06:00:34 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 06:00:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 29 06:00:34 2017 UTC. The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:00:34 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 06:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:00:35 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 06:00:44 <tagoh_> hi 06:01:01 <pravins> hi :) 06:01:08 <fujiwarat> hi 06:01:55 <paragan> #chair tagoh_ pravins fujiwarat 06:01:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: fujiwarat paragan pravins tagoh_ 06:02:28 <suanand> hi.. 06:03:57 <paragan> #chair suanand juhp mfabian 06:03:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh_ 06:04:14 <juhp> hi 06:04:36 <paragan> The agenda for today's meeting is at 06:04:37 <mfabian> ☺ 06:04:39 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2017-03-29 06:05:03 <paragan> Let's check the current Fedora 26 schedule 06:05:07 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:05:07 <paragan> #info 2017-03-07 Alpha Freeze 06:05:07 <paragan> #info 2017-03-07 Software String Freeze 06:05:07 <paragan> #info 2017-03-07 Bodhi activation point 06:05:07 <paragan> #info 2017-04-04 Alpha release 06:05:07 <paragan> #info 2017-05-02 Software Translation Deadline 06:05:28 <paragan> so the schedule got slipped 3 times now 06:05:53 <paragan> 3 times = 3 weeks 06:06:41 <pravins> aha, Translation deadline is on 2nd May. 06:06:52 <paragan> Keep testing the Fedora 26 updates 06:07:21 <paragan> Anyone got any bug to discuss for Fedora 26? or for any other version? 06:08:21 <mfabian> I think this is interesting to get the emoji rendered correctly: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1436077 I hope I can make a patch today ... 06:08:46 <paragan> I see the latest RC5 is composed already 06:08:54 <juhp> aha 06:09:00 <pravins> .bug 1436077 06:09:00 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1436077 – Some emoji which should render as one character with the “Noto Color Emoji” render as several characters - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1436077 06:09:01 <paragan> http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/26_Alpha-1.5/ 06:11:44 <paragan> mfabian, I think good to report in upstream as well as suggested by tagoh_ 06:12:15 <epico> hi 06:13:41 <paragan> #chair epico 06:13:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh_ 06:13:55 <paragan> let's move to the tickets 06:14:07 <paragan> #topic No assignee issues 06:14:07 <paragan> #info #73: F26 mass rebuild fixes 06:14:07 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/73 06:16:02 <paragan> I think I still have one package remain to be fixed. Last week got busy with some other work. Will try to fix that package this week 06:17:38 <paragan> next ticket 06:17:50 <paragan> #info #72: Proposal - I18n FAD in 2017 06:17:50 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/72 06:20:20 <pravins> thanks paragan 06:20:26 <pravins> I am calculating cost for it. 06:20:31 <pravins> not updated Wiki page yet. 06:20:41 <pravins> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cW65LqeTzirGnKYjNVhs7KAnChmkwT5ZxlogTyHVJpU/edit?usp=sharing 06:21:58 <pravins> so, i just calculated for Pune and Tokyo 06:22:06 <pravins> Accommodation at Tokyo is more costly 06:22:27 <juhp> aha 06:23:15 <pravins> cost is more as usual, i think like last time if Red Hat sponsor stay then we can have FAD within $4000. 06:23:26 <juhp> pravins: nice - could you add total columns too? 06:23:41 <juhp> for Pune and Tokyo 06:23:50 <pravins> its at the bottom 06:24:11 <juhp> pravins: I mean travel + accommodation 06:24:14 <pravins> aha 06:25:11 <pravins> done 06:25:54 <juhp> thanks 06:26:11 <pravins> Tokyo is more costly definitely but it has more strategic advantage being more demand for i18n and l10n. 06:26:43 <pravins> Pune - We can get more people. 06:26:47 <tagoh_> why does only three people have a cost for accommodation at Pune? 06:27:05 <pravins> tagoh_: its sharing basis - so covered with other members. 06:27:10 <tagoh_> aha 06:27:36 <pravins> like fujiwarat + tagoh_ , mfabian + epico etc.. 06:27:58 <pravins> Fedora sponsoring guidelines only allow's accommodation on sharing 06:29:15 <juhp> I see 06:29:18 <pravins> please feel free to update Airfares, i just roughly estimated it. 06:29:34 <pravins> used date 2 months ahead of today. 06:30:40 <juhp> pravins: maybe good to note down the hotel rates too for reference 06:31:05 <juhp> anyway looks good 06:31:28 <pravins> what i am thinking with this rough estimates, lets approach council for FAD approval 06:31:33 <juhp> aha 06:31:35 <pravins> or tentative approval. 06:31:40 <juhp> okay 06:33:31 <pravins> only this much as of today 06:33:35 <pravins> will work more and update you all. 06:33:52 <pravins> need confirmation - where to execute Pune or Toyko. 06:35:56 <pravins> paragan: thats it from me :) 06:36:07 <paragan> pravins, thanks for the update 06:36:14 <paragan> pravins++ 06:36:21 <suanand> pravins++ 06:36:21 <zodbot> suanand: Karma for pravins changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:36:58 <paragan> #info #63: Fedora 24 Bug triaging 06:36:58 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/63 06:37:01 <mfabian> pravins++ 06:37:02 <zodbot> mfabian: Karma for pravins changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:37:57 <paragan> we still have 51 bugs to triage for F24. Please find some time triage, fix or move to any next Fedora release. 06:39:02 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 06:39:13 <paragan> anyone got anything to discuss here/ 06:40:49 <pravins> We have Translation team meeting today 06:41:01 <juhp> aha 06:41:11 <pravins> main agenda is vFAD for translations. 06:41:44 <pravins> its at 11:00 UTC 06:42:25 <paragan> pravins, thanks for the reminder ;-) 06:42:52 <pravins> np :) 06:44:40 <paragan> Thanks all who came for this meeting 06:44:43 <paragan> #endmeeting