14:00:05 <pbrobinson> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 1 14:00:05 2018 UTC. 14:00:05 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:05 <zodbot> The chair is pbrobinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:00:05 <pbrobinson> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton 14:00:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson pwhalen 14:00:05 <pbrobinson> #topic roll call 14:00:18 <pbrobinson> morning, afternoon, evening, who do we have about? 14:00:49 * pwhalen is here 14:01:08 * bcotton is half-here 14:01:35 * ctron is here 14:01:46 * jsmith is half-here 14:02:20 <pbrobinson> does a half bcotton and half jsmith make a full something? :-P 14:02:52 <pwhalen> heh :) 14:03:01 <jsmith> pbrobinson: Let's not answer that right now :-p 14:03:39 <pbrobinson> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:03:57 <pbrobinson> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/PRD 14:04:30 <pbrobinson> #info bcotton wrote up an initial PRD, I've done some review of it, I'm hoping we can do a drill down on this at flock and get it finished 14:04:45 <jsmith> I have some comments on the PRD, and if I make it to Flock, would be happy to share them there. 14:04:51 <jsmith> Otherwise, I'll provide them offline :-) 14:05:25 <pbrobinson> jsmith: email to the list is fab too, or if you feel it's minor changes/corrects just edit it in the wiki straight up 14:05:41 <jsmith> OK, sounds good 14:06:43 <pbrobinson> if bcotton doesn't have any comments here we can likely move on 14:06:44 <bcotton> there are many edits that need to be made. all i put together is a scaffolding for us to hang the "what do we want the IoT thing to be?" 14:07:12 <pbrobinson> bcotton: yes, I realise that, I made a few edits, I know I need to do more 14:07:28 <bcotton> but generally, i'd say let's start with a smaller, more focused thing that we can build on later. "we want this to be everything for all IoT use cases everywhere" is a good way to fail (everyone already knows this, but it's good to repeat it) 14:08:30 <pbrobinson> yes, makes sense to me, overall with IoT I'm aiming to start small and expand as time and resources permit 14:09:03 <pbrobinson> better off doing a smaller remit well rather than a massive remit badly, and IoT is extremely large 14:09:08 <pbrobinson> #info please provide feeback on the list or at flock (if you're present) on the PRD 14:09:21 <pbrobinson> #topic 2) ==== Nightly builds ==== 14:09:44 <pbrobinson> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/GettingStarted 14:10:19 <pbrobinson> #info I updated the wiki with details on rebasing to rawhide/f29, I believe we have a few issues there, I'm hoping they're be resolved later today 14:10:33 <lobocode> Sirs, morning. I would like to discuss a rather delicate subject: 14:10:49 <pbrobinson> anyone got any queries feedback on the nightly builds? 14:11:01 <jsmith> Nothing from me, so far. 14:11:18 <jsmith> lobocode: Is it related to the Nightly Builds? If not, please wait until the "Open Floor" at the end of the meeting. 14:11:41 <pbrobinson> jsmith: I suspect it's a spammer 14:11:42 <pwhalen> I havent hit any issues with the nightlies, need to try another rebase 14:11:54 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, is there is a bz? 14:11:58 <lobocode> When a member "Ambassador" seriously violates the Fedora Project's code of conduct, disrespects members, offends team members, takes inappropriate actions with people seeking help in the community, what can we do in this case? 14:12:17 <jsmith> lobocode: You're interrupting a meeting, but send me a private message and I'll try to help 14:12:18 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: not yet 14:12:30 <lobocode> Ok, sorry. 14:12:38 <pwhalen> ok, will see if I can reproduce 14:13:27 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: one is in the compose process from yesterday, I'm awaiting today's rawhide compose to kick it again 14:13:57 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, ok 14:14:08 <pbrobinson> #topic 4) ==== Fedora 29 Features and Planning for IoT ==== 14:14:24 <pbrobinson> we're past they points for Fedora 29 Changes 14:14:57 <pbrobinson> there will be a few improvements on the F-29 based composes, mostly I'm awaiting the CoreOS bits 14:15:37 <pbrobinson> We should have a proper fedora-release-iot and can subsequently set policies etc specific to IoT later this week 14:15:51 <jsmith> Sounds very reasonable 14:15:53 <pbrobinson> anyone else have anything around F-29 14:15:57 <ctron> pbrobinson: That is something which I would like to understand ... the relationship between Fedora IoT and Fedora Core OS 14:16:31 <ctron> I know too little about Atomic and CoreOS ... but does that have any impact on Fedora IoT? 14:16:59 <pbrobinson> ctron: we're going to be using pieces from Fedora CoreOS, the exact details of how this will sit still depends a lot on the CoreOS/Atomic merge which is in process but still not concrete 14:17:28 <ctron> pbrobinson: ok .. thx 14:17:42 <pbrobinson> ctron: check old IoT meeting notes on the day Fedora CoreOS was announced, I covered quite a bit there 14:18:14 <ctron> thx .. I will 14:19:11 <pbrobinson> ctron: main FAQ is here https://coreos.fedoraproject.org/faq 14:19:51 <pbrobinson> #topic 5) ==== Flock conference ==== 14:20:28 <pbrobinson> #info flock is next week https://flocktofedora.org/ 14:21:01 <pbrobinson> #info there will be a IoT Objective talk, BoF, and Hackfest as well as a talk around Raspberry Pi in Fedora 14:21:17 <pbrobinson> #info no Fedora IoT meeting next week due to flock 14:23:55 <pbrobinson> #topic 6) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:24:05 <pbrobinson> anyone have any general business? 14:24:09 * jsmith has nothing for the Open Floor 14:24:15 * pwhalen has nothing 14:25:03 <pbrobinson> ctron: bcotton: mrizo: anything to note, any queries? 14:25:21 * bcotton has nothing 14:27:01 <pbrobinson> thank you all 14:27:10 <pbrobinson> #endmeeting