
#fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board

Meeting started by stickster at 21:00:44 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (stickster, 21:00:46)
  2. Last week in review (stickster, 21:01:52)
    1. Tilix article was a HUUUUUUUUUGE hit (stickster, 21:02:13)
    2. last week -- ~55K hits, back up to par with other weeks over the last couple months (stickster, 21:03:55)
    3. (ryanlerch, 21:11:34)
    4. IDEA: Article introducing the new LXQt spin for Fedora 26 (jwf, 21:14:45)
    5. ACTION: stickster email list + cprofitt about HDYF prospects (stickster, 21:19:11)

  3. Free form ideas (pipeline is low) (stickster, 21:20:25)
    1. ACTION: stickster write wrapper/pointer for cschaller blog post and put out tomorrow (stickster, 21:40:45)
    2. ACTION: stickster write an additional user-level "cool tech" article for Monday (stickster, 21:40:58)

  4. New blood (stickster, 21:46:57)
    1. (stickster, 21:47:21)
    2. (x3mboy, 21:53:12)
    3. ACTION: bee2502 write up pitch/draft of article for publication next week, aim for Thursday 2017-Apr-20 publication (stickster, 22:02:15)
    4. Fri Apr 14 -- pointer to cschaller blog; Mon Apr 17 -- Paul article (something toolie); Wed Apr 19 -- Ryan article; Thu Apr 20 -- bee2502 article on Fedora Women; Fri Apr 21 -- lotto (stickster, 22:19:45)
    5. USE THE READ MORE TAG! It helps send people to our magazine to read the whole article (stickster, 22:21:12)

Meeting ended at 22:21:37 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. stickster email list + cprofitt about HDYF prospects
  2. stickster write wrapper/pointer for cschaller blog post and put out tomorrow
  3. stickster write an additional user-level "cool tech" article for Monday
  4. bee2502 write up pitch/draft of article for publication next week, aim for Thursday 2017-Apr-20 publication

Action items, by person

  1. bee2502
    1. bee2502 write up pitch/draft of article for publication next week, aim for Thursday 2017-Apr-20 publication
  2. stickster
    1. stickster email list + cprofitt about HDYF prospects
    2. stickster write wrapper/pointer for cschaller blog post and put out tomorrow
    3. stickster write an additional user-level "cool tech" article for Monday

People present (lines said)

  1. stickster (151)
  2. jwf (69)
  3. ryanlerch (67)
  4. x3mboy (24)
  5. zodbot (15)
  6. bee2502 (12)
  7. nb (1)
  8. alciregi (1)

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