12:29:38 <jakfrost> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board
12:29:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul  1 12:29:38 2020 UTC.
12:29:38 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
12:29:38 <zodbot> The chair is jakfrost. Information about MeetBot at
12:29:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:29:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board'
12:29:38 <jakfrost> #meetingname magazine
12:29:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine'
12:29:39 <sysoplab> .here2 sysoplab
12:29:39 <jakfrost> #topic Roll call
12:29:39 <jakfrost> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr bcotton
12:29:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr ryanlerch stickster sub_pop
12:29:39 <jakfrost> .hello2
12:29:39 <sysoplab> jakfrost I don't think it's working usually the bot spits out a bunch of stuff
12:29:39 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb
12:29:39 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'None' <>
12:29:40 <jakfrost> sysoplab: agree
12:29:40 * bcotton is here, zodbot is not
12:29:40 <bcotton> nb are you up yet?
12:29:40 <jakfrost> hello bcotton
12:29:40 <jakfrost> I should have noticed the lack of zodbot
12:29:40 <jakfrost> well what is the contingency for no zodbot?
12:29:41 <bcotton> many copypasta of the minutes, i reckon. although they're also lost to meetbot
12:29:41 <bcotton> one sec, let me see who's around in #fedora-admin
12:29:41 <jakfrost> it's Canada day, I got all day
12:29:41 * gregbartholomew the world cannot function without the bots -- sounds like a scifi movie :O
12:29:41 <bcotton> jakfrost: +1 Eh
12:29:41 <jakfrost> bcotton: sunny side up today
12:29:42 <sysoplab> Morning everyone either way.
12:29:42 <gregbartholomew> Good morning sysoplab. :)
12:29:42 <jakfrost> Good morning, and thanks for coming to the meeting
12:29:42 <bcotton> okay, doesn't seem like anyone is available to come to our rescue. i move we begin the old-fashioned way
12:29:42 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <>
12:29:42 <jakfrost> well I guess roll call is still ongoing.
12:29:42 <jakfrost> #topic Agenda
12:29:42 <jakfrost> #link
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 2/ In progress followup --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 7/ Editor of the Week --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #info -- 8/ Open floor --
12:29:43 <jakfrost> #topic 1/ Last week's stats
12:29:44 <jakfrost> bcotton: Am I supposed to be writing this down somewhere?
12:29:44 <bcotton> that might help, or you can just pull it from the scrollback when we're done
12:29:44 <sysoplab> My client is logging it im pretty sure jakfrost
12:29:44 <bcotton> or assign someone to be secretary
12:29:45 <jakfrost> okay so we're covered
12:29:45 <stickster> .hello pfrields
12:29:45 <stickster> Sorry I'm late!
12:29:45 <gregbartholomew> you beat zodbot
12:29:45 <jakfrost> hello stickster
12:29:45 <stickster> Hmm. I think zodbot may not be working. I don't see any responses above for starting the meeting.
12:29:46 <stickster> Oh, that was already covered. Shutting up now! :-D
12:29:46 <jakfrost> #info Week of <June 26>: <14.6>K pageviews -- Not bad
12:29:46 <jakfrost> it's all good
12:29:46 <stickster> ? That should be around 60+K for the last week (the one that started before this past Sunday/Monday
12:29:46 <jakfrost> sorry my bad, I was looking at a single day I guesss
12:29:46 <bcotton> i was going to say, two threads on devel have more than 14.6k replies right now ;-)
12:29:47 * gregbartholomew sure wouldn't want to be the guy in charge right now! :-),
12:29:47 <jakfrost> #info Week of June 22: <71.2>K pageviews -- That's better
12:29:47 <jakfrost> gregbartholomew: no kidding, whew
12:29:48 <jakfrost> that's a greater than 14% increase, is that week over week?
12:29:48 <jakfrost> #topic 2/ In progress followup
12:29:48 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author?
12:29:48 <jakfrost> #link Board:
12:29:48 <sysoplab> I haven't really looked at either of those two much.  Was pretty afk over the last week.
12:29:48 <jakfrost> #195 has not been modified since June 21
12:29:49 <gregbartholomew> It looks like the LVM on is still empty. I think maybe it was meant to be a proposal, not something someone volunteered to write?
12:29:49 <jakfrost> it seems to be, perhaps we should unassign it
12:29:49 <jakfrost> #195 is pretty much done, I think it should be moved to WP though
12:29:49 <gregbartholomew> Is that something we should ask the writer to do?
12:29:50 <jakfrost> that was what I was meaning, and yes we should
12:29:50 <stickster> Agreed
12:29:50 <jakfrost> would you like to ask the author gregbartholomew
12:29:50 <gregbartholomew> sure, doing it now ...
12:29:50 <jakfrost> what about #185, any ideas?
12:29:50 <sysoplab> It has a WordPress entry but it looks blank
12:29:51 <jakfrost> yes, it is currently assigned, and is a good spec, but isn't in progress AFAICT
12:29:51 <jakfrost> I think it should be dropped to spec status, especially since some spec articles are more complete
12:29:51 <bcotton> welcome back zodbot!
12:29:51 <stickster> Hey, it's zodbot! Hi buddy
12:29:57 <bcotton> zodbot++
12:29:58 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <>
12:30:40 <sysoplab> .hello sysoplab
12:30:41 <zodbot> sysoplab: sysoplab 'Sean Zipperer' <>
12:30:48 <stickster> You asked about 185, jakfrost -- agreed, it should move back to spec status
12:31:04 <stickster> I'm guessing the card move to In Progress was a goof
12:31:18 <jakfrost> it happens
12:31:59 <jakfrost> moved it back, should we un-assign it?
12:33:03 <jakfrost> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review
12:33:03 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback.
12:33:03 <jakfrost> #link Board:
12:33:38 <jakfrost> #183 is a little light on content
12:34:30 <jakfrost> #202 looks done ...
12:43:26 <sysoplab> The DNS one I think was done as well
12:43:29 <jakfrost> #198 is out of order, there is a #197 in the spec category which is part #3 of the latex typesetting series
12:44:26 <jakfrost> #201 looks done ...
12:45:57 <jakfrost> yes #204 looks done
12:46:20 <gregbartholomew> Did Earl put #198 in the review column?
12:47:58 <gregbartholomew> He came up with the order, so he is certainly free to change the order if he wants.
12:48:57 <jakfrost> so there is #202 - Rosetta@home, #201 - Ansible for networking config, and #204 - DNS over TLS
12:49:27 <sysoplab> I'll edit 201 for next week
12:49:42 <jakfrost> gregbartholomew: true, but there is no content in #198
12:49:46 <jakfrost> nor #197 either
12:49:49 <gregbartholomew> I guess move them back then?
12:49:49 <jakfrost> agreed
12:54:09 <jakfrost> gregbartholomew: is #147 the same as #192?
12:54:11 <jakfrost> sysoplab ++
12:54:14 <jakfrost> sysoplab++
12:55:13 <gregbartholomew> just a sec, I gotta catch up ...
12:55:15 <stickster> Suggestion: Let's set up a next action for each of these cards that are being mentioned.
12:55:19 <stickster> in zodbot terms:  #action <ircnick> <thing to do...{
12:56:45 <jakfrost> stickster: can you chair for a moment? I need to do something for a second
12:56:45 <gregbartholomew> Ah, yes, #147 was a card I created and then I think sysooplab created another one. I'll just rename number 147 to be part 4 ...
12:56:45 <jakfrost> pkay sounds good
12:56:45 <stickster> I can for about 2 minutes, but I can't close the meeting
12:56:45 <jakfrost> np just need 30 seconds
12:56:45 <stickster> consider it done!
12:56:45 <stickster> Looking back...
12:56:45 <stickster> #183 -- should we ask the author for more material? Like, a short explanation of pipenv and what it's good for
12:56:46 <stickster> Doesn't need to be a novel, we publish short Test Day articles too :-)
12:56:46 <gregbartholomew> I didn't put #147 in the review column. Who did?
12:56:46 <sysoplab> gregbartholomew sorry didn't mean to duplicate anything.  Most of the ones I made were me just closing out ones with 2+ votes.
12:56:46 <jakfrost> I'm back, thanks stickster
12:56:47 <gregbartholomew> sysoplab, are you moving cards to the review column?
12:56:47 <jakfrost> #183 agree
12:56:47 <gregbartholomew> I think the writers are supposed to do that when they have content ready for review.
12:56:47 <stickster> #action stickster email the author of #183 (pipenv) and ask them for just a little more meat on the bone
12:56:47 <stickster> gregbartholomew: That's correct
12:56:47 <jakfrost> action gregbartholomew make #147 into Perl part 4
12:56:48 <sysoplab> No I haven't moved anything
12:56:48 <jakfrost> action sysoplab edit #201, image is part of article needs breaking out.
12:56:48 <bcotton> jakfrost: you need to put '#' before action, like '#action jakfrost to put # before action'
12:56:48 * gregbartholomew something strange seems to be going on with the cards ...
12:56:48 <jakfrost> #action sysoplab edit #201, image is part of article needs breaking out.
12:56:48 <jakfrost> bcotton: thanks
12:56:48 <jakfrost> bcotton++
12:56:49 <jakfrost> stickster++
12:56:49 * stickster notes we have 10 minutes left, probably want to set up the schedule.
12:56:49 <jakfrost> okay moving on to ...
12:56:49 <jakfrost> #topic 4/ Articles to edit
12:56:49 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator.
12:56:49 <jakfrost> #link Board:
12:56:49 <jakfrost> sysoplab is editing #201, just a word of caution, the article will likely be a monolithic piece
12:56:50 <jakfrost> that leaves #204, and #202, any takers?
12:56:51 <gregbartholomew> I think I already got volunteered to work on another Perl article. :)
12:56:51 <jakfrost> #204 needs an image too
12:56:51 <jakfrost> # 202 has an image
12:56:51 <gregbartholomew> I could do an image.
12:56:51 <jakfrost> gregbartholomew: sorry, you can move it into the spec column
12:56:52 <sysoplab> stickster for schedule I should be able to get editing done by monday
12:56:52 <gregbartholomew> I take it you'd rather I edit #204 or #202?
12:56:52 <jakfrost> I can edit #202
12:56:52 <gregbartholomew> I can take # 204 then.
12:56:52 <stickster> One suggestion for images -- don't use the Fedora logo unless it adds something to the meaning of the article
12:56:52 <gregbartholomew> makes since to me.
12:56:52 <jakfrost> #action jakfrost edit #202
12:56:53 <jakfrost> #action gregbartholomew edit and image #204
12:56:53 <stickster> Like, it makes sense if the article is about Fedora having some relationship with another project or similar. But if it's about a feature, there's no utility by adding the logo. Hopefully that clarifies a bit.
12:56:53 <gregbartholomew> stickster: I know that the author of the LaTeX series expressed some passion about the cover image, do you want the image for the remaining series changed?
12:57:11 <jakfrost> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule
12:57:11 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period.
12:57:11 <jakfrost> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content.
12:57:11 <jakfrost> #link Board:
12:57:52 <stickster> gregbartholomew: It would be better not to use it for the next one. To be frank, the "grid" background is a good fallback for highly technical articles but it's even better to find a more pleasing background for these images.
12:58:23 <stickster> Especially if they're coming out every week or so, it causes the Magazine front page to look tired and non-dynamic
12:58:45 <stickster> I can take on an image for that next article
12:59:00 <gregbartholomew> stickster: do you want to communicate your concerns to him? Like I said, he specifically wanted that image for some reason.
12:59:02 <stickster> if it's helpful
12:59:14 <stickster> Sure
12:59:33 <jakfrost> stickster: so on the topic of schedule, I would like to use the asamalik script, do I need the cards setup?
13:00:33 <sysoplab> --. Will have his editted by Monday but can't promise sooner.  Fairly busy at work and have a few projects I need to get done around the house as well
13:00:59 <stickster> I don't know, jakfrost -- and I have to run to a call at the moment. If you're not sure how to do this, manual might be a good call
13:01:24 <jakfrost> okay can do
13:01:49 <jakfrost> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE:
13:02:15 <jakfrost> sysoplab: when can you have #201 ready?
13:02:39 <jakfrost> gregbartholomew: when do you think for #204 and image?
13:02:42 * gregbartholomew jakfrost could probably blame it on zodbot and nobody would be the wiser ... :-),
13:03:00 <jakfrost> I can have #202 ready for Friday if necessary
13:03:07 <gregbartholomew> I would like at least the weekend.
13:03:09 <sysoplab> See above jakfrost.  Monday
13:03:44 <jakfrost> sysoplab thanks
13:04:17 <sysoplab> I've got 14 HR shift today followed by helping a family member fix their truck and then another 12hr day and it continues like that till sunday
13:04:17 <bcotton> we have an article for friday already, don't we?
13:04:22 <jakfrost> Okay so how about next friday gregbartholomew? and I can take next wednesday
13:04:35 <jakfrost> yeah I forgot about Perl part3
13:05:07 <gregbartholomew> actually, @204 doesn't look to bad, I can have it done earlier if needed.
13:05:24 <gregbartholomew> whenever on #204.
13:05:26 <jakfrost> #proposed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE
13:06:58 <gregbartholomew> That reminds me, I'm supposed to maybe tweak Perl part 3 a little.
13:07:32 <gregbartholomew> I'm not sure there is a whole lot I can do with it though as far as breaking up the sections.
13:08:03 <bcotton> gregbartholomew: if you can't, no big deal
13:08:16 <bcotton> i can try to take a look again and offer some concrete suggestions
13:08:30 <gregbartholomew> bcotton: do you want more sections, or would simply breaking up the paragraphs a bit suffice?
13:08:36 <bcotton> but if there's not a natural fit, we cna publish as-is
13:08:59 <bcotton> gregbartholomew: i was thinking more sections (yoast seo gets cranky when sections are longer than ~300 words, but that's not like a Rule[tm])\
13:09:33 <gregbartholomew> I'll have a look at it tonight and get back to you (by discuss?)
13:09:53 <jakfrost> Monday July 6, Manage Network Devices with Ansible (sysoplab:edit/sysoplab:image) --
13:09:54 <jakfrost> Wednesday July 8, Running Rosetta@Home with Fedora IoT and podman on a Raspberry pi (jakfrost:edit/done:image) --
13:09:54 <jakfrost> Friday July 10, DNS over TLS configuration (gregbartholomew:edit/gregbartholomew:image) --
13:09:55 <gregbartholomew> I'm not sure I have figured out discuss yet ... does it have a PM feature?
13:10:19 <bcotton> gregbartholomew: i'd either do it in a public thread on discuss or in the taiga card (or on irc if we're around at the same time)
13:10:38 <gregbartholomew> Ah, yes, the taiga card sounds good.
13:10:39 <sysoplab> Need to pick a new person to run meeting etc next week as well
13:10:52 <sysoplab> Idk if that segment made it to the agenda or not
13:11:03 <jakfrost> yes we do we also need to agree on proposed schedule
13:11:34 <jakfrost> bcotton: should we finish this?
13:12:21 <bcotton> doesn't look like anyone is waiting to get into the room, let's go ahead and set the schedule and get next week's editor sorted quickly
13:12:31 <jakfrost> okay
13:14:36 <jakfrost> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE:
13:14:36 <jakfrost> Monday July 6, Manage Network Devices with Ansible (sysoplab:edit/sysoplab:image) --
13:14:36 <jakfrost> Wednesday July 8, Running Rosetta@Home with Fedora IoT and podman on a Raspberry pi (jakfrost:edit/done:image) --
13:14:36 <jakfrost> Friday July 10, DNS over TLS configuration (gregbartholomew:edit/gregbartholomew:image) --
13:15:19 <jakfrost> #topic 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve
13:15:19 <jakfrost> #info Review the the article proposals and decide about what's next — a new article spec? more discussion?
13:15:19 <jakfrost> #link Article proposals in our forum:
13:15:57 <gregbartholomew> +1
13:16:29 <sysoplab> I forgot to check discourse for new proposals sorry.
13:16:44 <gregbartholomew> I checked, nothing was there.
13:16:46 <jakfrost> We don't seem to have any new ones at this time
13:17:02 <gregbartholomew> maybe we need to advertise more somehow?
13:17:03 <jakfrost> and we still have the three in Pagure waiting on responses
13:17:28 <jakfrost> gregbartholomew: I'm not sure if we do any
13:17:57 <jakfrost> I think the spec articles have some with content in them.
13:17:57 <gregbartholomew> Well, I think the was something of the fedoramagazine main page at one point.
13:18:24 <jakfrost> yes not that long ago I thought, asking for contributors
13:18:43 <gregbartholomew> Looks like it is still there, maybe it could use some emphasis though.
13:19:30 <gregbartholomew> Maybe something could/should be pinned on discuss since that is where we want people to suggest new content.
13:19:44 <jakfrost> gregbartholomew++
13:20:45 <jakfrost> #195 in progress seems pretty complete. Did we discuss this one already?
13:21:22 <gregbartholomew> I asked him to move the content to wordpress.
13:22:13 <jakfrost> Do we want to pick the EOW now? I think we may need to spend the week prompting contributors from the spec article category
13:23:07 <jakfrost> #info XXXX will be Editor of the Week next week
13:24:00 <jakfrost> #topic 7/ Editor of the Week
13:24:22 <jakfrost> Okay, so don't everyone ruch to the challenge
13:24:28 <jakfrost> rush
13:24:43 * bcotton volunteers
13:24:51 <sysoplab> Lol sorry mate I'll take a week but it can't be this one.  I'll be afk more than usual
13:25:16 <gregbartholomew> I'll take it. Don't expect too much though.
13:25:25 <sysoplab> bcotton++
13:25:25 <zodbot> sysoplab: Karma for bcotton changed to 24 (for the current release cycle):
13:25:42 <sysoplab> gregbartholomew++
13:25:56 <gregbartholomew> Yay, bcotton beat me to it!
13:26:12 <gregbartholomew> bcotton++
13:26:32 <bcotton> i'll have to type more slowly next time ;-)
13:26:33 <jakfrost> #info bcotton will be Editor of the Week next week from Sunday July 5 to Saturday July 11
13:26:45 <jakfrost> bcotton ++
13:27:08 <jakfrost> Thank you everyone and have a great day!
13:27:12 <jakfrost> #endmeeting