
#fedora-meeting: EPEL (2018-11-07)

Meeting started by smooge at 17:01:14 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Chair and Introductions (smooge, 17:01:14)
  2. Agenda (smooge, 17:02:20)
    1. smooge biffed cinnamon in EL7 (smooge, 17:02:28)
    2. python vfad3.6 (smooge, 17:02:47)
    3. EL-7.6 (smooge, 17:03:03)
    4. Alternate Architectures (smooge, 17:03:10)
    5. Remove HA from EPEL builds? (smooge, 17:03:25)
    6. open floor (smooge, 17:03:30)

  3. Smooge biffed it (smooge, 17:06:37)
    1. asked cinnamon maintainer to retire packages versus orphan them (smooge, 17:06:38)
    2. packager did so. (smooge, 17:06:38)

  4. python36 VFAD (smooge, 17:11:27)
    1. Date will be 2018-11-20 (smooge, 17:11:27)
    2. need to send data to bex and bcotton by end of day (smooge, 17:11:27)
    3. need help rebuilding packages in copr with changes to epel-macros (smooge, 17:11:27)

  5. EPEL-7.6 (smooge, 17:12:58)
  6. Alternative Architectures (smooge, 17:17:15)
  7. Remove HA from EPEL build channels (smooge, 17:21:08)
    1. turns out the channel is not available to everyone (smooge, 17:21:08)
    2. what would need to be rebuilt? [not much it would seem] (smooge, 17:21:08)

  8. Open Floor (smooge, 17:26:35)

Meeting ended at 17:28:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. smooge (61)
  2. nirik (16)
  3. pgreco (12)
  4. zodbot (7)
  5. tdawson (4)
  6. orc_fedo (1)
  7. Evolution (0)
  8. bstinson (0)
  9. avij (0)

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