15:00:10 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting
15:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun  5 15:00:10 2017 UTC.  The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting'
15:00:10 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa
15:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa'
15:00:14 <adamw> #topic Roll Call
15:00:20 <adamw> morning folks, who's around for a QA meeting?
15:00:24 * kparal is here
15:00:59 * garretraziel 
15:00:59 * sumantro is here
15:01:37 * adamw runs off for a minute to clean the bedroom carpet
15:01:45 <adamw> mumblemumble cat mumblemumble hairballs mumble
15:02:43 * tflink is here
15:03:43 <adamw> alright, where were we
15:04:01 <adamw> welcome everyone
15:04:09 <adamw> looks like it's the red hat team meeting today huh :P
15:04:14 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up
15:04:42 <adamw> "adamw to help sumantrom with moving DNF results from app to wiki page" - i sent you an email about that right, sumantro?
15:05:00 <sumantro> yes adamw
15:05:25 <adamw> yaaay, i did stuff
15:05:41 <adamw> #info "adamw to help sumantrom with moving DNF results from app to wiki page" - done
15:06:00 <adamw> "sumantrom to set up another onboarding session for new members sometime soon" - is that still coming up or did it happen already? i lost track
15:06:46 <sumantro> it happened already and it was successful.http://sumantrom.blogspot.in/2017/06/restrospection-fedora-qa-global.html is the blog
15:07:21 <adamw> yaaay
15:07:22 <sumantro> I want to propose if we can do it like an calendar event
15:07:30 <adamw> that would probably be a good idea
15:07:36 <adamw> say, every month or something?
15:07:50 <adamw> #info "sumantrom to set up another onboarding session for new members sometime soon" - session ran successfully: http://sumantrom.blogspot.in/2017/06/restrospection-fedora-qa-global.html
15:07:52 <sumantro> every 2 months :)
15:08:20 <sumantro> and I have proposed an timeline in the blog , all the feedbacks are welcome :)
15:09:09 <sumantro> Also, it will be better if we can have a wiki page and plug it into the QA/Join to help the new contributor keep a track of the onboarding sessions
15:09:29 <adamw> that all sounds possible for sure
15:09:39 <adamw> maybe file some tickets in pagure to track progress on that?
15:09:46 <adamw> anyone else have thoughts?
15:10:21 * roshi is here
15:10:37 <adamw> hi roshi
15:10:38 <sumantro> roshi Good Morning :D
15:10:41 * roshi was nerdsniped and lost track of time :)
15:11:04 <adamw> sumantro: oh, we do have a QA calendar in fedocal, i believe
15:11:30 <adamw> i think kparal was trying to use that for schedule-y type stuff rather than wiki pages full of dates (which get unwieldy after a while)
15:11:57 <adamw> so the way to go might be a calendar event with a link from the wiki, or so
15:11:57 <nathan95> Hello
15:12:00 <adamw> hi nathan
15:12:01 <kparal> and it works, although I'm usually the only one editing it
15:12:25 <adamw> that sound ok, sumantro?
15:12:26 <kparal> adding onboarding to our qa calendar certainly makes sense
15:12:29 <sumantro> adamw yes that will be awesome!
15:13:08 <adamw> alrighty
15:13:55 <sumantro> nathan95, hey!
15:13:58 <adamw> #action sumantro to move forward with planning regular onboarding sessions; plan to add a calendar event to fedocal and a section in the QA/Join wiki page
15:14:21 <adamw> that's all the last meeting action items, anything else from previous business before we move on?
15:15:21 <adamw> alrighty then
15:15:30 <adamw> #topic Fedora 26 status
15:15:58 <adamw> so, Beta is basically being held up by this libdb bug that's affecting upgrades
15:16:49 <adamw> #info Beta is being held up by bug #1397087 (the issue between libdb, rpm and upgrades)
15:17:04 <adamw> afaik we have no other outstanding issues, even since we let kparal out of the isolation unit, right?
15:17:19 <roshi> that's how I understand it
15:17:29 <roshi> other than that, the Beta RC looks pretty good to me
15:17:53 <kparal> I'm waiting until thursday with reporting blockers
15:17:59 <adamw> BACK IN THE UNIT
15:18:16 * roshi grabs the tranq
15:18:23 <kparal> why? it's so much fun out there
15:18:29 <adamw> hehe
15:18:43 <roshi> (don't worry, I'm waiting until Thursday too kparal :p )
15:18:57 <adamw> so, yeah, anything we can do to help resolve that bug is good
15:19:11 <adamw> test -21 in all circumstances, and follow up on any info requests promptly if you can
15:19:25 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder
15:19:25 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org>
15:19:31 <linuxmodder> (late sorry)
15:19:59 <adamw> morning linuxmodder
15:20:18 <linuxmodder> morning
15:20:31 <sumantro> morning linuxmodder :)
15:20:43 <adamw> that's about all there is to say about f26, i guess, i thought things might be complicated but not yet at least
15:20:44 <linuxmodder> morning to all
15:21:05 <nathan95> adamw When will the update problem be resolved?
15:21:10 <adamw> well, it's looking quite good atm
15:21:30 <adamw> except for that issue kparal noticed...
15:21:45 <kparal> oops
15:21:49 <adamw> right now upgrades seem to be working fine when you do it properly (update to -21 on f24/f25 first, then upgrade with u-t enabled)\
15:21:57 <adamw> but we just want to get as much testing as we can
15:22:08 <adamw> seems like there may be a remaining issue on ppc64le, but that's not a blocking arch
15:22:27 <kparal> does the upgrade has any issues if you upgrade from < -21 ?
15:22:36 <nathan95> ok
15:22:50 <linuxmodder> to -21 ? I seem to have lost track of some thread
15:22:51 <kparal> i.e. do we need to force people to update to latest libdb before starting the upgrade?
15:23:16 <linuxmodder> libdb-21 ?
15:23:51 <kparal> linuxmodder: yes
15:24:00 <adamw> kparal: it's reported to have problems, yes
15:24:17 <kparal> because currently neither dnf nor gnome-software can't even warn about it
15:24:26 <adamw> linuxmodder: yeah, sorry, i'm using -21 as shorthand for libdb-5.3.28-21 , the version with the current best effort at fixing the bug
15:24:47 <kparal> my negatives usage doesn't seem to not suffer today, sigh
15:25:03 <linuxmodder> so it's not AS bad as the sysd kernel nonsense from 25 with gnome but essentially same issue?
15:25:03 <adamw> kparal: we could do something icky like introduce some kinda conflict between the updated rpm and the old libdb or something
15:25:27 <adamw> kparal: never mind, it's definitely not an unproblem
15:25:28 <kparal> and get a lot of bug reports :)
15:25:31 <linuxmodder> that would be soem nasty hack indeed
15:25:54 <adamw> bug reports is a lot better than stuck upgrades...
15:26:04 <adamw> but definitely raise that point in the bug report, kparal, we'll see what people thing
15:26:12 <adamw> think*
15:27:38 <adamw> #info current fix for the bug is mostly looking good in testing, but kparal noticed an issue with gnome-software and there's the question of how we make sure people update libdb before upgrading
15:27:48 <adamw> alright, anything else on f26?
15:29:12 <nathan95> for the moment no
15:29:31 <adamw> #topic Test Day status
15:29:39 <adamw> so, uh...I have no idea where we are with Test Days. sumantro? :)
15:29:51 <sumantro> https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/505 --> gnome folks don't seem to respond , can any one please try once to reach to any developer who will help us with the test day?
15:30:31 <sumantro> LxQT test day is probably going to happen , I have mailed the owner.
15:30:57 <sumantro> Can we have a MBS test day ? Thoughts adamw?
15:31:08 <linuxmodder> I can reach out to the i3 and xfce folks
15:31:25 <adamw> sure, i love MBS. all of those great MBSes out there. we're gonna have the best MBS in the world, bigly, so many great MBSes.
15:31:27 <adamw> (what's an MBS?)
15:31:45 <adamw> sumantro: on the GNOME developer thing: I'll poke someone
15:32:04 <sumantro> i18n test day went great
15:32:18 <sumantro> loads of new people who participated
15:32:22 <adamw> great!
15:32:50 <roshi> awesome
15:32:51 <sgallagh> sumantro: Do you mean the Module Build Service?
15:33:01 <sumantro> sgallagh, yes :)
15:33:07 <adamw> #info i18n test day went off successfully on 2017-05-23: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2017-05-23_I18N_Test_Day
15:33:11 <adamw> oh right, one of those
15:33:31 <adamw> sgallagh: is it in any kind of test day-able state yet?
15:34:08 <sgallagh> adamw: Depends on your definition, I guess. It works and produces modules, but actually *consuming* those modules after the fact is still somewhat complicated
15:34:28 <adamw> that seems like the more test day-able side of the process
15:34:35 <sgallagh> I did write https://sgallagh.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/sausage-factory-an-introduction-to-building-modules-in-fedora/  which might be a good place to start
15:35:03 <adamw> i'm not sure a test day for *creating* modules would work too well? wdyt?
15:35:16 <sgallagh> adamw: I think that's more a candidate for a Flock workshop
15:35:32 <adamw> #info We have a ticket for a GNOME 3.24 Test Day, but no input from the devs: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/505
15:35:34 <sgallagh> Which, (entirely coincidentally, I assure you), it almost certainly will be
15:35:44 <adamw> #action adamw to try and get GNOME devs to join in with the Test Day ticket
15:35:54 <adamw> sgallagh: heh =) yeah, that's what i'd think
15:36:29 <sgallagh> On a related note: has anyone proposed an openqa workshop for Flock? Because that should really happen :)
15:36:51 <sumantro> sgallagh, adamw , should I go ahead an file a ticket and move ahead with a test day planning ?
15:37:12 <adamw> not yet, but we should, yeah...it's always a bit tricky to workshop but we can try again :) garretraziel?
15:37:21 <adamw> sumantro: for MBS? I think it might be best to wait
15:37:40 <adamw> sumantro: it sounds like consuming modules isn't quite at a test day-ready state yet
15:37:44 <garretraziel> it's in consideration :-)
15:37:48 <sumantro> adamw sure
15:38:57 <adamw> alrighty, so that's about the state of things, right? anything else to cover?
15:39:32 <sgallagh> adamw: (sorry for off-topic) I've been recommending that people plan for a talk and a workshop, with the talk being an intro/deep-dive into how it works and then a workshop as the hands-on part.
15:39:52 <sgallagh> (Rather than losing the first 1-2 hours of the workshop to helping people set up their environment)
15:39:54 <adamw> sure
15:40:10 <adamw> though the openqa workshop usually *is* setting up the environment anyway...
15:40:23 * sgallagh shrugs
15:40:32 <sumantro> when are we planning to have a upgrade test day ? adamw
15:40:51 <adamw> sumantro: any time, go ahead and schedule one :)
15:41:10 <sumantro> adamw awesome! :)
15:41:21 <adamw> #action sumantro to schedule an upgrade test day
15:41:47 <adamw> so, the next topic was "New member welcome / onboarding"
15:41:53 <adamw> but I think we covered that in previous meeting followup, right?
15:42:06 <sumantro> yes we cover this adamw :)
15:42:09 <adamw> alrighty
15:42:23 <adamw> #info skipping the next topic "New member welcome / onboarding" because we already covered it
15:42:32 <adamw> #topic Anaconda blivet-gui validation update status
15:42:52 <adamw> So, this is basically a checkin on https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/503 and https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/504
15:43:09 <adamw> tickets for updating the validation bits for blivet-gui in anaconda
15:43:09 * sumantro working on the drafts and will be putting them on the mailing list by this Thursday
15:43:16 <adamw> awesome
15:43:23 <adamw> need any help with anything?
15:43:56 <sumantro> nopes everything is sorted :D , I will ask if I'm stuck . Thanks adamw
15:44:00 <adamw> alrighty
15:44:27 <adamw> #info checking in on https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/503 and https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/504 , the tickets for updating the validation bits for blivet-gui in anaconda
15:44:37 <adamw> #info sumantro is working on the drafts and plans to have them hit the list by thursday
15:44:46 <adamw> #topic Open floor
15:45:01 <adamw> so, any other business? I hear kparal wants to get fired by complaining about my perfect wiki templates? :P
15:45:25 <kparal> correct. but let's not shame you publicly
15:45:46 * roshi heads to refill coffee and grab a snack before blocker review
15:45:49 <adamw> aw, but public shaming is my favourite kind of shaming!
15:47:01 <adamw> welp, anything else, then?
15:47:10 <adamw> or are we all going to join roshi with the pre-blocker-meeting coffee?
15:49:28 <adamw> sounds like coffee's the word
15:49:39 <adamw> blocker meeting in ten minutes in #fedora-blocker-review, see you there!
15:49:41 <adamw> thanks everyone
15:49:57 <kparal> thanks
15:50:03 <sumantro> thanks adamw
15:50:06 <nathan95> thanks
15:50:12 <adamw> #endmeeting