21:01:18 <tdawson> #startmeeting EPEL (2020-03-20)
21:01:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 20 21:01:18 2020 UTC.
21:01:18 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
21:01:18 <zodbot> The chair is tdawson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:01:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:01:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2020-03-20)'
21:01:20 <tdawson> #meetingname epel
21:01:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
21:01:21 <tdawson> #chair nirik tdawson bstinson Evolution pgreco merlinm carlwgeorge
21:01:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson carlwgeorge merlinm nirik pgreco tdawson
21:01:23 <tdawson> #topic aloha
21:01:35 <carlwgeorge> howdy
21:01:39 <pgreco> oh, hi!!
21:01:51 <tdawson> Hi carlwgeorge and pgreco
21:02:07 * cyberpear listens in
21:02:15 <pgreco> just finished my work day in front of the computer, starting my play day in front of the computer
21:02:31 <tdawson> Hi cyberpear
21:02:54 <cyberpear> hello
21:03:48 * tdawson waits a couple more minutes.
21:04:27 <nirik> afternoon
21:04:40 <tdawson> hi nirik
21:05:54 <tdawson> #topic Old Business
21:05:56 <tdawson> #info Discussion and/or voting on EPEL8 module addition to EPEL GuidelinesAndPolicies
21:06:00 <tdawson> #info https://pagure.io/epel/issue/100
21:06:11 <tdawson> #info https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/epel-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/JX5FKXJXZN24GTZI7DSR67JVKVRHSFSX/
21:06:40 <tdawson> What do people think of the proposed wording, on Issue 100?
21:07:09 <pgreco> +1
21:07:21 <nirik> +1 here
21:07:24 <carlwgeorge> +1
21:07:40 <tdawson> And a +1 from me.  Sounds like it's unaimous
21:08:09 <tdawson> #info Unanimous votes for proposed wording in Issue 100.
21:08:19 <tdawson> #info tdawson will update the wiki
21:08:31 <tdawson> Well, that was quick :)
21:08:38 <pgreco> we all came prepared
21:08:44 * nirik nods.
21:09:09 <tdawson> I just realized I put the next section as "Discussion" when it should be "Report" ... just a sec
21:09:32 <tdawson> #info Report on progres of testing CentOS Devel repo packages in EPEL8
21:09:34 <tdawson> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8749
21:10:13 <tdawson> I don't have anything to report, because I don't see anything changing on the ticket.
21:10:32 <nirik> yeah, not enough round tuits yet
21:10:44 <tdawson> nirik: Do you know how backed up things are?  Or have any estimate of how long this will take before it get's started?
21:10:44 <carlwgeorge> fyi, 8/devel is still populated, but 8-stream/devel has been emptied
21:11:07 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: Interesting.  And thanks for the update.
21:11:08 <nirik> tdawson: not sure, possibly next week?
21:11:19 <nirik> just needs to get synced over and added to stg koji to test...
21:11:26 <carlwgeorge> i can't defend or explain why, i just know that it happened
21:11:38 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: Yep, I saw the discussion.
21:11:47 <carlwgeorge> hehe
21:12:22 <tdawson> It's sorta strange, but because of the discussion, I've had two people tell me that there was *only* a CentOS Stream Devel repo.  I had to explain to them that there was both.
21:12:29 <tdawson> But ... I digress.
21:13:02 <cyberpear> that one will be super useful for building stuff that needs libdnf-devel, etc
21:13:05 <nirik> I think it may be confusing from the announcements, etc
21:13:27 <tdawson> nirik: I'll probrubly ask next week about progress.  I realize things are busy, just want to check.
21:13:36 <carlwgeorge> i'll summarize by saying that epel shouldn't do anything with centos devel until we know that it's going to exist long term
21:13:38 <nirik> sure. please feel free to
21:13:54 <nirik> agreed
21:14:28 <tdawson> #info No progress this week on this ticket.  Hopefully some next week.
21:14:48 <cyberpear> (Isn't the idea of centos-devel repo to demonstrate to RH that they should ship those devel packages?)
21:14:58 <nirik> no?
21:15:23 <nirik> it's to allow people to build things against them... knowning that they have 0 support
21:15:37 <cyberpear> ok
21:15:39 <bstinson> the first goal was to get people the bits
21:15:44 <nirik> I am pretty sure Red Hat doesn't wish to support them... but I don't speak for them.
21:15:58 <bstinson> the second goal was to gather information about what people might want to do with the bits
21:16:11 <bstinson> in the community context
21:16:14 <cyberpear> aha
21:17:30 <tdawson> Correct.  They don't want to support them, and if they are in RHEL in any form, people open tickets against them claiming that it's RHEL's fault that their bad code isn't working.
21:18:07 * tdawson notes that even though I know what I just said, I'm still very vocal against it. :)
21:18:27 <tdawson> *sigh* but I digress again.
21:18:38 <cyberpear> codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms is also not supported, but I guess they're also worried about security patches...
21:19:26 <cyberpear> (don't let me get in the way of the next topic)
21:19:29 <tdawson> I think that's it for Old Business.
21:19:36 <tdawson> #info EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11. It will be moved to archives in 2020-12
21:19:38 <tdawson> #info THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
21:19:45 <carlwgeorge> my take is that "supported" isn't binary, there is "shipped but not supported" and "so unsupported we actively block shipping it"
21:19:48 <nirik> can't come soon enough. ;)
21:20:18 <tdawson> I noticed that someone wan't to update one of their EPEL6 packages, that will require rebuilds of several other packages.
21:20:42 <cyberpear> I guess that means no python36 for epel-6
21:20:58 <nirik> tdawson: yeah, saw that... I don't have the cycles to help.
21:21:35 <tdawson> This week I don't have the cycles either ... I'm curious if those packages will build even without the update.
21:22:10 <tdawson> cyberpear: probrubly not
21:23:00 <tdawson> I don't know if they've said it officially, but I think the python team in EPEL have stopped doing anything other than security issues in EPEL6.
21:23:26 <nirik> Its hard to put in work on something that goes away soon
21:23:32 <tdawson> Yep
21:24:04 <tdawson> I think I might have the cycles to at least do some test builds of those packages the person is looking at, before the end of the week.
21:24:25 <nirik> that would be nice of you
21:24:46 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-7
21:24:49 <cyberpear> yeah, easily understood... sadly, "goes away" is only a dream for me... some orgs still have 40% RHEL 6 deployment...
21:25:34 <nirik> cyberpear: :(
21:25:50 <tdawson> cyberpear: Understood.  It took (is still taking) a long time for some places to move off RHEL5
21:26:15 <cyberpear> yeah, I'm still aware of a few of those
21:26:47 <tdawson> I just heard of a machine at my last place I worked that just retired a Red Hat Linux (not RHEL) 6.1 machine.  Luckily it wasn't on the network.
21:26:55 <cyberpear> heh
21:27:35 <nirik> the current fedora account system is stuck on rhel6. ;( but hopefully we replace it this year...
21:27:39 <tdawson> Anyway ... anything for EPEL7?  I don't know of anything for this meeting.
21:28:17 * nirik has nothing off hand for el7
21:28:25 * nirik goes to get some water. brb
21:28:35 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-8
21:29:02 <tdawson> Outside of what we talked about before, anything for EPEL8?
21:29:08 <cyberpear> any idea if the Fedora Go packaging changes will ever make it to EPEL 8? -- currently, I have to rebuild fc28 go packages to get them to build on epel8
21:30:02 <carlwgeorge> cyberpear: there is some work under way to enable that, but it requires changes to redhat-rpm-macros which is being reviewed now
21:30:18 <cyberpear> awesome!
21:30:24 <pgreco> not from me
21:30:38 <carlwgeorge> it's not guaranteed to happen, but is being investigated
21:30:49 <cyberpear> hey, that's the best you can ask for!
21:31:38 <tdawson> And it might take some time.  All the features for RHEL 8.2 is already in, so the soonest would be 8.3.
21:31:46 <carlwgeorge> sorry, i meant redhat-rpm-config
21:32:01 * carlwgeorge looks to see if that bugzilla was private or not
21:32:08 <cyberpear> so May 2021 at earliest if RH keeps to their 6-mo pace
21:32:42 <carlwgeorge> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1774139
21:33:08 * cyberpear subscribes
21:33:50 <carlwgeorge> based on https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata#RHEL8_Planning_Guide , more like towards the end of this year
21:34:14 <cyberpear> yeah, youre right... forgot 8.1 was already out
21:36:52 <tdawson> I gave my thumbs up to it, though ... I was only asked to comment on how it would affect overall size, nothing technical.
21:37:04 <tdawson> Anything else for EPEL8?
21:37:41 <tdawson> #topic Open Floor
21:38:54 <tdawson> Anything else?
21:39:26 <tdawson> I'll give it a couple minutes
21:41:19 <tdawson> I hope everyone has a good weekend.
21:41:22 <tdawson> Thanks for coming.
21:41:34 <tdawson> #endmeeting