12:00:21 <asamalik> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board
12:00:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May  6 12:00:21 2020 UTC.
12:00:21 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
12:00:21 <zodbot> The chair is asamalik. Information about MeetBot at
12:00:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board'
12:00:21 <asamalik> #meetingname magazine
12:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine'
12:00:21 <asamalik> #topic Roll call
12:00:34 <asamalik> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew bcotton jakfrost misc rwaltr
12:00:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr ryanlerch stickster sub_pop
12:00:38 <asamalik> .hello2
12:00:40 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <>
12:00:55 <bcotton> .hello2
12:00:55 <stickster> .hello pfrields
12:00:56 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <>
12:00:59 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <>
12:01:00 <jakfrost> \me Stephen Snow hello
12:01:19 * jakfrost hello Stephen Snow
12:02:34 <stickster> wheee off to the races!
12:03:03 <asamalik> #topic 1/ Last week's stats
12:03:28 <asamalik> I feel this one will be good! let me check
12:04:32 <asamalik> #info Week of 27 April: 158.2k pageviews -- yay Fedora 32 and Lenovo!
12:05:28 <stickster> Woohoo!
12:05:41 * jakfrost cheers
12:05:41 <asamalik> what a happy Wednesday today!
12:05:47 <bcotton> proposed #agreed we'll do a release and a hardware vendor announcment every week ;-)
12:05:52 <stickster> lol
12:06:03 <asamalik> bcotton: can... of course you were faster :D
12:06:20 <asamalik> +158.2k
12:06:47 <asamalik> #topic 2/ In progress followup
12:06:51 <asamalik> #link Board:
12:07:05 <asamalik> 5 pieces in progress!
12:07:48 <asamalik> looks like #145 is stuck now for almost a month
12:08:20 <asamalik> #158 is fresh and in progress
12:08:50 <asamalik> #165 about 1 1/2 weeks in progress
12:08:57 <stickster> Let's wait to decide about #145 because in all-other-business we might decide to change the workflow slightly
12:09:39 <asamalik> #164 wants feedback!
12:09:48 <stickster> I can ping #165
12:09:59 <stickster> #action stickster ping card #165 for author progress
12:10:08 <asamalik> and #156 is fresh enough to just let be
12:10:17 <asamalik> stickster: thanks!
12:10:49 <stickster> Someone care to edit #164 then?
12:11:11 * stickster moves to 'review' status
12:11:33 * asamalik is just looking at it
12:11:49 <asamalik> yeah I think it looks good!
12:11:52 <asamalik> happy to take it
12:12:05 <bcotton> i can take 164
12:12:13 <asamalik> excellent!
12:12:39 <stickster> #action bcotton edit firewalld article #164
12:12:43 <stickster> do you need help with an image bcotton ?
12:12:46 <asamalik> thanks bcotton!
12:13:13 <bcotton> stickster: i'll give it a try and ask for help on the list if i can't make something work
12:14:09 <asamalik> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review
12:14:29 <stickster> I moved #164 to this column
12:14:36 <asamalik> yep, and there's two more
12:15:00 <stickster> asamalik: There are not cards for these, but I see three new Silverblue articles in the Magazine WP site that are surprises
12:15:01 <asamalik> #169 looks good to me, we should probably send it out ASAP
12:15:11 <asamalik> oh interesting
12:15:13 <stickster> Anyone know how those came to be?
12:15:21 <asamalik> nope
12:15:23 <jakfrost> I did a little editing last week on #169, I think it is ready, but may need an image
12:15:37 <stickster> .fas nickhardiman
12:15:38 <zodbot> stickster: nickhardiman 'Nick Hardiman' <>
12:15:39 <asamalik> but I'm happy for having those I guess!
12:15:53 <stickster> .fasinfo nickhardiman
12:15:54 <zodbot> stickster: User: nickhardiman, Name: Nick Hardiman, email:, Creation: 2020-03-26, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: None, Status: active
12:15:57 <zodbot> stickster: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fpca
12:16:22 <jakfrost> The #171, not certain, just saw the notices on the mail list yesterday
12:17:00 * asamalik looking at #171
12:17:01 <stickster> Ah, I found him! Nick sent email to the list and Stephen Snow got him started
12:17:13 <asamalik> jakfrost++
12:17:13 <zodbot> asamalik: Karma for jakfrost changed to 1 (for the current release cycle):
12:17:17 <sysoplab> Hi is this the magazine meeting?
12:17:25 <asamalik> sysoplab: hi, yes, it is!
12:17:28 <asamalik> welcome!
12:17:37 <stickster> jakfrost: Also commented on nickhardiman1's Pagure issue here:
12:18:35 <stickster> Anyway, looks like we have a series of three articles on Silverblue that could be edited, they look pretty good although might need someone to determine whether they cover things in the right order relative to each other
12:18:56 <stickster> Maybe we should have cards for these? asamalik Do you want me to take a few minutes to make those in Taiga so we can keep things straight?
12:19:19 <asamalik> stickster: that would be very helpful, yes, please :)
12:19:24 <jakfrost> I can edit the Silverblue articles
12:19:40 <asamalik> #171 is a Fedora Classroom announcement, happens May 9th, so that should go out soon
12:19:46 <asamalik> jakfrost: fantastic!
12:20:13 <sysoplab> the IRC 101 preview link is broken or it was last night when I tried to view it.
12:20:44 <asamalik> sysoplab: it works for me when I'm logged in Wordpress (if you mean the preview)
12:21:26 <asamalik> sysoplab: is where you log in with FAS — does that help?
12:21:50 <jakfrost> you need to be logged into WP for the preview to work
12:22:02 <stickster> sysoplab: The preview links rarely work past 24 hours, best to just login to the Magazine and find it in the posts list
12:22:12 <stickster> jakfrost++
12:22:13 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for jakfrost changed to 2 (for the current release cycle):
12:22:33 <asamalik> it also helps to delete everything in the URL after the first parameter, like this:
12:22:38 <asamalik> for some reason, that makes it work
12:22:53 <asamalik> + being logged in
12:24:14 <stickster> asamalik: bcotton: jakfrost: I've taken up a practice of editing the whole editorial board to cards. That way all of us are getting pinged when a card moves or gets added, commented, whatever.
12:24:27 <bcotton> stickster++
12:24:27 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for pfrields changed to 1 (for the current release cycle):
12:24:27 <stickster> It should help avoid missing things that are going on, and SPoF issues
12:24:43 <sysoplab> I signed in and edited link still get 404 not results looking for
12:25:05 <asamalik> stickster++
12:25:05 <zodbot> asamalik: Karma for pfrields changed to 2 (for the current release cycle):
12:25:27 <jakfrost> stickster++
12:25:27 <zodbot> jakfrost: Karma for pfrields changed to 3 (for the current release cycle):
12:26:42 <sysoplab> Also sorry I haven't added much to the podman article I started.  On vacation with family haven't had a chance to add much yet.  Should be back tonight.  It said unassigned in Taiga/KanBan.
12:27:33 <da2ce7> Hello all, I have been working on my Article: Fedora 32: Simple Local File-Sharing with Samba:
12:27:46 <siddharthvipul> Hi all, Good day! I have something to ask. I was once interviewed for How do you fedora.. and I loved that segment. From what I can see, cprofitt used to handle is all. It seems it's been halted for a while. Is there something I can help with (or possibly restart?) I tried contacting Charles through an email but got no response.. so before spamming I wanted to discuss it here
12:28:14 <da2ce7> It still is in the draft stage; however it should be mostly finished for technical review.
12:29:08 <bcotton> da2ce7, siddharthvipul: the current topic is finished articles to review. let's hold this until later
12:29:17 <asamalik> my internet died, I'm on a phone... :/
12:29:35 <sysoplab> asamalik:
12:30:24 <bcotton> asamalik: need me to take over?
12:30:31 <stickster> siddharthvipul: Absolutely you could help with that. It's actually quite an easy project to run, in that you simply need to email interviewees and ask them to answer the questions
12:30:43 <asamalik> that would be great bcotton
12:31:00 <stickster> siddharthvipul: Why don't we take this to #fedora-magazine or wait for All Other Business section at the end to discuss, we'd be grateful to have the help.
12:31:02 <asamalik> hopefully it'll get back soon... thanks!
12:31:12 <bcotton> #action jakfrost to edit the silverblue articles
12:31:20 <bcotton> okay, i think we covered the finished articles to review topic
12:31:24 <stickster> da2ce7: Was this a proposal in Pagure?
12:31:31 <da2ce7> yes.
12:31:39 <da2ce7>
12:31:39 <siddharthvipul> stickster: I am there and we can discuss after the meeting :)
12:31:45 <bcotton> #topic 4/ Articles to edit
12:31:46 <bcotton> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator.
12:31:48 <bcotton> #link Board:
12:32:00 <stickster> da2ce7: I see, let's discuss this later in the meeting  then
12:32:19 <bcotton> jakfrost: you're editing #169. can you do the image, too?
12:32:42 <jakfrost> I will try to is that the Silverblue rebase article?
12:33:00 <bcotton> jakfrost: yes
12:33:15 <jakfrost> When would we like to publish?
12:33:29 <jakfrost> sorry getting ahead of the agenda
12:33:35 <bcotton> probably sometime next week, but yes :-)
12:33:41 <bcotton> anyone want to take #171?
12:33:47 <bcotton> the IRC classroom article
12:34:01 <asamalik> I can
12:34:24 <asamalik> edit and image
12:34:47 <bcotton> #action asamalik to edit and image #171
12:35:21 <bcotton> okay, that's the end of that column
12:35:29 <bcotton> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule
12:35:31 <bcotton> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period.
12:35:32 <bcotton> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content.
12:35:33 <bcotton> #link Board:
12:35:46 <asamalik> I'm back!
12:35:50 <bcotton> so 171 seems like friday's article unless we want to try to get it out tomorrow?
12:35:58 * bcotton passes the crown back to asamalik
12:36:00 <asamalik> I'd push .. yes tomorrow
12:36:13 <jakfrost> Should I try Friday for #169
12:36:15 <asamalik> ha, thanks!
12:36:37 * linuxmodder is here crazy late
12:36:42 <sysoplab> bcotton:. I should have the podman one done by next week some time but no way it'll be entirely written by tomorrow/Friday.
12:36:52 <asamalik> jakfrost: I'd say that would be great
12:36:59 <bcotton> sysoplab: that's fine, we have enough for this week :-)
12:37:01 <jakfrost> okay, will do
12:37:04 <asamalik> those two are timely
12:38:33 <jakfrost> asamalik: and time sensitive
12:38:33 <asamalik> linuxmodder: welcome!
12:39:03 <linuxmodder> asamalik,  I'm a long time community member but the last year or so been on the finges mostly in dev and respins
12:39:09 <asamalik> so far, we have:
12:39:10 <asamalik> Thu 07 May 2020: #171 Fedora Classroom Session “IRC101” (image: asamalik, edit: asamalik)
12:39:10 <asamalik> Fri 08 May 2020: #169 How to rebase to Fedora 32 on Silverblue (image: DONE, edit: jakfrost)
12:39:30 <jakfrost> agreed
12:39:40 <asamalik> linuxmodder: I mean welcome to the meeting :) I remember you being around for some time!
12:39:54 <linuxmodder> asamalik, did the firewall preview link go crazy ? I was wanting to read it thru and seems its dead?
12:39:54 <stickster> jakfrost: That rebase article is timely... we can link back to that from the new SB articles coming in :-)
12:40:13 <bcotton> asamalik: i can try to get #164 ready for monday if we don't have anything else that can step in
12:40:20 <jakfrost> stickster: you sir are correct!
12:40:35 <stickster> linuxmodder: If the link has a nonce in it, you should generally assume it won't work after that day... I would just login to WP and find it in the draft posts
12:40:49 <asamalik> bcotton: that souds good
12:40:57 * asamalik can't type today...
12:41:43 <asamalik> or you could also do Wednesday... we decided we don't have to push it and publish 3 a week no matter what
12:42:07 * jakfrost thinking this is the most action this meeting has seen
12:42:10 <linuxmodder> asamalik,  I'll circle back post meeting I seem to have lost those creds or the knowledge how to get to them
12:42:19 <asamalik> so #171, #169, and #164 are enough I'd say :)
12:42:30 <bcotton> i'll aim for Monday and if I fail I'll just say "we don't have to push it"
12:42:47 <asamalik> there you go!
12:42:47 <jakfrost> bcotton: seems fair
12:42:48 <bcotton> if i aim for Wednesday, i'll either stress about it late Tuesday or end up missing Wednesday, too :-)
12:43:03 * bcotton has finally learned a little bit about himself after 37 years
12:43:33 <stickster> jakfrost++
12:43:53 <asamalik> bcotton: ha, so I even gave it a date!
12:43:57 <stickster> linuxmodder: It's your FAS account to login to either WP or the Taiga board
12:44:09 <linuxmodder> teams is Tiaga?
12:44:12 <stickster> yes
12:44:18 <linuxmodder> but where is the login link ?
12:44:21 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Thu 07 May 2020: #171 Fedora Classroom Session “IRC101” (image: asamalik, edit: asamalik) -- Fri 08 May 2020: #169 How to rebase to Fedora 32 on Silverblue (image: DONE, edit: jakfrost) -- Mon 11 May 2020: #164 Add a service to firewalld (image: DONE, edit: bcotton)
12:44:37 <stickster> linuxmodder: -- and look to upper right for login
12:44:39 <bcotton> patch
12:45:19 <linuxmodder> ah seems I may need some more onboarding then I thought :P
12:45:23 <bcotton> asamalik: #164 is 'image: bcotton', not 'image: DONE'
12:45:38 <asamalik> linuxmodder: this should have everything:
12:45:56 <asamalik> bcotton: oh, we need to set the tag, then! (it's generated from Taiga)
12:46:35 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Thu 07 May 2020: #171 Fedora Classroom Session “IRC101” (image: asamalik, edit: asamalik) -- Fri 08 May 2020: #169 How to rebase to Fedora 32 on Silverblue (image: DONE, edit: jakfrost) -- Mon 11 May 2020: #164 Add a service to firewalld (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton)
12:46:47 <bcotton> ack
12:47:15 <stickster> +1
12:47:22 <jakfrost> +1
12:47:23 <bcotton> #action asamalik to add his magic publishing schedule generation to the editoral meetings docs
12:47:48 <jakfrost> bcotton++ asamalik++
12:47:48 <zodbot> jakfrost: Karma for bcotton changed to 10 (for the current release cycle):
12:47:48 <asamalik> podman --rm -it asamalik/magazine-schedule
12:47:51 <asamalik> but yes, I'll add it!
12:47:52 <zodbot> jakfrost: Karma for asamalik changed to 3 (for the current release cycle):
12:48:30 <asamalik> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Thu 07 May 2020: #171 Fedora Classroom Session “IRC101” (image: asamalik, edit: asamalik) -- Fri 08 May 2020: #169 How to rebase to Fedora 32 on Silverblue (image: DONE, edit: jakfrost) -- Mon 11 May 2020: #164 Add a service to firewalld (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton)
12:48:43 <asamalik> #topic 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve
12:48:43 <asamalik> #info Review the the article proposals and decide about what's next — a new article spec? more discussion?
12:48:43 <asamalik> #link Article proposals:
12:49:39 <jakfrost> We should really go into the article spec on kanban and get some of those moving or turfed
12:49:54 <bcotton> jakfrost++
12:49:54 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for jakfrost changed to 3 (for the current release cycle):
12:50:04 <stickster> jakfrost++, I'm for trashing those that are oldy/moldy
12:50:08 <asamalik> yeah
12:50:19 <bcotton> maybe we should have a separate 1-2 hour hackfest meeting devoted to grooming that row
12:50:24 <asamalik> if there are good proposals that are generic enough for anyone to write, they can absolutely stay there
12:50:45 <asamalik> but I agree we don't want to keep it full of anything else probably
12:50:51 <jakfrost> yes alot are open enough that is the case but some are dated
12:51:23 <jakfrost> #131 turf out of date
12:51:35 <linuxmodder> asamalik,  still wanting to do that oldy/moldy one you proposed ~ 8 mo ago on OpenScap
12:51:51 <bcotton> what do we think of the idea of once a quarter, doing a up-to-2-hour video call to clean up old cards, etc?
12:52:01 <jakfrost> #133 good idea, where is it at with the author?
12:52:11 <sysoplab> I saw a few I was interested in writing after the one I started not sure how old they are
12:52:16 <jakfrost> bcotton: I would +1 that
12:52:17 <bcotton> like make it a regular process and we can also use some of that time to just have some general magazine discussion
12:52:33 <linuxmodder> bcotton,  re: 2 hour call +1 form me
12:53:08 <asamalik> down again :/
12:53:32 <bcotton> #action bcotton to propose quarterly cleanup call on mailinglist
12:53:37 <linuxmodder> I can't see anything newer than #83 is that 131 in the 'closed' ?
12:53:39 <sysoplab> Depending on time for the video call I would be able to attend and participate so I'll +1
12:53:42 <bcotton> asamalik: my airplane
12:53:46 <asamalik> +1 to bcotton 's proposal
12:54:36 <linuxmodder> asamalik, any interest in your needs writer for OpenSCAP still?
12:54:51 <jakfrost> #147, is the a GLB article?
12:55:36 <jakfrost> #23 would be interezsting but is JWF still indisposed
12:56:16 <jakfrost> linuxmodder:if you want to tackle it go for it please
12:56:42 <linuxmodder> jakfrost,  I love OpenSCAP and the complaince space stuff :P just fyi
12:57:23 * stickster needs to run to meetings
12:57:26 <bcotton> linuxmodder++
12:57:26 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for linuxmodder changed to 1 (for the current release cycle):
12:57:35 <linuxmodder> asamalik,  how far down that rabbit hole should I stop at tho?  simple scanning and ansible or a full on setup in like a 2 or 3 parter?
12:57:38 <asamalik> linuxmodder: go for it, sure! that probably wasn't me, I just probably copied from Wordpress
12:57:47 <bcotton> yeah, we're at the end of the hour. if anyone had items for open floor, send them to the mailing list
12:57:48 <linuxmodder> asamalik,  ah okay
12:57:57 <bcotton> linuxmodder: start with one, see how many articles you get out of it :-)
12:58:03 <asamalik> linuxmodder: as deep as you want to, knowing we can always split it into series :)
12:58:10 <stickster> siddharthvipul: Folks can still work with you on #fedora-magazine on the HDYF sedries
12:58:13 <stickster> *series
12:58:49 * asamalik also needs to disappear for other meetings
12:58:56 <siddharthvipul> stickster: that's awesome.. I know a couple of interested folks too
12:58:59 <bcotton> okay, i'm going to #endmeeting now, thanks, everyone, see you next week!
12:59:00 <linuxmodder> stickster,  so you think a starter to complaince ninja plan then knowing oyu are also in that space to a degree
12:59:11 <jakfrost> see ya
12:59:13 <bcotton> #endmeeting