18:00:26 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL
18:00:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar  8 18:00:26 2017 UTC.  The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
18:00:26 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL
18:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
18:00:27 <smooge> #chair smooge nirik Evolution bstinson avij
18:00:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge
18:00:27 <smooge> #topic aloha
18:00:32 <smooge> Hello everyone
18:01:02 <nirik> morning
18:01:24 <smooge> I am not sure if we will have quorum as I don't see Evolution or avij
18:01:37 <smooge> and bstinson seems afk
18:02:17 <smooge> so if we don't see them in 4 minutes, I would like to go over next meetings agenda and end meeting
18:02:23 <nirik> alrighty.
18:02:36 <nirik> I skimmed your document to the list, but wanted to sit down and read it in more detail
18:02:37 <smooge> nirik, I started trying to update wiki pages with EPEL content
18:03:00 <avij> hi
18:03:01 <smooge> I found at least one more page that says that people should contact you for developer subscriptions
18:03:10 <avij> just came back home from an exam
18:03:22 <smooge> hi avij
18:03:48 <smooge> nirik, I changed it to point to the document on getting a developer subscription
18:04:05 <nirik> smooge: ha. kill that... please kill that. ;)
18:04:10 <nirik> thank you
18:04:17 <smooge> however, there are multiple translations of various pages that I have no idea what is on them
18:05:15 <smooge> what I would like to do is move the documents we are keeping up to date in pagure and then edit all the pages to say please go to "https://pagure.io/epel/ for current documentation"
18:05:58 <smooge> ok I am going to say we have a semi-quorum with 3 out of 5 people.
18:06:09 <smooge> #topic old business?
18:06:18 <smooge> is there any old business that we need to discuss?
18:06:38 <nirik> we are all old? :)
18:07:42 <nirik> but otherwise I don't think so
18:08:16 <smooge> yes. "It is so nice when a grandfather takes their grandson to get a haircut" == said to me today
18:08:49 <smooge> "that is my dad" my son says which got everyone laughing with a wink/wink at me.
18:08:59 <nirik> ha
18:09:06 <smooge> #topic old documentation
18:09:45 <nirik> I think the only thing to do on translations is just to edit the main page and hope that translators will update the translation
18:09:48 <smooge> So I started looking again at all the pages at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:EPEL
18:10:26 <smooge> Many of the pages haven't been touched in 4-6 years
18:10:57 <nirik> yep. I last poked the important ones, but I didn't mess with a lot of the obscure ones.
18:11:08 <smooge> I would like to delete most of the obscure ones
18:11:37 <smooge> The information in them just gets people confused and coming up with lines like "But it says on XYZ that I need to do this strange dance before I can get a package"
18:12:07 <nirik> yep. Fine with me.
18:12:15 <nirik> last time I did a reorg I tried to kill the FAQ...
18:12:22 <nirik> but people kept re-adding and re-adding it.
18:12:48 <smooge> My plan is to pull any useful information and put the stuff in the epel pagure docs. If people want to add/update stuff they can send pull requests
18:13:12 <smooge> So that we don't have to deal with the war of the edits
18:14:02 <smooge> I will go over the pages that I am looking to prune, send them to the list for people to comment, and then delete them after the next meeting.
18:14:08 <nirik> I'm fine with nuking the obscure stuff that isn't linked to/used/hasnt been edited in a long time
18:14:14 <nirik> +1
18:14:30 <avij> sure, go ahead
18:14:33 <smooge> thanks.
18:14:50 <smooge> #topic charter draft 0.0
18:15:05 <smooge> OK I sent this out last night and don't expect people to have much takes on it
18:15:52 <nirik> yeah, it seemed fine from a skim, but I need to actually read it through
18:15:58 <smooge> I just wanted to raise it in the meeting for people to look at and then send me anything they would like added/removed/edited. I will put the docs up after next meeting
18:16:26 <avij> I saw it, but due to the aforementioned exam I haven't put much thought on it yet :( thanks anyway.
18:16:31 <smooge> no problem
18:16:40 <tibbs> Best vision statement I've seen in a long time.
18:16:53 <smooge> I understand completely.. it isn't like I haven't been saying I would write this for 6 months.
18:17:47 <smooge> tibbs, thanks. Everyone of these docs has one but everything I came up with made me ill in re-reading so I just went with my gut before sending
18:18:12 <tibbs> I personally hate those damn things.  But then again, I work for a living.
18:18:34 <smooge> OK I am going to put this to open floor and then close out
18:18:40 <smooge> #topic open floor
18:18:49 <smooge> anyone have anything from the floor?
18:19:06 <nirik> should we send anymore reminders about el5?
18:19:18 <smooge> the sky is blue, the trees are having promiscuous sex and my eyes hurt
18:19:45 <nirik> those filthy trees. :)
18:19:48 <smooge> nirik, yes we should. You had mentioned that an article for Fedora Magazine or OpenSource.com might be useful
18:20:13 <nirik> yeah, I think someone was working on one, but I cannot recall who. we could ask jwf or stickster
18:20:15 <smooge> I don't care what they do in their woods.. but when their stuff gets all over my house..
18:20:42 <smooge> ok that probably went over the line on my part. my apologies
18:21:21 <smooge> alright. I am going to try and get my various blog articles into something publishable and send it to jwf/stickster to look at. If bstinson or someone else gets theirs done first yay!
18:22:02 <smooge> #info RHEL-5 ends of life on April 1st. EPEL-5 will be moved to archives on April 6th
18:22:21 <smooge> if not sooner
18:22:32 <smooge> ok I am going to close this meeting out. Thank you all for making it.
18:22:41 <avij> I wonder how many people will show up on #epel complaining about this.. it'll be fun.
18:22:42 <smooge> #endmeeting