18:07:48 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL (2018-02-21)
18:07:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 21 18:07:48 2018 UTC.  The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:07:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:07:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2018-02-21)'
18:07:48 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL
18:07:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
18:07:48 <smooge> #topic aloha
18:07:48 <smooge> #chair avij bstinson Evolution nirik smooge
18:07:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge
18:08:01 <smooge> My apologies for the delay here.
18:08:19 <nirik> morning
18:08:21 <smooge> is anyone still available ?
18:08:25 <smooge> hi nirik
18:08:52 <nirik> hey smooge
18:09:35 <orc_fedo> smooge: ++
18:09:44 <smooge> so I need to put this agenda stuff somewhere people can see it versus my emacs
18:09:49 * nirik needs to grab more coffee... can wait or just go now and hope we have quorum when I get back
18:09:58 <smooge> go get coffee
18:10:42 <jwf> .moar coffee nirik
18:10:42 <zodbot> here nirik, have some more coffee
18:11:08 <nirik> coffee is!
18:13:32 <Evolution> yarp.
18:13:56 <Southern_Gentlem> .moar bacon nirik
18:13:56 <zodbot> here nirik, have some more bacon
18:14:49 <smooge> ok
18:15:01 <smooge> so this week I don't have much for an agenda
18:15:10 <smooge> #info tibbs got a lot of python2 stubs in
18:15:35 <smooge> #info Fedora Infrastructure is diagnosing a problem with mirrormanager that affects epel users at 0500
18:16:42 <smooge> #info Richard Shaw announce that openjpeg2 will need to move from 2.1.0 to 2.3.0
18:16:55 <smooge> #info RHEL-7.5 beta is out and needs to be tested/reviews
18:18:49 <smooge> any other announcements or information?
18:19:53 <smooge> The mirrorlist issue is that at 0500 everyone in the world seems to do a yum update.. mirrormanager at a couple of sites get behind and start returning 503's
18:19:59 <nirik> why is it when I am in a hurry the coffee machine always needs attention. ;)
18:21:04 <smooge> nirik fixed most of the corner cases
18:21:09 <nirik> yeah, I wonder if something shipped with a cron for that time... but I cannot think of what
18:21:41 <smooge> otherwise there is an hourly yum cache get by CentOS which we see
18:22:04 <smooge> which also was getting behind but mostly dealt with.
18:22:06 <avij> hi, sorry I'm late, but so was the bus
18:22:24 <smooge> after this meeting I am moving proxy06 to a different box so that will hopefully deal with the last slow box.
18:22:45 <smooge> although I am trying to figure out how it is slower than a box which is older and has 4 overcommitted cpus to its name
18:23:01 <smooge> hi avij
18:23:39 <smooge> ok that is all i have
18:23:43 <smooge> #topic open floor
18:24:13 <smooge> does anyone have anything that has come up that needs attention.
18:24:34 <nirik> I think the devtoolset thing is still pending enabling in koji.
18:24:39 <smooge> ah yes
18:24:40 <smooge> thanks
18:25:01 <smooge> so at this point I think we should get it turned on for ppc64le and x86_64
18:25:31 <smooge> I don't know what the problem with aarch64 is but there are packages with cve's which need to be dealt with (aka chromium)
18:25:46 <nirik> yeah
18:26:02 <smooge> nirik, what can be done next on this?
18:26:17 <smooge> I put in a releng ticket?
18:26:35 <nirik> I think we just need to enable the repo(s) in koji... I can look at doing that, but not sure when I would get to it.
18:26:57 <smooge> so I will put it in as a ticket to releng
18:27:14 <smooge> that way if someone can get to it before you.. it can get done and spot can fix his packages
18:28:18 <smooge> does that sound good?
18:29:53 <nirik> sure, +1
18:30:17 <smooge> ok the other thing I have is that I am going to update https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_a_Fedora_package_in_EPEL after this meeting
18:30:53 <avij> that's a good goal, thanks
18:30:54 <smooge> Mentions of Fedora Extras are a sign of a past freshness state :)
18:31:31 <smooge> Once I have made the changes, I will ping people in #epel to start bikeshedding parts for me
18:32:07 <nirik> ha. extras
18:32:32 <smooge> alright anyone else have anything that needs to be looked at?
18:33:03 <smooge> thank you all for coming today.
18:33:11 <smooge> #endmeeting