13:01:55 <petersen> #startmeeting haskell
13:01:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 14 13:01:55 2020 UTC.
13:01:55 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
13:01:55 <zodbot> The chair is petersen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:01:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
13:01:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'haskell'
13:02:55 <petersen> #meetingname haskell-sig
13:02:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'haskell-sig'
13:03:01 <petersen> hi tristanC
13:03:13 <tristanC> petersen: hello
13:04:18 <tristanC> i'm actually in another meeting, but i wanted to check if there is anything i could do to help with the sig for f33
13:04:27 <petersen> I was quite pleased that I pushed stack into haskell-platform recently
13:04:40 <petersen> tristanC: ah sure thanks
13:04:48 <petersen> Good question
13:06:01 <petersen> tristanC: I think the biggest help might be checking for new missing deps in LTS 15 for example and maybe helping reduce bundled subpackages
13:06:31 <petersen> I might be able to help with such tooling under fedora-haskell-tools
13:07:32 <petersen> tristanC: happy to talk more about it more later
13:07:53 <tristanC> petersen: you mean with regards to the newly approved https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Haskell/?
13:10:01 <petersen> tristanC: not really - currently F32 is on Stackage LTS 14 packages, when we update versions to LTS 15, some of the libraries and packages may need new deps which we haven't packaged yet
13:11:46 <petersen> Currently there is quite a bit of technical debt due to bundled libraries, the reason being just the package reviews often take too long, though that has improved a lot in recent years thanks to some proactive reviewers
13:12:29 <tristanC> oh i see, so should we just look for bundled issue and propose PR on pagure?
13:13:49 <petersen> Well you could or open a bug, or a package review - but even just a bug report headsup would be useful and a pointer to things people can help with
13:15:25 <tristanC> i think i can do that yes
13:16:10 <petersen> thanks
13:19:31 <tristanC> i mean i'm an haskell apprentice and i struggle with stack or nix and so far the fedora packages worked the best for me. thus i'd be happy to contribute back.
13:19:49 <petersen> tristanC: great to hear :)
13:20:10 <petersen> tristanC: have you tried cabal-rpm?
13:20:57 <tristanC> petersen: i did for dhall : https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/haskell-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/XRKFWU6BV22UQJCYL3PMXDRI2YEDKWXB/
13:21:26 <petersen> tristanC: ah yes cool
13:22:27 <petersen> Unfortunately the last two deps for dhall are still pending package reviews... I hope now that the revised packaging guidelines were published that will get them moving again
13:23:48 <petersen> tristanC: thanks for coming to the meeting today
13:24:37 <petersen> We can probably wrap up here unless there any more questions or topics? :)
13:24:45 <tristanC> thanks!
13:25:43 <petersen> (to be clear the package reviews are not approved yet)
13:25:48 <petersen> thank you
13:25:58 <petersen> Next meeting will be in 2 weeks
13:26:38 <petersen> I may try to gradually move to a later time - we might also do the meeting in #fedora-haskell
13:26:55 <petersen> #endmeeting