12:06:58 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board
12:06:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 11 12:06:58 2020 UTC.
12:06:58 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
12:06:58 <zodbot> The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at
12:06:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:06:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board'
12:07:00 <stickster> #meetingname magazine
12:07:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine'
12:07:03 <stickster> #topic Roll call
12:07:07 <stickster> .hello pfrields
12:07:10 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <>
12:07:15 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb
12:07:16 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <>
12:08:02 <rwaltr> .hello2
12:08:03 <zodbot> rwaltr: rwaltr 'Ryan W Walter' <>
12:08:22 <stickster> #chair asamalik cverna[m] gregbartholomew rwaltr
12:08:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna[m] gregbartholomew rwaltr stickster
12:10:07 <stickster> Sorry guys, not sure what happened to asamalik and I need to go gather the agenda order, hang on
12:10:29 <rwaltr> All good
12:10:34 <stickster> #topic Agenda
12:10:34 <stickster> #link
12:10:34 <stickster> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats --
12:10:34 <stickster> #info -- 2/ In progress followup --
12:10:34 <stickster> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review --
12:10:36 <stickster> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit --
12:10:39 <stickster> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule --
12:10:41 <stickster> #info -- 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve --
12:10:47 <stickster> #info -- 7/ Open floor --
12:10:59 <stickster> #topic 1/ Last week's stats
12:12:03 <stickster> #info Week of March 4: 61.4K pageviews
12:12:41 <stickster> #info That's a bit down from the previous week 😢 so hopefully we can pick it up a bit this week with several articles in the hopper
12:14:04 <stickster> #info correct, week of March 2 :-)
12:14:22 <stickster> We only had two articles that week which may have been a factor.
12:14:28 <stickster> #topic 2/ In progress followup
12:14:36 <stickster> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author?
12:14:40 <stickster> #link Board:
12:15:59 <stickster> Do we have jakfrost here?
12:16:33 <stickster> #info #108 is still being discussed/figured out
12:17:18 <stickster> #info #144 is in jeopardy, no mhddfs package in Fedora according to author
12:18:37 <stickster> #info #145 is also in limbo at the moment -- due to difficulty level of rclone, but gregbartholomew had a suggestion for an alternate method
12:19:52 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Is that different method something that will work with gvfs?
12:20:00 <gregbartholomew> I'm not sure that the other method would be any easier.
12:20:33 <stickster> gregbartholomew: I also wonder about how changes propagate back to gdrive in that case
12:20:33 <gregbartholomew> I don't know. Really I think I mis-understood the question as being that encryption wasn't supported with one of the tools.
12:20:46 <rwaltr> The big difference between using a luks container file and rclone is that the luks method is not a good user of the API
12:21:37 <rwaltr> I've done the exact setup the author mentions. Restic and Rclone on gdrive.
12:21:44 <gregbartholomew> Yeah, basically you would only get the benefit of the cloud storage and all the API would be bypassed.
12:21:47 <stickster> rwaltr: Maybe it's not such a bad idea to cover then.
12:22:57 * stickster leaves a comment and we'll see where it goes
12:23:14 <rwaltr> Both restic and Rclone have encryption. Restic by default. And Rclone with a "crypt" mount that actually sits on top of another Rclone mount
12:23:23 <stickster> I think users looking for this kind of solution are more used to some complexity and would trade it off for the security aspect
12:24:07 <rwaltr> If the author would like I can offer some help or I can take over the Rclone article.
12:24:28 <rwaltr> I agree. Linux land is full of people who want encryption in various ways
12:25:13 <stickster> rwaltr: Curt tends to write good articles and fairly efficiently -- let's give him a few days to decide -- I tagged you in the comment though
12:25:21 <gregbartholomew> I remember someone asking for more info about encryption in the comments of the partitions article.
12:25:27 <rwaltr> Sounds good
12:25:29 <stickster> You guys could just correspond there and decide to collaborate -- go ahead and jump in if you like :-)
12:26:15 <gregbartholomew> I think LUKS might be a good topic for someone to do a writeup somewhere along the line as well.
12:27:31 <rwaltr> gregbartholomew what about LUKS exactly, a general overview?
12:27:34 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Agreed -- do you want to open that on ?
12:28:09 <gregbartholomew> I don't actually use it, so I'm probably not the best person to write about it.
12:28:13 <stickster> It looks like we're going to be brainstorming for some quick material today, so we might as well have that idea in the queue :-)
12:28:23 <stickster> #topic 4/ Articles to edit
12:28:28 <stickster> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator.
12:28:32 <stickster> #link Board:
12:29:09 <stickster> Unfortunately, nothing is ready to edit today. I do intend to get a nautilus/Gdrive article up, there was no way for me to do it timely for today but I can cover Friday
12:29:40 <stickster> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule
12:29:44 <stickster> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period.
12:29:51 <stickster> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content.
12:29:58 <stickster> #link Board:
12:30:27 <stickster> So Friday I can cover... any ideas for how to cover next week Mon/Wed?
12:30:33 <gregbartholomew> Didn't somebody ask about posting an announcement on the maillist recently?
12:32:13 <stickster> Oh! There's an update to the hellotux shirts article
12:32:24 <stickster> We should probably reschedule/rerun that to highlight the update
12:32:54 <stickster> #link Updated story:
12:33:41 <gregbartholomew> Also there is a request for a supplemental wallpapers for fedora 32 article.
12:35:54 <stickster> Oh, I see it
12:36:14 <stickster> #link Supplemental wallpapers question:
12:36:31 <stickster> #action stickster respond to Zach about supplemental wallpapers article
12:36:44 <gregbartholomew> It looks like he wants it sooner rather than later ... maybe that one should even be pushed to Friday?
12:36:49 <stickster> anyone have the link handy for previous?
12:36:57 <stickster> Yeah, if Zach can write it quickly
12:37:09 <stickster> sorry, for previous supplemental wps article
12:37:11 <gregbartholomew> Sorry, I don't have it.
12:37:45 <stickster> Clue: I'm using and use search bar on right for 'supplemental wallpapers'
12:38:00 <stickster> #link F31 supplemental wallpapers:
12:40:09 <asamalik> sorry all, I messed up my DST calculation, for me this was in UTC but it turns out it sbofted with the US time
12:40:32 * asamalik is on a phone, in a tram, coming back from his dentist
12:40:47 <stickster> oh whoops
12:40:51 <stickster> no worries asamalik
12:41:04 <stickster> we only have to put up with this mismatch for a few weeks
12:41:12 <asamalik> thanks stickster for chairing!
12:41:22 <asamalik> yep that's fine!
12:42:18 <stickster> OK, I'm not sure whether we'll have Zach's article by Friday, but if so we can easily slot it in.
12:42:48 <asamalik> I can give another try to a desktop article
12:42:51 <stickster> We need one more article to be sure of covering things up through the next meeting. Anyone else have ideas or time to contribute?
12:43:18 <asamalik> gregbartholomew: thanks again for pushing that one today!
12:43:23 <stickster> gregbartholomew++
12:43:29 <gregbartholomew> no problem.
12:43:33 <stickster> glb++
12:43:34 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for glb changed to 3 (for the current release cycle):
12:43:36 <asamalik> glb++
12:44:25 <stickster> I suppose one possibility is if rwaltr and cwarfield get agreed on the rclone article, but maybe we don't want to 100% count on it
12:44:25 <rwaltr> I actually need to submit a topic
12:44:48 <rwaltr> Problem is that it's a tool that isn't in fedoras repos. So I have been hesitant
12:45:20 <asamalik> rwaltr: that is not a deal breaker necessarily
12:45:52 <rwaltr> It's called Chezmoi, it's a dotfilemanager that's templateable. The author does have a RPM package on their GitHub.
12:46:02 <asamalik> all you need to do is to package it! </lame-joke>
12:46:28 <rwaltr> Well. I was thinking of using it as a chance to try packaging... 😁
12:46:36 <asamalik> oh!
12:46:47 <asamalik> that sounds interesting indeed
12:47:03 <rwaltr> But yeah. I'll submit an issue for it later today
12:47:31 <asamalik> I'd give you a +1 right here
12:48:34 <stickster> rwaltr: We have at least one other issue in the hopper in same situation -- github provided RPMs
12:49:15 <asamalik> exiting the tram, so need to disappear, probably won't make it before the end
12:49:25 <asamalik> can write a desktop one  for wednesday
12:49:40 <asamalik> thanks all!
12:49:51 <gregbartholomew> thanks asamalik!
12:49:56 <asamalik> (it's raining so need to put phone away)
12:53:41 <stickster> No worries
12:54:04 <stickster> Sorry for delay, I was reviewing some issues on the repo
12:55:21 <rwaltr> For some reason or another, my phone is having hell of a time finding the Fedora magazine issues page. I'll do it on my desktop once I get to it
12:56:25 <stickster> #proposed #agreed Publishing schedule: Fri Mar 13, nautilus/gdrive (stickster) -- Mon Mar 16, F32 supplemental wallpapers (snydez, edit/image TBD) -- Wed Mar 18, rclone (cwarfield/rwaltr, image stickster/asamalik)
12:56:39 * stickster has to depart in 2 min so this is last item today
12:57:09 <stickster> and sorry for late start and distractions. Unfortunately work is pretty brisk by this point in the morning :-(
12:57:23 <rwaltr> It happens!
12:57:28 <stickster> ^ asamalik gregbartholomew rwaltr +/-1?
12:57:54 <gregbartholomew> +1
12:58:11 <rwaltr> +1
12:58:13 <stickster> #agreed Publishing schedule: Fri Mar 13, nautilus/gdrive (stickster) -- Mon Mar 16, F32 supplemental wallpapers (snydez, edit/image TBD) -- Wed Mar 18, rclone (cwarfield/rwaltr, image stickster/asamalik)
12:58:30 <stickster> OK, that's it for today! Thanks for being here folks. Next week will be a little more organized :-)
12:58:32 <stickster> #endmeeting