21:01:12 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board
21:01:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 30 21:01:12 2017 UTC.  The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at
21:01:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:01:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board'
21:01:15 <stickster> #meetingname magazine
21:01:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine'
21:01:18 <stickster> #topic Roll call
21:01:20 <jwf|matrix> .hello jflory7
21:01:21 <zodbot> jwf|matrix: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <>
21:01:22 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch
21:01:22 <stickster> .hello pfrields
21:01:24 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <>
21:01:25 <stickster> lol
21:01:27 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <>
21:01:40 <stickster> Yay for recovery
21:01:40 <ryanlerch> GOOOOOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!
21:01:51 <ryanlerch> it's not raining!
21:01:53 <jwf|matrix> stickster: A command I recently learned is #meetingname – you can use that to rename a meeting already in progress. :)
21:02:07 <jwf|matrix> Good evening!
21:02:16 <stickster> jwf|matrix: Yes, I use that to set the shortname, but people joining would still see "Workstation WG meeting" in the title
21:02:30 <stickster> it offended my tender sensibilities :-D
21:02:36 <jwf|matrix> Oh, whoops, I meant #meetingtopic.
21:02:43 <stickster> OH! That's cool
21:02:52 <jwf|matrix> Yeah! :)
21:02:53 <stickster> then I could have fixed it without restarting, for sure. Thanks for the tip!
21:03:00 <stickster> #topic Last week in review
21:03:36 <stickster> So Ryan generated an extra article on my behalf because I hadn't time to do one for Wednesday
21:03:44 <jwf|matrix> ryanlerch++
21:04:05 <stickster> Last week wasn't bad -- about 52K pageviews, a bit down from 57K but not terribly so
21:04:26 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah up over 50K a week is pretty good IMHO
21:04:49 <stickster> March is on target for a good month, not quite 230K total pageviews right now with one day to go
21:04:59 * jwf|matrix nods
21:05:11 <jwf|matrix> What were the final numbers for February, as a frame of refernece?
21:05:13 * ryanlerch chacks the average for march
21:05:19 <stickster> 209153 for Feb
21:05:34 <stickster> It's our best March ever for sure...
21:05:42 <ryanlerch> we are at 7705 daily average for march
21:05:49 <jwf|matrix> Awesome, so a slow but steady rise.
21:05:51 <ryanlerch> feb was 7470
21:05:59 <ryanlerch> jan was 7666
21:06:40 <ryanlerch> Jun last year (a release month) was an 8661 average
21:06:52 <jwf|matrix> Also had slightly fewer days in February too
21:06:56 <stickster> *nod
21:06:57 <ryanlerch>
21:07:02 <jwf|matrix> Wow! That's pretty incredible.
21:08:26 <stickster> Yeah, good stats for sure. Shall we look at review/drafts/etc.?
21:08:35 <jwf|matrix> Sounds good to me!
21:08:37 <stickster> #topic Pending review
21:08:42 <stickster> #link
21:08:48 <stickster> #info --- Nautilus templates ---
21:08:50 <stickster> #link
21:08:55 <stickster> oops
21:09:27 <stickster> #link
21:09:33 <stickster> weirdly the content appears to have disappeared
21:09:52 <jwf|matrix> Any revision history there?
21:10:55 <ryanlerch> stickster: hmmm, yeah i just went in to edit it, and it wasnt there
21:11:06 <ryanlerch> the revision histpry says it is though
21:11:30 <stickster> I just restored it
21:11:31 <jwf|matrix> Able to do a rollback?
21:11:38 <jwf|matrix> stickster++
21:12:02 <jwf|matrix> Hmm, still not seeing it in the preview?
21:12:19 <ryanlerch>
21:12:57 <ryanlerch> i did an inital structural edit on this
21:13:05 <ryanlerch> probably needs a bit more work TBH
21:13:37 <stickster> jwf|matrix: ryanlerch: there's a weird couple of fields in the WP editor
21:13:54 <stickster> Oh never mind
21:14:01 <stickster> Oh no, *do* mind
21:14:34 <stickster> I see "Link URL" and "Link Title" in the editor above where the status box is usually. In addition, there's a new "chainlink" icon above the post title in the list of posts. Anyone know why that would be there?
21:15:02 <ryanlerch> ah the format of the post
21:15:08 <ryanlerch> has been changed to link
21:15:18 <ryanlerch> we usually use just standard
21:15:33 <stickster> yeah, that's probably why then
21:16:05 <stickster> ryanlerch: Do you think the article itself needs more content, or just additional editing?
21:16:13 <ryanlerch> that would be why the prview is showing a black box at the top of the post too
21:16:18 <stickster> right
21:16:26 <ryanlerch> stickster: it's probably right to go on content,
21:16:31 <ryanlerch> just some editing
21:16:40 <jwf|matrix> Content was looking solid to me
21:16:48 <stickster> ryanlerch: I'm happy to take it on tonight
21:17:00 <stickster> I see it already has an image, bonzer!
21:17:16 <ryanlerch> mainly just a 3rd set of eyes to see if it all makes sense :)
21:17:23 <stickster> any objections jwf|matrix ?
21:17:42 <jwf|matrix> Nope, all looks good to me here.
21:17:46 <stickster> #action stickster finish copy editing on Nautilus templates and schedule as agreed later in meeting
21:17:53 <stickster> #topic Drafts
21:18:05 <stickster> #link
21:18:28 <stickster> This doesn't seem markedly different from last week
21:18:57 <jwf|matrix> I have something to toss into drafts that (unfortunately) isn't saved there
21:19:24 <stickster> oh! cool
21:19:40 <stickster> jwf|matrix: is the awaited article on the event you mentioned?
21:19:54 <jwf|matrix> I had written about 3/4 of the Linux Weekend article as discussed last week, but had the tab open for a couple days. Went to save it without thinking, and WordPress / Firefox gobbled it up. Didn't get auto-saved in the browser or anything, so I had to start fresh this morning.
21:20:13 <jwf|matrix> I had hoped to have it ready for tomorrow, but will be for Monday now
21:20:14 <ryanlerch> bummer!
21:20:46 <jwf|matrix> I have an offline copy I was going to throw into the Magazine later. I only have the conclusion left and then adding pictures to the article.
21:20:54 <jwf|matrix> I am beyond certain this will be ready for Monday
21:21:18 <jwf|matrix> Hoping to put out for review tomorrow morning / afternoon.
21:21:48 <stickster> oh rats
21:22:01 <jwf|matrix> Actually, I can throw up what I have now just for the benefit of a quick review while we're all here in the same meeting
21:22:06 <stickster> but hey jwf|matrix, I could finish up the nautilus templatese for tomorrow -- or I could do this MRI article
21:22:25 <stickster> I wanted to get that done for some point during the next week's schedule anyway
21:22:37 <jwf|matrix> Yeah, I was thinking the Nautilus article (or the MRI article!) would be better fit for tomorrow.
21:23:54 <stickster> tell you what... I'll get nautilus ready tomorrow, but I'll write the MRI article in time for use any time next week we want to agree on
21:24:00 <stickster> I have some writing time available Sat morning
21:24:21 <stickster> #info not many new drafts available, probably need to think about sweeping up this category
21:24:35 <stickster> #info jwf|matrix has a new article coming, had speedbumps but will hopefully be ready for next week
21:24:42 <stickster> #info stickster will have a new article ready for next week too
21:24:44 <jwf|matrix> Here's about 3/4 of what I have so far for the Linux Weekend article. The wrap-up still needs work, but comments or feedback definitely welcome on it:
21:25:02 <stickster> I also heard that cprofitt hopes to have a new HDYF soon, and he apologized for not having one earlier
21:26:36 <ryanlerch> we should also do a quick alpha release post too, when it goes live
21:26:46 <stickster> jwf|matrix: If I could offer a couple suggestions... maybe introduce the article with a short para or two about how FOSS events happen constantly around the world, and Fedora is often involved
21:26:50 * ryanlerch was thinking more just a "its available"
21:26:56 <stickster> ryanlerch: agreed!
21:27:06 <ryanlerch> rather than going into a lot of release-noty details
21:27:13 <jwf|matrix> Oh, is Alpha next week??
21:27:29 <stickster> jwf|matrix: the second suggestion would be to close with a CTA for readers to find events in their locale by getting in touch with a local user group or using social media
21:28:11 <jwf|matrix> stickster: Awesome, thanks! I'll definitely revisit the intro. And will keep that in mind for the wrap-up. I can make a shout-out to our social media accounts there at the end.
21:28:12 <stickster> jwf|matrix: the wiki says so, can't tell if that took latest no-go into account
21:28:42 <stickster> jwf|matrix: that way it doesn't sound like an event report that we put out here in opposition to our usual guidance not to
21:28:56 * jwf|matrix nods
21:29:01 <stickster> just my $0.02
21:29:09 <stickster> ryanlerch: +100 on Alpha article
21:29:19 <stickster> ryanlerch: do you want to put that together?
21:29:22 <jwf|matrix> Oh, wow, looks like Alpha will be next week. No idea how this fell of my radar
21:29:30 <jwf|matrix> +100 too for Alpha article
21:29:43 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, i can prep this
21:29:52 <jwf|matrix> stickster: 2¢ always appreciated :)
21:29:54 * ryanlerch is thinking only about a paragrpaha
21:30:12 <ryanlerch> don't want to go into much more detail than "it's here"
21:31:46 <stickster> #action ryanlerch prep F26 Alpha article, just a short trumpeting article "it's here"
21:32:29 <stickster> #action stickster prepare MRI/aeskulap article for next week as well
21:33:03 <stickster> What's the verdict for these other articles?
21:33:25 <stickster> i3 article has sat without revision for almost two months, so I move to trash it
21:33:34 <jwf|matrix> The Linux Weekend article will be done tomorrow and out for review over the weekend, so we could push that on Monday.
21:33:45 <jwf|matrix> stickster: Same feeling for me on the i3 one, especially since we already have one
21:33:54 <stickster> #action jwf|matrix finish Linux Weekend article for pushing on Monday
21:35:26 * stickster thinks we really need to get a better handle on harnessing enthusiastic people
21:35:38 <stickster> i.e. give them early, prescriptive direction
21:36:28 <stickster> Hmm... Ok, got off track here.
21:36:30 <jwf|matrix> That's something I've been thinking the same
21:36:53 <stickster> Like, we need to point them one place, and say "STOP. Don't write anything yet, until you read <LINK>."
21:37:34 <stickster> And <LINK> would tell them we would like them to try writing one of the following things (with links where needed)... and if none of them fit, talk to us before they start drafting anything.
21:37:57 <jwf|matrix> Would be cool if we could do something handy with the Magazine based on whether they have written any articles yet with their account to have that reminder
21:38:02 <stickster> that was supposed to be the purpose of "pitch" but it seems most people just use it as "I'll just write all my text in here"
21:38:15 <stickster> jwf|matrix: yeah... like, what were you thinking?
21:39:15 <jwf|matrix> I was wondering if it would be possible in the theme or if there was an add-on that could help with it, but that might be overcomplicating it. I wonder if it's something we could refactor in our initial "Writing for the Magazine" post.
21:39:52 <ryanlerch> jwf|matrix: yeah, not sure really how to manage the dashboard stuff in WP
21:39:59 <ryanlerch> i know you cn do it
21:40:59 <stickster> Do you mean like, having a permission set? Or just marking something in a note somehow?
21:41:18 * ryanlerch is just more talking about generally
21:41:36 <ryanlerch> i'm thinking it might be more trouble than it is worth though TBH
21:41:52 <jwf|matrix> So probably not worth spending too much time to figure it out, I think, when we could maybe refactor the page. Maybe breaking #4 into a shorter section or into two pieces, since it's the longest section. I wonder if some people just skip over it or if it's not clear what the pitch is for.
21:42:05 <stickster> yeah, makes sense
21:42:31 <ryanlerch> i think one improvement here would be to try to get the magazine to send emails to the list when a new pitch in put in
21:42:35 <jwf|matrix> stickster: I was thinking like, if user has 0 posts, show alertbox saying, "STOP. Don't write anything yet, until you read <LINK>." But like ryanlerch said, might be more trouble than it's worth.
21:43:03 <jwf|matrix> ryanlerch: That would definitely be neat.
21:43:31 <stickster> Yeah, that would be nice. I'm not sure the fedorainfracloud lets us run smtp though
21:45:46 <stickster> Hmm, maybe puiterwijk will have advice for this
21:45:56 <puiterwijk> Hmm, what?
21:46:02 * puiterwijk reads back
21:46:13 <stickster> puiterwijk: am I correct that it's verboten to run smtp on fedorainfracloud hosts like the magazine?
21:46:46 <puiterwijk> stickster: nope. We don't have anything against that, as long as you make sure it's not an open relay.
21:46:56 <stickster> Oh! Well that's cool then
21:47:11 <stickster> I guess all that has to happen is some ansible role stuff to make postfix work on that box, then.
21:47:15 <stickster> I think I'm capable of that.
21:47:23 <puiterwijk> I do appreciate it if you let me know when you open inbound smtp ports though, so I can do a quick check if it's actually open relay or not
21:47:38 <stickster> puiterwijk: I think the only host we would want to use smtp on the box is localhost
21:47:49 <puiterwijk> stickster: oh, it's for outbound email?
21:48:06 <stickster> puiterwijk: yes, sending email from the WordPress instance to our list when someone enters a new article
21:48:19 <puiterwijk> Ahhh, okay. That's no problem at all, and go nuts
21:48:22 <stickster> haha
21:48:30 <jwf|matrix> Awesome ;)
21:48:32 <stickster> well, maybe not *nuts* per se but okey dokey
21:48:43 <puiterwijk> As long as you don't open inbound port 25 on the openstack firewall, I don't care if you run SMTP :)
21:48:49 <stickster> cool
21:48:57 <puiterwijk> As soon as you want to open *inbound* SMTP though, I'd like to make sure it's not an open relay :)
21:49:04 <puiterwijk> (I don't want our IP space getting banned due to spam)
21:49:10 <stickster> puiterwijk: I might send in pull requests to the ansible repo then, and let you review. We don't want to provide any inbound connection IMHO
21:49:33 <puiterwijk> stickster: oh, then it should be just "install postfix; enable postfix; start postfix"
21:49:35 <stickster> we already have ways for people to contact us through the WP instance itself
21:49:59 <puiterwijk> But sure, feel free to send me and I can take a look
21:50:06 <stickster> +100
21:50:25 <stickster> #action stickster work on configuring fmag host to send email to our list
21:50:40 <ryanlerch> stickster: that would be awesome!
21:50:43 <stickster> :-)
21:51:03 <stickster> OK, we should settle on schedule... jwf|matrix, do you want to propose or should I?
21:51:08 <stickster> #topic Schedule for next week publishing
21:51:13 <jwf|matrix> stickster++ puiterwijk++
21:51:32 <jwf|matrix> stickster: You probably have the advantage of a full keyboard over me :)
21:51:43 <stickster> heh, no problem
21:53:11 <stickster> #idea Friday Mar 31: Nautilus templates (stickster to complete); Monday Apr 3: Linux Weekend (jwf|matrix); Tue Apr 4: F26 Alpha release (ryanlerch); Wed Apr 5: MRI/aeskulap (stickster); Fri Apr 7: ??
21:53:40 <jwf|matrix> +1
21:54:01 <ryanlerch> +1 form me!
21:54:32 <puiterwijk> ryanlerch: GET or POST? :D
21:54:39 <stickster> hardy har har :-D
21:54:54 <stickster> Any ideas for Fri Apr 7?
21:55:00 <ryanlerch> lolz
21:55:01 <jwf|matrix> :)
21:55:06 <jwf|matrix> Hmmm…
21:55:13 <stickster> When does the supplemental wallpaper voting close?
21:55:20 * puiterwijk notes the absence of April 1st. That's too bad :D
21:55:29 <stickster> ha
21:55:45 <jwf|matrix> stickster: April 6, if I remember right
21:56:07 <stickster> aha!!
21:56:26 <stickster> #action stickster contact gnokii about having article for Apr 7
21:56:30 <stickster> sounds like a shoe in!
21:57:21 <jwf|matrix> Nice. :)
21:57:35 <jwf|matrix> If not, I find that I can find a lot of motivation by going through Twitter mentions for the @fedora account
21:57:40 <stickster> :-)
21:58:05 <stickster> Hey, that's not a bad idea... like "here's some of the things people said this month about @fedora"
21:58:16 <stickster> OK, anything else before we close?
21:59:28 <ryanlerch> nothing here
21:59:50 <stickster> Okey dokey then... thanks for coming, folks!
21:59:53 <stickster> #endmeeting