19:12:49 <Rhea> #startmeeting Fedora DotNet (2017-02-21) 19:12:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 21 19:12:49 2017 UTC. The chair is Rhea. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:12:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:12:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_dotnet_(2017-02-21)' 19:12:51 <Rhea> #meetingname dotnet 19:12:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'dotnet' 19:12:52 <Rhea> #nick dotnet 19:12:54 <Rhea> #topic Agenda 19:12:56 <Rhea> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:DotNet_2017-02-21 19:12:58 <Rhea> #info (1) Roll Call 19:13:04 <Rhea> #info (2) Announcements 19:13:09 <Rhea> #info (3) Action items and Tickets 19:13:13 <Rhea> #info (4) Packaging progress 19:13:18 <Rhea> #info (5) Open Floor 19:13:22 <Rhea> #topic Roll Call 19:13:28 <Rhea> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 19:13:34 <Rhea> #action dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the DotNet mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet ] 19:13:44 <Rhea> If this is your first time at a DotNet meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 19:14:00 <Rhea> #info Radka Janek; UTC+1; CommOps, Diversity, DotNet,... 19:14:06 <amitosh> hello! 19:14:12 <bt0> #info Alberto Rodriguez; UTC-6;Commops, dotnet, infra 19:14:14 <jwf> Oh, I forgot you all had your meeting in this channel, sorry… will try to make sure we are more timely next week! 19:14:22 * Rhea waves at amitosh tmds omajid nmilosev bt0 19:14:24 <bt0> .hello bt0dotninja 19:14:27 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 19:14:28 <omajid> hello! 19:14:31 <bt0> hello 19:14:36 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 19:14:37 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 19:14:40 <Rhea> don't worry jwf - i couldnt split myself into two meetings either way 19:15:01 <rkieley> #info Roddie Kieley; UTC-3.5; DotNet, powershell, msbuild 19:15:16 <tmds> .hello tmds 19:15:17 <zodbot> tmds: tmds 'Tom Deseyn' <tom.deseyn@gmail.com> 19:15:19 <tmds> hi everyone 19:15:39 <rkieley> hey tmds, et al. 19:15:56 * pcreech late 19:16:00 <amitosh> #info Amitosh Swain; UTC+5:5:30; DotNet, Go, web, .. 19:16:18 <pcreech> or, er... on time :) 19:16:24 <Rhea> :D 19:17:53 <amitosh> so, i'll mostly be observing this one, this is my first meeting 19:18:03 <nmilosev> Welcome amitosh! 19:18:19 <Rhea> welcome =] 19:18:27 <Rhea> #topic Announcements 19:18:40 <Rhea> Anyone anything - me not... I've not seen anything significant since 7th feb. 19:19:06 <Rhea> going once... going twice... 19:19:10 <Rhea> #topic Action items and Tickets 19:19:10 <nmilosev> ! 19:19:12 <Rhea> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/dotnet/dotnet.2017-01-17-19.04.html 19:19:15 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issues?tags=meeting 19:19:18 <Rhea> too late ! :D 19:19:31 <Rhea> what is it nmilosev 19:19:32 * nmilosev did we announce that .net core 2.0 release date got pushed away 19:19:39 <nmilosev> Q3 19:19:45 <nmilosev> not "spring" 19:19:48 <Rhea> Oh nope, yeah i heard, not sure it's true. 19:19:54 * nmilosev checks 19:19:57 <Rhea> (internally i don't believe it) 19:20:12 <Rhea> At least previews will still be spring in my personal opinion 19:20:14 <nmilosev> Yep, https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/roadmap.md 19:20:19 <nmilosev> Q3 19:20:25 <tmds> the thing is, spring means something different at the southern hemisphere 19:20:27 <Rhea> yeah maybe the final thing i guess 19:20:33 <Rhea> haha tmd 19:20:33 <tmds> so they replaced it by Q3 19:20:35 <Rhea> tmds 19:20:38 <tmds> no really, not a joke 19:20:53 <nmilosev> Q3 is more precise :D 19:21:02 <nmilosev> Thing is, Fedora 26 is ~June 19:21:12 <Rhea> :D 19:21:16 <tmds> https://github.com/dotnet/core/commit/21217cefb344b84292508bea4e6b3ed3f18058e7 19:21:29 <Rhea> funny 19:21:42 <omajid> oh. crud. are we going to have a repeat of last time where f24 and .net core 1.0 were released a few days of each other and f24 wasn't supported? 19:21:45 <nmilosev> (Ctrl+D -> best of github) 19:21:46 <tmds> I agree, it's not a joke... but still funny :D 19:21:59 <Rhea> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 19:22:02 <Rhea> yes omajid 19:22:03 <nmilosev> omajid, yes, thats my worry too 19:22:18 <Rhea> well, we will work to make it work 19:22:26 <tmds> I am worried more about OpenSSL 19:22:37 <omajid> nmilosev: want to mention the good news? 19:22:39 <nmilosev> tmds, that's also very bad 19:22:51 <nmilosev> good news! omajid found a compat package 19:23:07 <tmds> good 19:23:08 <nmilosev> So if everything works as it should F26 builds will be live later tonight or tomorrow 19:23:16 <Rhea> nmilosev obsolete the old 1.0 copr packages -- status? 19:23:19 <nmilosev> (will try later) 19:23:21 <nmilosev> Rhea, done! 19:23:25 <Rhea> #info === [COMPLETE] nmilosev obsolete the old 1.0 copr packages === 19:23:41 <Rhea> nmilosev cleanup the dotnet-clean rpm (remove debug symbols) --- status? 19:23:48 <nmilosev> Rhea, done 19:23:50 <nmilosev> :D 19:24:11 <Rhea> #info === [COMPLETE] nmilosev cleanup the dotnet-clean rpm (remove debug symbols) === 19:24:17 <nmilosev> but it's omajid++ you should thank 19:24:18 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for omajid changed to 5 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 19:24:31 <tmds> what is a compat package? 19:24:33 <Rhea> #info === [COMPLETE] Rhea create an issue on pagure to keep rid info and discussion together === 19:24:35 <Rhea> #info Fedora 25 and 26 RID PR was already merged. A lot more work necessary for smooth builds though (more in packaging topic) 19:24:38 <Rhea> #link https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/pull/16302 19:24:41 <omajid> i was just prodding, nmilosev did the work :) 19:24:49 <nmilosev> tmds https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=841460 19:24:59 <nmilosev> Rhea, good work 19:25:06 <nmilosev> Did we think about rawhide? 19:25:12 <nmilosev> Or no point now? 19:25:23 <Rhea> lets quickly do gsoc then packaging 19:25:27 <Rhea> #info === GSoC === 19:25:34 <Rhea> #link http://etherpad.rhea-ayase.eu/p/dotnet-gsoc2017 19:25:37 <tmds> nmilosev: you specify this as a dependency and it just installs? 19:25:45 <Rhea> #info The original idea was scratched, we have two different ones. 19:25:56 <Rhea> #info Idea#1 was changed - a bit of research necessary. 19:26:01 <nmilosev> tmds, in theory yes, we do a rpm thing to check if Fedora 26 19:26:03 <Rhea> #action Rhea rewrite the Idea #1 to reflect recent findings 19:26:08 <Rhea> #info Idea#2 - .NET Core wrapper library for systemd 19:26:31 <Rhea> Feel free to pitch in on the linked etherpad if you have any interest or feedback 19:26:33 <nmilosev> tmds, check Idea #2 19:26:40 <nmilosev> it should use tmds.Dbus 19:26:42 <Rhea> (note that the idea1 has to be fixed up - i didnt have time to) 19:27:17 <rkieley> I like idea#2 vs idea#1 - can reach more folks who might want to use it 19:27:21 <tmds> nmilosev: systemd is exposing a lot of stuff on dbus 19:27:32 <tmds> but I don't know what :D 19:27:35 <nmilosev> tmds, that's why I proposed the idea to Rhea :) 19:27:57 <nmilosev> Rhea, what about FAS changes? 19:28:09 <Rhea> Yeah it should be interesting to have it available 19:28:11 <nmilosev> Is there no point now to make a client 19:28:18 <Rhea> and i'd use it in my projects 19:28:19 <tmds> what can someone do with the dbus wrapper library? 19:28:49 <Rhea> e.g. i'm writing load ballancer in C# for my other C# project... i would like to have systemd access to check on mah services or control them 19:28:52 <nmilosev> use dbus to talk to systemd = library for systemd 19:29:14 <tmds> what do you want to tell systemd? 19:29:30 <nmilosev> "give me all running services" 19:29:36 <nmilosev> "kill service firewalld" 19:29:46 <nmilosev> "reboot in 15 minutes" 19:30:37 <amitosh> tmds Or check if service X is running? I have seen a real world use case by a analytics company who use dotnet core on linux 19:30:56 <amitosh> they shell out a python script to do the check and return a status code 19:31:24 <nmilosev> It could be done without dbus probably 19:31:29 <nmilosev> But much cleaner with it 19:31:39 <nmilosev> + you get 1000 github stars :D 19:31:57 <tmds> I like it personally, I don't know if many people are waiting for it though 19:32:17 <Rhea> Oh right 19:32:21 <tmds> it will be fun to build 19:32:27 <Rhea> I created fedora .net org on github 19:32:28 <tmds> that is a nice thing :D 19:32:33 <Rhea> for the purpose of mainly gsoc right now 19:32:38 <Rhea> i invited you guys as well 19:32:42 <tmds> but I think it will < 1 downloads per day on nuget 19:32:58 <Rhea> This is so we can easily maintain our product projects and they don't fall forgotten on students github account... 19:33:07 <Rhea> To ensure that SOMEONE will be there to keep it going 19:33:17 <Rhea> (someone - dotnet sig in this case) 19:33:37 <tmds> not sure an org solves that 19:33:41 <nmilosev> Rhea, why not pagure? Just asking? 19:33:58 <Rhea> our pagure is for packaging 19:34:07 <Rhea> and i wanted to keep it on github for the community reach 19:34:20 <nmilosev> I mean separate pagure 19:34:22 <Rhea> our non-packaging projects 19:34:27 <nmilosev> dotnet-fedora-gsoc2017 19:34:35 <Rhea> yeah but i think that dotnet is simply better for nuget libraries and stuff 19:35:10 <Rhea> and i want to keep it running and maintain it after gsoc... we discussed this with jwf as well, we kinda agreed that many gsoc projects simply fall forgotten on student repo somewhere... 19:35:36 <nmilosev> (like all student projects) 19:35:37 <nmilosev> :D 19:35:42 <Rhea> yeah 19:35:45 <tmds> I don't think an org solves that 19:35:48 <Rhea> thats what i'd like to avoid... 19:36:00 <Rhea> Well org just makes it easier to manage permissions of many projects 19:36:09 <Rhea> i dont want to end with one gsoc project guys :D 19:36:14 <Rhea> think future! 19:36:19 <Rhea> okay moving on to packaging? 19:36:53 <Rhea> Also it looks cool on our github profiles to have both RH and Fedora logos next to each other 19:37:01 <Rhea> xD 19:37:22 <Rhea> packaging... 19:37:24 <Rhea> going once 19:37:26 <Rhea> twice 19:37:35 <Rhea> #topic Packaging progress 19:37:58 <Rhea> So i was looking into what would be needed to be upgraded upstream dotnet to support f25/6 19:38:04 <Rhea> It sucks. 19:38:07 <nmilosev> a lot 19:38:13 <Rhea> :D 19:38:18 <nmilosev> vertical build supports only F23 19:38:22 <nmilosev> for now 19:38:28 <nmilosev> which is EOL 19:38:58 <Rhea> yep 19:40:32 <tmds> the source-build should help there, right? 19:40:44 <Rhea> yup 19:41:00 <nmilosev> source-build still requires bootstrapping 19:41:07 <nmilosev> which is very weird for me 19:41:17 <nmilosev> I though everything would be built with clang 19:41:38 <nmilosev> bottom -> top 19:41:58 <omajid> nmilosev: .net core sources are written in C#, so you need a compiler to build it, which means you need roslyn, which means you need a runtime. it's a cycle 19:42:10 <nmilosev> maybe it changes in the future, but apart from rebuilding roslyn it is almost exactly the same as rover 19:42:18 <omajid> same problem exists with any language, fwiw. 19:42:35 <nmilosev> yeah, I just hoped it would be simpler :( 19:42:46 <nmilosev> So we need F25 .NET Core 2.0 to build for F25 19:42:54 <Rhea> yup 19:42:57 <Rhea> and 26 19:43:02 <Rhea> we need to focus on 26 19:43:03 <nmilosev> which we can't have because we can't build it 19:43:05 <Rhea> not 25 imho 19:43:12 <nmilosev> omajid, can we build with 23 for 25/26? 19:43:15 <Rhea> we have solid 25 package and i'd stop there 19:43:21 <Rhea> and push towards 26 19:43:28 <Rhea> to have official 26 packages 19:43:33 <tmds> nmilosev: why not bootstrap using portable linux-x64? 19:43:39 <Rhea> to catchup with the delay in microsoft releases 19:43:46 <nmilosev> tmds, no binaries :( 19:44:05 <tmds> you can download the CI binaries 19:44:05 <omajid> we will have to use a binary for boostrapping. 19:44:18 <tmds> they are being built 19:44:19 <nmilosev> tmds, link please? 19:44:34 <nmilosev> The biggest issue with F26 is the default OpenSSL 1.1 19:44:51 <tmds> if you have the compat package, that is fixed 19:45:06 <nmilosev> I'd rather not use it :( 19:45:27 <nmilosev> But it's a brilliant option we have right now 19:45:41 <tmds> I find it is acceptable 19:45:45 <tmds> OpenSSL broke API compat 19:45:56 <tmds> but 1.0 is not less secure than 1.1 19:46:04 <tmds> it is missing some features which dotnet doesn't use 19:46:51 <tmds> so, it isn't strange that when the API is broken, you need both packages during some time 19:47:29 <nmilosev> okay so my next task is to play with source-build 19:47:40 <nmilosev> to see what do we need to do to build on f25/26 19:47:57 <nmilosev> maybe we can really use generic payload 19:48:05 <nmilosev> (linux-x64 I mean) 19:49:03 <tmds> https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup has linux-x64 downloads 19:49:31 <tmds> It just says tar.gz so I don't know if it has the full sdk in it 19:49:54 <tmds> or only the runtime 19:49:57 <nmilosev> didn't notice this, thank you 19:50:42 <tmds> np 19:50:45 <Rhea> Yep, i have to focus on RH side of things but feel free to poke me nmilosev and i'll be more than happy to split some tasks with you, if you have a bug or whatever that we could maybe even push upstream fix 19:51:03 <nmilosev> sure thing :) 19:51:37 <omajid> likewise from me 19:52:11 <amitosh> tmds: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core says the tar.gz is the SDK 19:52:40 <nmilosev> I'm checking it right now :) 19:52:42 <tmds> then nmilosev is set to go 19:53:11 <nmilosev> nah, just runtime 19:53:41 <tmds> as long as it has the native binaries ... 19:53:47 <Rhea> The nice thing is what i like a lot that everything we do at RedHat affects all distros more-less... 19:53:49 <tmds> it isn't an empty tar.gz file, right :D 19:53:54 <Rhea> Especially Fedora as being the closest 19:54:07 <nmilosev> yeah should work :D 19:55:09 <omajid> sdks are normally named `dotnet-dev-$OS*`. runtime images are just `dotnet-$OS` 19:55:29 <nmilosev> yeah, I noticed that as well 19:55:35 <nmilosev> dotnet-dev is only for f23 19:55:41 <nmilosev> I think f24 link is broken 19:55:45 <nmilosev> (last time I checked) 19:55:52 <omajid> hey guys, i have to step away for another meeting. 19:56:08 <nmilosev> see you omajid :) 19:56:11 <Rhea> Can I action this to you nmilosev to start a ticket to note things you have and don't have, we will pitch in (omajid posted some links in our channel, etc...) 19:56:16 <Rhea> bai! 19:56:41 <nmilosev> Rhea, sure 19:56:48 <tmds> bb 19:57:43 <Rhea> #action nmilosev create a ticket tracking source build for f26 (25) 19:58:02 <Rhea> Do we have anything else or are we packing it? 19:58:25 <nmilosev> We are almost packing it :D 19:58:47 <Rhea> #topic Open Floor 19:58:50 <Rhea> hehe yep 20:01:55 <Rhea> #endmeeting