18:00:34 <smooge> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2017-11-02)
18:00:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov  2 18:00:34 2017 UTC.  The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2017-11-02)'
18:00:34 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure
18:00:34 <smooge> #topic aloha
18:00:35 <smooge> #chair smooge relrod nirik dgilmore threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson maxamillion
18:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:00:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore maxamillion nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
18:00:52 * nirik is sort of here, and also sort of in the go/no-go meeting.
18:00:59 <smooge> This will be a fairly short meeting today because there is a go/no-go.. or what nirik said
18:01:13 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions
18:01:13 <smooge> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
18:01:19 <relrod> here, but at LISA
18:01:21 <smooge> Any new people here today?
18:02:01 * cverna waves
18:02:51 <smooge> hi cverna
18:02:56 <smooge> ok next up..
18:02:59 <smooge> #topic announcements and information
18:02:59 <smooge> #info PHX2 Colo Trip, Dec 4th - 9th
18:02:59 <smooge> #info Final freeze has started. PLEASE TEST ANY RCs.
18:02:59 <smooge> #info EU daylight savings Oct 29/ US daylight savings Nov 5
18:03:00 <smooge> #info new notifs in staging, please test!
18:03:09 <cverna> hi smooge
18:03:26 <smooge> #info Even though time changes or have changed for most people next week.. the meeting will stay at 1800 UTC
18:04:01 * jcline chants UTC!
18:04:04 <smooge> Any other announcements?
18:04:20 <smooge> the bodhi seems to have completed
18:04:50 <smooge> but patrick is in munich today
18:05:10 <smooge> if there are no other announcements...
18:05:18 <smooge> #topic Fedora Infrastructure Downtime
18:05:18 <smooge> #info Dec 4th - Dec 9th
18:05:18 <smooge> #info Services will move to new location
18:05:18 <smooge> #info Old hardware will be turned off/removed
18:05:19 <smooge> #info Cloud will NOT be moving at this point
18:05:23 <smooge> #info COPR will not be affected.
18:05:25 <smooge> #info Looking at 1 day per set of systems with some overlap
18:05:27 <smooge> #info AKA 1 day to do QA, 1 day to do build, 1 day to do Alt Arch, etc
18:05:29 <smooge> #info notifications to mailing lists will go out next week.
18:05:35 <smooge> Ok I just wanted to get this listed in a meeting for people who are scanning for announcements and such
18:06:28 <smooge> Any questions on the above from people?
18:08:09 <smooge> #topic Ticket cleanup
18:08:09 <smooge> #info none this week.
18:08:55 <smooge> And finally apprentice items
18:09:17 <smooge> #topic Apprentice Open office hours
18:09:30 <smooge> Any questions from apprentices this week?
18:10:19 <nirik> I was wanting to schedule a new apprentice work day...
18:10:28 <nirik> since we missed the one eariler this week. ;(
18:10:33 <smooge> #topic Apprentice work day - reschedule - kevin
18:10:57 <smooge> OK so I was wondering when we could look at doing this. I am thinking early January?
18:11:17 <smooge> Or late in December
18:11:21 <nirik> well, I was thinking in 2 weeksish?
18:11:25 <nirik> or yeah, december
18:11:44 <smooge> well 2 weeks is thanksgiving right?
18:11:53 <nirik> hum, yeah...
18:12:08 <nirik> how about the 29th?
18:12:20 <nirik> or is that too close to the DC work the next week?
18:12:37 <smooge> well I am not sure there is much that would intefere with it
18:13:11 <smooge> it is more are we in freeze? I would like to freeze infrastructure after the 30th for the move
18:13:42 <nirik> so perhaps 29th will work...
18:13:54 <smooge> that way when we are doing the move we aren't worrying if it was bad hardware/setup or last minute config change
18:14:00 <smooge> yeah. That looks good
18:14:02 <nirik> yeah, not a bad idea
18:15:00 <smooge> #agreed November 29th will be Work With Apprentice day
18:15:57 <smooge> ok with that.. I think we are at
18:16:01 <smooge> #topic Open Floor
18:16:17 <smooge> Any one have items for the meeting today?
18:18:43 <smooge> ok looks like it is a good night then. Thank you all for coming
18:18:46 <smooge> #endmeeting