
#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA meeting

Meeting started by adamw at 15:03:07 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (adamw, 15:03:11)
  2. Previous meeting follow-up (adamw, 15:06:45)
    1. "adamw to draft 'hand waive clause' (thanks roshi) for release process documentation covering late-discovered blockers and loop sumantro in on the process" - not done yet, I spent all last week working on mariadb rebuilds...will file a pagure ticket to track further progress (adamw, 15:07:56)
    2. "adamw to look at enhancing revalconsumer to send announcement mails to other lists" - ditto (adamw, 15:08:09)
    3. "roshi to look at setting up a 'missing test alert system' of some kind (for validation tests that are not getting run)" - not done yet, roshi was on vacation most of last week (adamw, 15:10:19)
    4. "roshi and sumantro to write Heroes of Fedora posts for Fedora 26" - sumantro is working on this and will send out drafts for review tomorrow (adamw, 15:10:39)
    5. ACTION: sumukher to go ahead and send out the call for Test Days, as this is a short cycle and there's likely a lot of change to test (adamw, 15:14:45)

  3. Fedora 27 planning (adamw, 15:19:47)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Factory2/Focus/ArbitraryBranching (mattdm, 15:28:29)
    2. F27 big change #1: dropping Alpha (adamw, 15:31:39)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/NoMoreAlpha (adamw, 15:32:02)
    4. F27 big change #2: arbitrary branching and modular Server (adamw, 15:32:12)
    5. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Factory2/Focus/ArbitraryBranching (adamw, 15:32:17)
    6. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Modular_Server (adamw, 15:32:36)
    7. F27 big change #3: CI for Atomic Host (adamw, 15:32:47)
    8. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI (mattdm, 15:32:55)
    9. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/FedoraAtomicCI (adamw, 15:33:13)
    10. https://roshi.fedorapeople.org/upstreamfirst (roshi, 15:35:24)
    11. ACTION: adamw to draft up some proposals for adjusting QA processes, policies etc. to lack of Alpha release (adamw, 15:39:37)
    12. ACTION: adamw to look into adjustments to Server validation for Modular Server (adamw, 15:40:52)

  4. Storage test matrix update status (adamw, 15:56:59)
    1. draft test cases for blivet-gui in anaconda are at https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/503 , please take a look and provide feedback (adamw, 15:59:28)

  5. Open floor (adamw, 15:59:38)
    1. ACTION: adamw to add lxqt to desktop test matrix (adamw, 16:07:06)
    2. ACTION: sumukher and tenk to look into setting up an lxqt spin test day (adamw, 16:07:20)

Meeting ended at 16:09:16 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. sumukher to go ahead and send out the call for Test Days, as this is a short cycle and there's likely a lot of change to test
  2. adamw to draft up some proposals for adjusting QA processes, policies etc. to lack of Alpha release
  3. adamw to look into adjustments to Server validation for Modular Server
  4. adamw to add lxqt to desktop test matrix
  5. sumukher and tenk to look into setting up an lxqt spin test day

Action items, by person

  1. adamw
    1. adamw to draft up some proposals for adjusting QA processes, policies etc. to lack of Alpha release
    2. adamw to look into adjustments to Server validation for Modular Server
    3. adamw to add lxqt to desktop test matrix
  2. sumukher
    1. sumukher to go ahead and send out the call for Test Days, as this is a short cycle and there's likely a lot of change to test
    2. sumukher and tenk to look into setting up an lxqt spin test day
  3. tenk
    1. sumukher and tenk to look into setting up an lxqt spin test day

People present (lines said)

  1. adamw (118)
  2. mattdm (42)
  3. roshi (41)
  4. sumukher (23)
  5. tflink (10)
  6. zodbot (9)
  7. tenk (4)
  8. satellit (3)
  9. kparal (1)
  10. pjones (1)

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