm and secure boot respins for f33...
16:49:33 <adamw> pbrobinson: pwhalen: did we ship the respun arm images already?
16:50:22 <pwhalen> adamw: we did. Websites mostly fixed (one page still has the old ones)
16:50:47 <adamw> great
16:51:03 <adamw> #info F33 aarch64 image respins are built and mostly published, thanks pwhalen and pbrobinson
16:51:47 <adamw> oh, yeah, on that note...openqa aarch64 testing in prod seems to be working fine, tests are running and results publishing to wiki, i think i fixed all the bugs in wiki publishing now
16:52:24 <pwhalen> yes, thanks again for working on that adamw
16:52:27 <lruzicka> cool, thanks
16:52:28 <pwhalen> adamw++
16:52:28 <zodbot> pwhalen: Karma for adamwill changed to 6 (for the current release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
16:52:35 <adamw> i'm working on enabling the main GNOME tests on aarch64 too, that's deployed on stg right now, not merged yet as there's still an issue with the desktop_login test
16:52:44 <adamw> it seems when the test locks the desktop, the display stops working
16:52:48 <adamw> ever seen anything like that, pwhalen?
16:54:26 <pwhalen> adamw: I havent
16:54:31 <adamw> oh, also as a general note for community folks: you can expect december to be even quieter than usual for red hat folks
16:55:11 <adamw> because of the pandemic quite a lot of folks didn't use much vacation time this year and will be burning it off in december
16:55:21 <adamw> so don't be surprised if lots of us aren't around much :)
16:55:30 <pwhalen> adamw: so after the tour there is no gui?
16:55:31 <coremodule> oh yeah, that's true. adamw are you planning to take time off?
16:55:32 <adamw> pwhalen: rgr, i'll play with it a bit
16:55:48 <adamw> pwhalen: there's a point in the desktop_login test where the test actively locks the screen from the user menu
16:56:07 <adamw> coremodule: yeah, just looking at it now, if i'm driving this thing right i'll be off from dec 7th through to jan 4
16:56:08 <pwhalen> weird, no. I'll take a look as well.
16:56:30 <coremodule> good to know.
16:58:10 <adamw> pwhalen: after it does that, openQA goes to "Guest disabled display"
16:58:13 <adamw> https://openqa.stg.fedoraproject.org/tests/959083#step/desktop_login/90
16:58:23 <adamw> the last few times have failed before that, in fact, so i have something else to debug...fun times
16:58:47 <adamw> ok, anything else, folks?
16:59:12 <pwhalen> ah, ok. thanks for the pointer
17:00:18 <lruzicka> not here
17:01:40 <adamw> alrighty, thanks for coming, everyone
17:01:43 <adamw> #endmeeting