18:01:25 <puiterwijk> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2017-08-03)
18:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug  3 18:01:25 2017 UTC.  The chair is puiterwijk. Information about MeetBot at
18:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2017-08-03)'
18:01:28 <puiterwijk> #meetingname infrastructure
18:01:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:01:30 <puiterwijk> #topic aloha
18:01:32 <puiterwijk> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 dgilmore threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson
18:01:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
18:01:33 <puiterwijk> #topic New folks introductions
18:01:40 * cverna waves
18:01:40 <puiterwijk> Any new folks wanting to say hi?
18:01:58 <kingofinfo> Hi
18:01:59 <pingou> aloha!
18:02:05 <nb> aloha!
18:02:48 <ole88> aloha!
18:03:08 <puiterwijk> kingofinfo, ole88: interested in giving a one-line intro?
18:03:54 <kingofinfo> Not really
18:04:25 <puiterwijk> Okay, fair
18:04:25 <nirik> morning
18:04:30 <nirik> sorry I'm latish
18:04:34 <puiterwijk> #topic announcements and information
18:04:39 <puiterwijk> #info PHX2 Colo Trip coming up, Aug 14-18 (might be delayed)
18:04:42 <puiterwijk> #info Major outage planned for Aug14->18 (might be delayed)
18:04:44 <puiterwijk> #info FLOCK at Cape Cod  Aug29->Sep01
18:04:46 <puiterwijk> #info Fedora F27 Rebuild (going on now)
18:04:48 <puiterwijk> #info Likely mass update/reboot cycle on servers next week - kevin/smooge/patrick/relrod
18:04:50 <puiterwijk> #info Bodhi 2.9.0 released. Deployment planned for Monday - bowlofeggs
18:04:58 <puiterwijk> It looks like the PHX2 trip is going to be delayed since power is not yet available at the scheduled time.
18:05:02 <pingou> #info pagure on dist-git starts tomorrow morning (European timezone)
18:05:09 <bowlofeggs> hola ya'll
18:05:10 <puiterwijk> Any other pieces of info?
18:05:19 <nirik> pingou: it's been a long road it seems like. Will be good to finish. :)
18:05:26 * nb wants to say pingou++ because pagure is awesome!
18:05:26 <zodbot> nb: Karma for pingou changed to 8 (for the f26 release cycle):
18:05:27 <pingou> nirik: agreed
18:05:38 <nb> hey, nice, i wasn't actually sure if zodbot listened to /me's
18:06:21 <puiterwijk> Okay, if nothing else, normally we'd go to discussion items, but there aren't any for this week it seems
18:06:35 <pingou> #info pkgdb2 in read-only mode from tomorrow
18:06:46 * nirik has been trying to catch up on things and have some discussion items, but hasn't yet.
18:06:50 <smooge> ok back
18:06:51 * nb has an info item
18:07:04 <nb> #info nb is working on getting zodbot set up to have extend_chans so it won't keep hitting the channel limit
18:07:35 <pingou> \ó/
18:07:36 <nb> #info nb apologizes for the inconvenience of having zodbot restart so many times, but it is unavoidable, as I'm working with freenode staff to get it set up correctly
18:08:25 <puiterwijk> nirik: want to just #topic the things yoiu want to discuss?
18:08:32 <puiterwijk> nb: thanks for that. And no problems
18:08:36 <smooge> sounds good nb
18:08:40 <smooge> nb++
18:08:40 <zodbot> smooge: Karma for nb changed to 11 (for the f26 release cycle):
18:08:53 <nirik> well, not sure what they are fully... just need to sort out things that need discussion.
18:09:00 <puiterwijk> Ah, okay.
18:09:09 <puiterwijk> Well, we can always just discuss in open floor, or next week :)
18:09:12 <nirik> yep.
18:09:23 <puiterwijk> Then let's go to....
18:09:25 <puiterwijk> #topic Apprentice Open office hours
18:09:31 <nirik> I could talk a bit also about my flock workshop too sometime...
18:09:43 <puiterwijk> Any apprentices that have a need for help, looking for tickets, ... ?
18:10:14 <bt0> I'm looking ticket
18:10:23 <puiterwijk> bt0: did you look at the easyfix list?
18:10:37 <ole88> I've been gathering data for the SLE ticket #6140 and am not sure/can't find URLs for 9 of the apps
18:11:01 <bt0> yeah, all looks taken but underworked
18:11:02 <nirik> ole88: thanks for that. I still intend to update the wiki page some more soon/today/tomorrow.
18:11:24 <nirik> bt0: sometimes people will take them, then not have time or wander off, so don't assume they are taken...
18:11:28 <bt0> I can work any of then?
18:11:33 <puiterwijk> bt0: if you see a ticket that hasn't seen action for a long time, you can ask them if they're still working on it
18:11:40 <ole88> nirik: I posted the current list I have to the ticket
18:11:42 <smooge> ole88++
18:11:42 <zodbot> smooge: Karma for atlsmitty changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle):
18:11:46 * nirik nods. yeah ping on ticket
18:11:56 <puiterwijk> And if they don't reply for a while, you're free to take them over
18:11:59 <nirik> ole88: great. I can likely fill in the 8 others too.
18:12:05 <puiterwijk> ("a while" is open for definition...)
18:12:11 <bt0> ok, sounds good for me
18:12:37 <bt0> two days is "a while" for me
18:13:02 <ole88> nirik: I created a sqlite db to store this just so I make myself use Fedora more and get used to it.  I can send you a copy of the db file if you want it.
18:13:23 <nirik> ole88: sure, or just note the ones you need in ticket and I can fill those in.
18:14:06 <ole88> nirik: they are the ones with blank URLs in the latest file I attached to the ticket.
18:14:19 <nirik> ok
18:14:30 * nirik has been swamped in email, but will get to it.
18:14:57 * ole88 knows the feeling
18:15:22 <puiterwijk> Any other apprentices with questions?
18:16:21 <puiterwijk> I see we have a "nothing was put here" thing to learn about. I am going to guess that "null" -> null in this case
18:16:25 <puiterwijk> So....
18:16:28 <puiterwijk> #topic Open Floor
18:16:36 <puiterwijk> Anything for the open floor? Anything at all?
18:17:28 <nb> ole88, Fedora Hosted is on that list, but it is EOL
18:17:32 <nb> replaced by pagure
18:17:57 <puiterwijk> Ipsilon is not really "in development" anymore either... :-)
18:18:18 <smooge> The floor could use a nice washing?
18:18:48 <puiterwijk> I recently found an rpm for pagure-0.0-1, so... favorite bugs^wfeatures seen in Pagure over the years anyone?
18:19:31 <nirik> I like the feature we now have where we don't need to restart it every few hours. ;)
18:19:41 <puiterwijk> nirik: absolutely!
18:20:06 <nb> ole88, are you looking for the upstream URL? or the URL of our instance of that application?
18:20:08 <puiterwijk> I also really like the auto-closing via "Fixes: #xyz" or "Closes: #abc" in a commit message
18:20:10 * nb is trying to fill in some of your blanks
18:20:20 <ole88> nb: thanks, I'll take hosted off the list
18:20:50 <cverna> I like the colored tags :)
18:20:55 <ole88> nb: the URL we need to use for the SLE documents
18:21:13 <puiterwijk> ole88: I'd say that that would be the instance url
18:21:13 <nb> ole88, so the url of where we are using that service?
18:21:16 <nb> ok
18:21:30 <ole88> I'm not sure if that is upstream, downstream, leftstream... LOL
18:21:52 <puiterwijk> Example for Ipsilon:
18:22:24 <ole88> ahhh, I don't think that is the URL I have for Ipsilon puiterwijk
18:22:26 <nb> ole88, ok, i just added some
18:22:44 <ole88> awesome!  Thanks nb!
18:22:48 <puiterwijk> Anyway, please do continue this conversation in #fedora-admin or #fedora-apps, as this is very useful
18:22:51 <puiterwijk> nb++
18:23:23 <puiterwijk> If nothing else, I guess I'll close the meeting and give everyone 35 minutes back of their day
18:24:43 <puiterwijk> Thanks for coming everyone, and do continue conversations in #fedora-{admin,apps,noc} or applicable channels
18:24:45 <puiterwijk> #endmeeting