
#fedora-meeting: Fedora CommOps (2017-04-04)

Meeting started by jwf at 16:31:10 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (jwf, 16:31:23)
    1. (jwf, 16:31:28)
    2. (1) Roll Call / Q&A (jwf, 16:31:32)
    3. (2) Announcements (jwf, 16:31:35)
    4. (3) Action items from last meeting (jwf, 16:31:39)
    5. (4) Tickets (jwf, 16:31:42)
    6. (5) Community Blog (jwf, 16:31:46)
    7. (6) Open Floor (jwf, 16:31:50)

  2. Roll Call / Q&A (jwf, 16:31:59)
    1. Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (jwf, 16:32:00)
    2. ACTION: commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ] (jwf, 16:32:05)
    3. Alberto Rodriguez S; UTC-5; Commops, Metrics, dotnet, infra (bt0, 16:32:10)
    4. Eduard Lucena; UTC -3; Marketing, Magazine, Infra, Ambassadors (x3mboy, 16:32:33)
    5. Justin W. Flory; UTC+1; CommOps, Marketing, Magazine, Ambassadors, Diversity, sysadmin-badges (jwf, 16:32:35)

  3. Announcements (jwf, 16:37:51)
    1. === Fedora 26 Alpha releases today === (jwf, 16:37:55)
    2. (jwf, 16:37:59)
    3. The Fedora 26 Alpha releases today (in fact, right now, at 14:00 UTC). Help spread the word by sharing the Fedora Magazine article. Thanks ryanlerch++ for helping coordinate the short announcement. (jwf, 16:38:17)
    4. === "Fedora at SCaLE 15x (2017) Event Report – Pasadena, California" === (jwf, 16:38:22)
    5. (jwf, 16:38:26)
    6. The event report from SCaLE 15x, which has feedback from booth attendees about Fedora. Mentioned was lack of awareness of Raspberry Pi + Fedora (better coverage in a release? making it its own lab?). Additionally, a lot of people were surprised about GNOME Boxes for virtualization and were excited by. A gap to fill? (jwf, 16:38:29)

  4. Action items from last meeting (jwf, 16:40:16)
    1. (jwf, 16:40:23)
    2. How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. (jwf, 16:40:29)
    3. === jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts === (jwf, 16:40:34)
    4. ACTION: jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts (jwf, 16:40:47)
    5. === [COMPLETE] x3mboy Follow up with LATAM Ambassadors about if a CommBlog article suffices for reimbursement, update ticket #21 with feedback === (jwf, 16:40:51)
    6. (jwf, 16:40:57)
    7. === [INCOMPLETE] jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports === (jwf, 16:41:29)
    8. ACTION: jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports (jwf, 16:41:36)

  5. Tickets (jwf, 16:44:43)
    1. (jwf, 16:44:48)
    2. === Ticket #70: "FOSS Student Pack" === (jwf, 16:44:54)
    3. (jwf, 16:44:59)
    4. AGREED: Intended target audience for a "Fedora Student Pack" would be university students, which compliments the Fedora Marketing efforts and also allows us to shape our content and language to be friendlier to a specific audience (this can be repurposed or retooled later) (jwf, 16:47:50)
    5. AGREED: Primary purpose is to provide tools / services helpful to university students working on open source; secondary purpose is get students familiar with Fedora resources, community, ecosystem (jwf, 17:11:03)
    6. AGREED: Purpose is not to be a magnet to attract newcomers – best left to other initiatives like / Join SIG (jwf, 17:11:32)
    7. AGREED: First steps to begin "building" the pack: what questions do we want this FOSS Student Pack to answer? (jwf, 17:11:51)
    8. IDEA: What are good editing environments or tools for working with Python? (jwf, 17:12:37)
    9. IDEA: What's helpful for me to test out building RPMs if I want to make a package? (jwf, 17:12:53)
    10. IDEA: Where can I host my code? (jwf, 17:14:07)
    11. IDEA: What are good tools for working with {Python,Java,C,C++,C#,Ruby,Rust,Go,JavaScript,etc.}? (jwf, 17:15:08)
    12. IDEA: What can I use for task management (e.g. Kanban)? (jwf, 17:16:28)
    13. IDEA: How can I get experience with Linux servers? (jwf, 17:18:50)
    14. IDEA: Where can I ask questions and get help about Fedora? (jwf, 17:19:40)
    15. ACTION: jwf Add comment to ticket #70 explaining our discussion and focus of student pack, give examples of questions, post to mailing list asking for comments (jwf, 17:21:06)

  6. Community Blog (jwf, 17:22:53)
    1. How This Works: There is a quick blast of information about what was published in the past week with some metrics, followed by posts that are being drafted. After the information blast, the floor is opened for any Community Blog-related discussion. Here we go! (jwf, 17:23:00)
    2. === This Week in CommBlog === (jwf, 17:23:05)
    3. (1) "Fedora Activity Day, Bangalore 2017" - a2batic++ (jwf, 17:23:10)
    4. (jwf, 17:23:14)
    5. Total Views (March 28 - April 4): 56 (jwf, 17:23:20)
    6. (jwf, 17:23:26)
    7. (2) "Fedora 26 Supplementary Wallpapers: Vote now!" - gnokii++ (jwf, 17:23:31)
    8. (jwf, 17:23:36)
    9. Total Views (March 28 - April 4): 1254 (jwf, 17:23:41)
    10. (jwf, 17:23:45)
    11. (3) "Fedora at SCaLE 15x (2017) Event Report – Pasadena, California" - lajuggler++ (jwf, 17:23:51)
    12. (jwf, 17:23:56)
    13. Total Views (March 31 - April 4): 113 (jwf, 17:24:03)
    14. (jwf, 17:24:08)
    15. (4) "Anaconda BlivetGUI Test Day: 2017-04-06" - sumantrom++ (jwf, 17:24:15)
    16. (jwf, 17:24:20)
    17. Total Views (April 4): 15 (jwf, 17:24:25)
    18. (jwf, 17:24:32)
    19. === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jwf, 17:24:42)
    20. (1) "Fedora at Technologix 2017" - sumantrom (jwf, 17:24:47)
    21. (jwf, 17:24:51)

  7. Open Floor (jwf, 17:24:59)
    1. (skamath, 17:26:22)
    2. ACTION: commops Review and leave feedback on ticket for CommOps Google Summer of Code slot (jwf, 17:26:37)
    3. ACTION: jwf Investigate why like / share buttons have gone MIA in Magazine / CommBlog (jwf, 17:27:11)
    4. AGREED: Now that the places with daylight savings times have all had their changes across the world, we will just maintain the existing time. Thanks DST! (jwf, 17:34:06)

Meeting ended at 17:35:22 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
  2. jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts
  3. jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports
  4. jwf Add comment to ticket #70 explaining our discussion and focus of student pack, give examples of questions, post to mailing list asking for comments
  5. commops Review and leave feedback on ticket for CommOps Google Summer of Code slot
  6. jwf Investigate why like / share buttons have gone MIA in Magazine / CommBlog

Action items, by person

  1. commops
    1. commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
    2. commops Review and leave feedback on ticket for CommOps Google Summer of Code slot
  2. jwf
    1. jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts
    2. jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports
    3. jwf Add comment to ticket #70 explaining our discussion and focus of student pack, give examples of questions, post to mailing list asking for comments
    4. jwf Investigate why like / share buttons have gone MIA in Magazine / CommBlog

People present (lines said)

  1. jwf (183)
  2. Rhea (41)
  3. skamath (36)
  4. x3mboy (32)
  5. bt0 (21)
  6. dhanesh95 (18)
  7. zodbot (17)
  8. Southern_Gentlem (1)
  9. commops (0)

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