
#fedora-meeting: Fedora CommOps (2017-01-10)

Meeting started by Rhea at 17:45:13 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (Rhea, 17:45:31)
    1. (Rhea, 17:45:44)
    2. (1) Roll Call / Q&A (Rhea, 17:45:59)
    3. (2) Announcements (Rhea, 17:46:02)
    4. (3) Action items from last meeting (Rhea, 17:46:06)
    5. (4) Tickets (Rhea, 17:46:12)
    6. (5) Elections (Rhea, 17:46:44)
    7. (6) Open Floor (Rhea, 17:46:55)

  2. Roll Call / Q&A (Rhea, 17:47:05)
    1. Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (Rhea, 17:47:10)
    2. ACTION: commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ] (Rhea, 17:47:15)
    3. Radka Janek; UTC+1; CommOps, Diversity, DotNet,... (Rhea, 17:47:29)
    4. Dhanesh B. Sabane, UTC+5:30, CommOps, Marketing, Python, Packaging, ML and more to come (dhanesh95, 17:47:53)
    5. Alberto Rodriguez, UTC-6, Commops, Metrics, StoryTelling, Packages, Infra, dotnet amd more (bt0, 17:48:08)

  3. Announcements (Rhea, 17:51:18)
    1. === "Elections - read about candidates on commblog" === (Rhea, 17:51:22)
    2. (Rhea, 17:51:24)
    3. (Rhea, 17:51:28)
    4. === "Celebrating Fedora 25 with freenode" === (Rhea, 17:52:31)
    5. (Rhea, 17:52:37)
    6. === "Fedora 23 End of Life" === (Rhea, 17:54:30)
    7. (Rhea, 17:54:45)
    8. F23 was released in early November 2015, and entered EOL status on December 20th, 2016 (Rhea, 17:55:36)

  4. Action items from last meeting (Rhea, 17:55:50)
    1. Because I don't even know when was the last meeting, we will skip this... (Rhea, 17:56:12)

  5. Tickets (Rhea, 17:56:19)
    1. (Rhea, 17:56:23)
    2. === Ticket #97 "Comm Ops Blog Post for Monday 9 January 2017" === (Rhea, 17:58:47)
    3. (Rhea, 17:58:55)
    4. ACTION: jflory7 to publish the blog post as per ticket #97 (Rhea, 18:03:55)
    5. === Ticket #90 "Improving Fedora Elections Process" === (Rhea, 18:07:00)
    6. (Rhea, 18:07:04)
    7. Interviews with candidates were published in the community blog (Rhea, 18:07:37)
    8. ACTION: rhea - Post on Reddit with information about Elections, links to interviews, etc... (Rhea, 18:17:12)

  6. Open Floor (Rhea, 18:19:32)

Meeting ended at 18:24:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
  2. jflory7 to publish the blog post as per ticket #97
  3. rhea - Post on Reddit with information about Elections, links to interviews, etc...

Action items, by person

  1. commops
    1. commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
    1. jflory7 to publish the blog post as per ticket #97
    2. rhea - Post on Reddit with information about Elections, links to interviews, etc...

People present (lines said)

  1. Rhea (79)
  2. dhanesh95 (16)
  3. bt0 (12)
  4. bexelbie (10)
  5. zodbot (9)
  6. x3mboy (1)
  7. commops (0)

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