06:30:15 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 06:30:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 26 06:30:15 2017 UTC. The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:30:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:30:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:30:16 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 06:30:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:30:16 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 06:30:16 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2017-04-26 06:30:22 <mfabian> ☺ 06:31:04 <epico> hi 06:31:14 <fujiwarat> hi 06:31:41 <tagoh> hi 06:31:52 <pravins> hi :) 06:32:20 <paragan> #chair mfabian epico fujiwarat tagoh pravins 06:32:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat mfabian paragan pravins tagoh 06:32:42 <juhp> hi 06:33:09 <paragan> not much to discuss today but still wanted to have this meeting to check the status on existing tickets and if any of you have got any fedora issue to discuss 06:33:15 <paragan> #chair juhp 06:33:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins tagoh 06:33:28 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:33:29 <paragan> #info 2017-04-04 Alpha release 06:33:29 <paragan> #info 2017-05-02 Software Translation Deadline 06:33:41 <paragan> so we still have the same schedule milestones 06:35:47 <paragan> if you are planning to release any upstream tarball then get its translations done and release the tarball as we are approaching for Software Translation Deadline 06:37:35 <pravins> ohh, i think in translation sprint participants did not reported any issues. 06:37:44 <paragan> anyone got any fedora issues to discuss? 06:37:47 <pravins> Also i see this time, no translation test day going to happen. 06:38:03 <paragan> oh that is sad 06:38:12 <pravins> indeed, no one to lead :( 06:40:03 <paragan> okay 06:40:28 <paragan> Let's quickly go through the tickets 06:40:52 <suanand> hi (sorry) 06:41:07 <paragan> suanand, hi 06:41:10 <paragan> #chair suanand 06:41:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh 06:41:14 <paragan> #info #74: I18N test day for Fedora 26 06:41:14 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/74 06:41:25 <paragan> #topic No assignee issues 06:42:09 <paragan> We need to have some wiki page to know how to prepare and execute test day 06:42:22 <pravins> Forgot which date we finalized in last meeting? 06:42:58 <pravins> paragan: normally, i write all details in tickets itself. 06:43:03 * pravins looking for F25 ticket 06:43:12 <paragan> 23rd May 06:43:39 <paragan> pravins, right I forgot to update tickets 06:44:40 <pravins> here it goes: https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/67#comment-6336 06:44:47 <paragan> pravins, so we need to file ticket in qa queue> 06:45:09 <pravins> yes 06:45:25 <juhp> ok 06:47:32 <paragan> okay will create test day page and will ping qa people 06:47:36 <paragan> pravins, thanks 06:47:45 <paragan> next ticket 06:47:57 <paragan> #info #72: Proposal - I18n FAD in 2017 06:47:57 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/72 06:48:32 <pravins> I did got a time to prepare budget for Pune FAD. 06:49:25 <pravins> may be, i will communicate with you all once i am done with it. Definitely will do before next meeting. 06:49:38 <paragan> sure no problem 06:50:42 <paragan> next ticket 06:50:49 <paragan> #info #63: Fedora 24 Bug triaging 06:50:49 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/63 06:51:50 <paragan> this time I see we still have 45 bugs as of now against f24 06:52:13 <paragan> please go through existing bugs, triage them 06:53:57 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 06:53:58 <pravins> paragan: i think, we can close this ticket 06:54:04 <paragan> any more thing to discuss? 06:54:27 <pravins> #63, since my earlier plan was to plan specific days and involve more participants for bug triaging 06:54:39 <pravins> but looks not much exciting at this moment 06:54:46 <pravins> may be we can think for it again after F26 release 06:54:58 <pravins> i.e. F25 bug triaging day etc. 06:55:25 <pravins> How about F26 change proposals, all going good? 06:56:09 <paragan> they should be 06:57:33 <pravins> 1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/26/ChangeSet#Python_3_C.UTF-8_locale is this anyway related to i18n? 06:58:20 <pravins> 2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/libpinyin2.0 07:01:53 <paragan> yeah the first one is related to i18n 07:01:56 <mfabian> pravins: nice to see the C.UTF-8 locale being used. 07:02:02 <paragan> second one should be complete 07:02:16 <epico> yes 07:02:38 <paragan> there is " Change Checkpoint: 100% Code Complete Deadline " check to be done by 16th May 07:03:10 <pravins> aha, nice. paragan then we will do it again on 16th May. 07:03:29 <pravins> mfabian++ C.UTF8 07:05:23 <paragan> if nothing more to discuss then let's close the meeting in 2 minutes 07:08:14 <mfabian> paragan: we want to add a new package for Unicode emoji data: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1445366 07:08:44 <fujiwarat> mfabian: thx 07:08:50 <paragan> okay I will have a look at it :) 07:09:55 <juhp> mfabian: btw the spec url is broken :) 07:09:57 <mfabian> epico: The latest version of the NotoColorEmoji font fixes the rendering of some families. Maybe we can update. 07:10:09 <juhp> mfabian: +1 07:10:10 <mfabian> juhp: I fixed it in the second comment. 07:10:15 <juhp> ah doh! 07:10:20 <juhp> sorry 07:10:23 <juhp> so you did 07:10:37 <paragan> mfabian, better add new comment with both spec and srpm link fixed 07:10:48 <epico> mfabian: thanks, I added you as co-maintainer. 07:10:49 <paragan> otherwise fedora-review command will not work on it 07:11:31 <mfabian> epico: Thank you, I’ll update it. 07:14:37 <juhp> paragan: right 07:15:35 <mfabian> juhp, paragan: I always make cut&paste mistakes ☹ 07:16:56 <paragan> np 07:19:03 <paragan> #endmeeting